Skewed maturation of memory HIV-specific CD8 T lymphocytes (original) (raw)
- Letter
- Published: 01 March 2001
- Graham S. Ogg4 na1,
- Abigail S. King4,
- Christian Knabenhans1,
- Kim Ellefsen1,
- Massimo Nobile1,
- Victor Appay4,
- G. Paolo Rizzardi1,
- Sylvain Fleury1,
- Martin Lipp5,
- Reinhold Förster5,
- Sarah Rowland-Jones4,
- Rafick-P. Sékaly2,3,6,7,
- Andrew J. McMichael4 &
- …
- Giuseppe Pantaleo1
Nature volume 410, pages 106–111 (2001)Cite this article
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Understanding the lineage differentiation of memory T cells is a central question in immunology. We investigated this issue by analysing the expression of the chemokine receptor CCR7, which defines distinct subsets of naive and memory T lymphocytes with different homing and effector capacities1,2,3 and antiviral immune responses to HIV and cytomegalovirus. Ex vivo analysis of the expression of CD45RA and CCR7 antigens, together with in vitro analysis of the cell-division capacity of different memory CD8+ T-cell populations, identified four subsets of HIV- and CMV-specific CD8+ T lymphocytes, and indicated the following lineage differentiation pattern: CD45RA+CCR7+ → CD45RA-CCR7+ → CD45RACD45RA-CCR7- → CD45RA+CCR7-. Here we demonstrate through analysis of cell division (predominantly restricted to the CCR7+CD8+ T-cell subsets) that the differentiation of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells is a two-step process characterized initially by a phase of proliferation largely restricted to the CCR7+CD8+ cell subsets, followed by a phase of functional maturation encompassing the CCR7-CD8+ cell subsets. The distribution of these populations in HIV- and CMV-specific CD8+ T cells showed that the HIV-specific cell pool was predominantly (70%) composed of pre-terminally differentiated CD45RA-CCR7- cells, whereas the CMV-specific cell pool consisted mainly (50%) of the terminally differentiated CD45RA+CCR7- cells. These results demonstrate a skewed maturation of HIV-specific memory CD8+ T cells during HIV infection.
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We thank A. Wilson for providing the Extravidin-Cy5 conjugate. This work was supported by an SNF grant (Tandem project), by the EuroVae project (G.P.) and by the Leenards Foundation (G.P.), and by an NIH grant (Acute Infection, G.P.; R.P.S.). P.C. is supported by a Doctoral Award of the Medical Research Council of Canada. R.P.S. is a Canadian Institutes of Health Research senior scientist.
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Author notes
- Patrick Champagne and Graham S. Ogg: These authors contributed equally to this work
Authors and Affiliations
- Divisions of Immunology and Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Laboratory of AIDS Immunopathogenesis, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, 1011, Switzerland
Patrick Champagne, Christian Knabenhans, Kim Ellefsen, Massimo Nobile, G. Paolo Rizzardi, Sylvain Fleury & Giuseppe Pantaleo - Laboratoire d’Immunologie, Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal, H2W 1T8
Patrick Champagne & Rafick-P. Sékaly - Department of Medicine, Division of Experimental Medicine, McGill University, Montréal, H3A 2T5, Canada
Patrick Champagne & Rafick-P. Sékaly - MRC Human Immunology Unit, Institute for Molecular Medicine, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, OX3 9DS, UK
Graham S. Ogg, Abigail S. King, Victor Appay, Sarah Rowland-Jones & Andrew J. McMichael - Molecular Tumor genetics and Immunogenetics, Max-Delrbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, 13092, Germany
Martin Lipp & Reinhold Förster - Department of Microbiology and Immunology, McGill University, Montréal, H3A 2T5
Rafick-P. Sékaly - Département de Microbiologie et Immunologie, Université de Montréal, Montréal, H2W 1T8, Canada
Rafick-P. Sékaly
- Patrick Champagne
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Champagne, P., Ogg, G., King, A. et al. Skewed maturation of memory HIV-specific CD8 T lymphocytes.Nature 410, 106–111 (2001).
- Received: 20 September 2000
- Accepted: 16 January 2001
- Issue Date: 01 March 2001
- DOI: