Rare genetic variation at Zea mays crtRB1 increases β-carotene in maize grain (original) (raw)

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We thank K. Pixley and J. Chandler for seed and field experiment coordination and W. White, P. Bermudez, S. Islam, C. Paul, W. Liu, S. Xu and Y. Zhou for carotenoid HPLC profiling. Helpful comments on the manuscript from J. Wilkinson and J. Yu are appreciated. This research was supported by the US Agency for International Development (T.R.), HarvestPlus (T.R., D.D.P., J.Y., J.L., M.L.W.), National Science Foundation (NSF) DBI-0321467, DBI-0820619 (E.S.B.), NSF DBI-0604923 (T.R.), USDA-ARS (E.S.B.), NSF DBI-0501713 (T.B.), TRIAD Foundation (T.B.), China NSF-30821140352 (J.L., J.Y.), China Scholarship Fund (Y.F.) and JBT Fellowship-UIUC (C.B.K.).

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Author notes

  1. Jianbing Yan and Catherine Bermudez Kandianis: These authors contributed equally to this work.

Authors and Affiliations

  1. International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Texcoco, Mexico
    Jianbing Yan, Maria Zaharieva, Raman Babu, Natalia Palacios & Marilyn L Warburton
  2. National Maize Improvement Center of China, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China
    Jianbing Yan, Xiaohong Yang, Zhiyuan Fu, Qing Li, Yang Fu & Jiansheng Li
  3. Institute for Genomic Diversity, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA
    Jianbing Yan, Carlos E Harjes, Sharon Mitchell, Maria G Salas Fernandez & Edward S Buckler
  4. Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA
    Catherine Bermudez Kandianis, Debra J Skinner, Yang Fu & Torbert Rocheford
  5. Department of Agronomy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
    Catherine Bermudez Kandianis, Debra J Skinner, Yang Fu & Torbert Rocheford
  6. Boyce Thompson Institute, Ithaca, New York, USA
    Ling Bai & Thomas Brutnell
  7. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA
    Eun-Ha Kim & Dean DellaPenna
  8. Agronomy Department, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA
    Maria G Salas Fernandez
  9. United States Department of Agriculture–Agricultural Research Service: Plant, Soil and Nutrition Research Unit, Ithaca, New York, USA
    Edward S Buckler
  10. Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA
    Edward S Buckler
  11. United States Department of Agriculture–Agricultural Research Service: Corn Host Plant Resistance Research Unit, Starkville, Mississippi, USA
    Marilyn L Warburton
  12. Monsanto, Leesburg, Georgia, USA
    Carlos E Harjes


  1. Jianbing Yan
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  2. Catherine Bermudez Kandianis
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  3. Carlos E Harjes
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  4. Ling Bai
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  5. Eun-Ha Kim
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  6. Xiaohong Yang
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  7. Debra J Skinner
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  8. Zhiyuan Fu
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  9. Sharon Mitchell
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  10. Qing Li
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  11. Maria G Salas Fernandez
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  12. Maria Zaharieva
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  13. Raman Babu
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  14. Yang Fu
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  15. Natalia Palacios
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  16. Jiansheng Li
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  17. Dean DellaPenna
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  18. Thomas Brutnell
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  19. Edward S Buckler
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  20. Marilyn L Warburton
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  21. Torbert Rocheford
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C.E.H. and J.Y. identified the gene. X.Y., Z.F., Y.F., R.B., C.B.K., J.Y., M.G.S.F., M.Z. and S.M. carried out the sequencing and genotyping. L.B., E.-H.K. and X.Y. carried out the transcript expression and biochemical assays. J.Y. and D.J.S. developed the crtRB1 molecular markers. R.B. and J.Y. supervised the field testing. C.B.K., Z.F., Q.L. and N.P. carried out the carotenoid profiling. C.B.K. and X.Y. completed the genetic mapping and QTL analyses. J.Y. and C.B.K. carried out the association and genetic analyses. The study was designed and supervised by J.Y., J.L., D.D.P., T.B., E.S.B., M.L.W. and T.R. The manuscript was prepared by J.Y., C.B.K., D.J.S., M.L.W. and T.R. and was edited by D.D.P., T.B. and E.S.B.

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Correspondence toMarilyn L Warburton or Torbert Rocheford.

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Yan, J., Kandianis, C., Harjes, C. et al. Rare genetic variation at Zea mays crtRB1 increases β-carotene in maize grain.Nat Genet 42, 322–327 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1038/ng.551

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