Interleukin-1 regulates synthesis of nerve growth factor in non-neuronal cells of rat sciatic nerve (original) (raw)

Nature volume 330, pages 658–659 (1987)Cite this article


The Schwann cells and fibroblast-like cells of the intact sciatic nerve of adult rats synthesize very little nerve growth factor (NGF) (ref. 1). After lesion, however, there is a dramatic increase in the amounts of both NGF-mRNA and NGF protein synthesized by the sciatic non-neuronal cells1,2. This local increase in NGF synthesis partially replaces the interrupted NGF supply from the periphery to the NGF-responsive sensory and sympathetic neurons, whose axons run within the sciatic nerve1. Macrophages, known to invade the site of nerve lesion during wallerian degeneration3,4, are important in the regulation of NGF synthesis5. Here we demonstrate that the effect of macrophages on NGF-mRNA levels in cultured explants of sciatic nerve can be mimicked by conditioned media of activated macrophages, and that interleukin-1 is the responsible agent.

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  1. Department of Neurochemistry, Max-Planck-Institute for Psychiatry, D-8033, Planegg-Martinsried, FRG
    Dan Lindholm, Rolf Heumann, Michael Meyer & Hans Thoenen


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  4. Hans Thoenen
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Lindholm, D., Heumann, R., Meyer, M. et al. Interleukin-1 regulates synthesis of nerve growth factor in non-neuronal cells of rat sciatic nerve .Nature 330, 658–659 (1987).

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