Cross-reactivity between Candida albicans and human ovarian carcinoma as revealed by monoclonal antibodies PA10F and C6 (original) (raw)

British Journal of Cancer volume 77, pages 1015–1020 (1998)Cite this article


Antibodies against Candida albicans antigenic determinants have been reported to cross-react with human tumour cells. We have found that two monoclonal antibodies, C6 and PA1OF, developed at our laboratory against C. albicans antigenic determinants, cross-react with human ovarian cancer on Western blots and immunohistochemistry. We have subsequently used one of them, PA10OF, to test by means of immunohistochemistry a series of 37 human ovarian carcinomas. Out of 37 tumours, 25 (67.6%) expressed the antigen recognized by PA1OF. The reactivity, however, was concentrated on the subgroup of particularly aggressive, invasive carcinomas in advanced stages of the disease (19 out of 24 positive), whereas the antigen was expressed significantly less (P=0.0007) in the subgroup of much less aggressive stage I tumours of low malignant potential, also called borderline carcinomas (2 out of 13 positive). This cross-reactivity between C. albicans and ovarian carcinoma seems to be attributable to a common antigenic determinant related to tumour aggressiveness.

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  1. Departmento de Especialidades Médico-Quirúrgicas, Facultad de Medicina y Odontología, Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, Vizcaya, Spain
    J Schneider


  1. J Schneider
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  2. D Moragues
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  3. N Martínez
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  4. H Romero
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  5. E Jimenez
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Schneider, J., Moragues, D., Martínez, N. et al. Cross-reactivity between Candida albicans and human ovarian carcinoma as revealed by monoclonal antibodies PA10F and C6.Br J Cancer 77, 1015–1020 (1998).

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