Distribution of Experimentally Induced Scrapie Lesions in the Brain (original) (raw)

Nature volume 216, pages 1310–1311 (1967)Cite this article


LESIONS of scrapie are confined to the central nervous system. Differences in the distribution of these lesions have been described for the two strains of scrapie agent used in goats1 and for the lesions which arise as a result of injecting mice with boiled and unboiled material2. We have also collected unpublished data showing wide variation in the distribution of lesions which result from using different strains of the agent in mice or by inoculating, different genotypes of mice with the same agent.

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  1. ARC Animal Breeding Research Organization, Edinburgh


  1. H. FRASER
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FRASER, H., DICKINSON, A. Distribution of Experimentally Induced Scrapie Lesions in the Brain.Nature 216, 1310–1311 (1967). https://doi.org/10.1038/2161310a0

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