Four ATP-binding sites in the midregion of the β heavy chain of dynein (original) (raw)

Nature volume 352, pages 643–645 (1991)Cite this article


THE 'motor' proteins of eukaryotic cells contain specialized domains that hydrolyse ATP to produce force and movement along a cytoskeletal polymer (actin in the case of the myosin family; microtubules in the case of the kinesin family and dyneins). There are motor-protein superfamilies in which each member has a conserved force-generating domain joined to a different 'tail' which conveys specific attachment properties (see ref. 1 for a review). The minus-end-directed microtubule motors, the dyneins2, may also constitute a superfamily of force-generating proteins with distinct attachment domains3. Axonemal outer-arm dynein from sea urchin spermatozoa is a multimeric protein consisting of two heavy chains (α and β) with ATPase activity, three intermediate chains and several light chains4. Here I report the sequence of cloned complementary DNA encoding the β heavy chain of a dynein motor molecule. The predicted amino-acid sequence reveals four ATP-binding consensus sequences in the central domain. The dynein β heavy chain is thought to associate transiently with a microtubule during ATP hydrolysis5, but the ATP-dependent microtubule-binding sequence common to the kinesin superfamily is not found in the dynein β heavy chain. These unique features distinguish the dynein β heavy chain from other motor protein superfamilies and may be characteristic of the dynein superfamily.

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  1. Department of Cell Biology, National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki, 444, Japan
    Kazuo Ogawa


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Ogawa, K. Four ATP-binding sites in the midregion of the β heavy chain of dynein.Nature 352, 643–645 (1991).

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