Germline BRCA2 mutations in men with breast cancer (original) (raw)


Breast cancer in men is rare and is clearly due in some cases to an inherited predisposition. A total of 28 male breast cancer patients were tested for BRCA2 mutations; two frameshifts and one putative missense mutation were identified. One of the frameshifts was detected in the same position as a mutation estimated to be responsible for 40% of all male breast cancer cases in Iceland.

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  1. Imperial Cancer Research Fund, Genetic Epidemiology, St James's Hospital, Leeds, UK
    E Mavraki


  1. E Mavraki
  2. IC Gray
  3. DT Bishop
  4. NK Spurr

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Mavraki, E., Gray, I., Bishop, D. et al. Germline BRCA2 mutations in men with breast cancer.Br J Cancer 76, 1428–1431 (1997).

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