Overview of cytogenetic regions of interest (CROIs) associated with the autism phenotype across the human genome (original) (raw)

Molecular Psychiatry volume 11, page 1 (2006)Cite this article

At the left side of each chromosome, linkage findings (LOD>2.0) are indicated by blue two-dotted lines and significant association findings (P<0.05) by red one-dotted lines. At the right side, the CROIs are represented by colored bars. Bars with the same color next to each other indicate the same CROI reported in more than one case report, thicker bars represent more than two cases in the same case report. Red boxes indicate potential novel regions where more than four case reports overlap at the same locus, without previous linkage and/or association findings. Detailed information on the boundaries of the CROIs, as well as a systematic rating of the phenotype quality, is provided in a supplementary table online. For more information on this topic, please see the article by Vorstman et al on pp 18–28.

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Author notes

  1. J A S Vorstman and W G Staal: These authors contributed equally to this work

Authors and Affiliations

  1. Department of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands
    J A S Vorstman, W G Staal, E van Daalen & H van Engeland
  2. Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neurosciences, Utrecht, The Netherlands
    J A S Vorstman, W G Staal, E van Daalen & H van Engeland
  3. Department of Biomedical Genetics, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands
    P F R Hochstenbach
  4. DBG-Department of Medical Genetics, Complex Genetics Section, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands
    L Franke


  1. J A S Vorstman
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  2. W G Staal
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  3. P F R Hochstenbach
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  4. L Franke
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  5. E van Daalen
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  6. H van Engeland
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Vorstman, J., Staal, W., Hochstenbach, P. et al. Overview of cytogenetic regions of interest (CROIs) associated with the autism phenotype across the human genome.Mol Psychiatry 11, 1 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.mp.4001781

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