A sequence variant at 4p16.3 confers susceptibility to urinary bladder cancer (original) (raw)


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We thank the individuals who participated in the study and whose contribution made this work possible. We also thank the nurses at deCODE's recruitment center and the personnel at the deCODE core facilities. We acknowledge the Icelandic Cancer Registry for assistance in the ascertainment of the Icelandic UBC cases. C.Z. and S.B. are funded by a FP7-MC-IAPP Grant agreement no. 218071 (CancerGene). Collection of samples and data in Iceland and The Netherlands was funded in part by the European Commission (POLYGENE: LSHC-CT-2005) and a research investment grant of the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre. Control samples for the Dutch follow-up group were genotyped with generous support from the 'Prinses Beatrix Fonds', VSB Fonds, H. Kersten and M. Kersten (Kersten Foundation), The Netherlands ALS Foundation, J.R. van Dijk and the Adessium foundation. The controls from the Dutch Schizophrenia GWA study were genotyped with the support of the US National Institute of Mental Health (R.A.O.). The Leeds Bladder Cancer Study was funded by Cancer Research UK and Yorkshire Cancer Research. The Torino Bladder Cancer Case Control Study was supported by a grant to ECNIS (Environmental Cancer Risk, Nutrition and Individual Susceptibility), a network of excellence operating within the European Union Sixth Framework Program, Priority 5: 'Food Quality and Safety' (Contract No. 513943), and by grants of the Compagnia di San Paolo, of the Italian Association for Cancer Research and of the Piedmont Region Progetti de Ricerca Sanitaria Finalizzata, Italy. The Belgian case-control study on bladder cancer risk was supported by a grant of the Flemish government, the government of the Belgian province of Limburg and the Limburg Cancer Fund.

Author information

Author notes

  1. Lambertus A Kiemeney and Patrick Sulem: These authors contributed equally to this work.

Authors and Affiliations

  1. Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Health Technology Assessment, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
    Lambertus A Kiemeney, Sita H Vermeulen, Anne J Grotenhuis & Katja K H Aben
  2. Department of Urology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
    Lambertus A Kiemeney, J Alfred Witjes & Gerald W Verhaegh
  3. Comprehensive Cancer Center East, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
    Lambertus A Kiemeney & Katja K H Aben
  4. deCODE Genetics, Reykjavik, Iceland
    Patrick Sulem, Soren Besenbacher, Asgeir Sigurdsson, Gudmar Thorleifsson, Daniel F Gudbjartsson, Simon N Stacey, Julius Gudmundsson, Carlo Zanon, Jelena Kostic, Gisli Masson, Hjordis Bjarnason, Stefan T Palsson, Oskar B Skarphedinsson, Sigurjon A Gudjonsson, Kristleifur Kristjansson, Augustine Kong, Thorgeir Thorgeirsson, Unnur Thorsteinsdottir, Thorunn Rafnar & Kari Stefansson
  5. Section of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine, St. James's University Hospital, Leeds, UK
    D Timothy Bishop, Faye Elliott & Jennifer H Barrett
  6. Section of Experimental Oncology, Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine, St. James's University Hospital, Leeds, UK
    Sei Chung Sak, Carolyn D Hurst & Margaret A Knowles
  7. Christie Hospital National Health Service Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK
    Ananya Choudhury
  8. Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
    Petra J de Verdier & Charlotta Ryk
  9. National Institute of Environmental Health, Budapest, Hungary
    Peter Rudnai
  10. Environmental Health Centre, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
    Eugene Gurzau
  11. State Health Institute, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
    Kvetoslava Koppova
  12. Institute for Scientific Interchange (ISI) Foundation, Torino, Italy
    Paolo Vineis, Silvia Polidoro, Simonetta Guarrera & Giuseppe Matullo
  13. Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Imperial College, London, UK
    Paolo Vineis
  14. Department of Genetics, Biology and Biochemistry, University of Torino, Torino, Italy
    Silvia Polidoro, Simonetta Guarrera & Giuseppe Matullo
  15. Unit of Cancer Epidemiology, University of Torino, Torino, Italy
    Carlotta Sacerdote
  16. Centre for Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention (CPO Piemonte), Torino, Italy
    Carlotta Sacerdote
  17. Department of Experimental and Applied Medicine, Section of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy
    Marcello Campagna, Donatella Placidi, Cecilia Arici & Stefano Porru
  18. Department of Public Health and Epidemiology, Unit of Genetic Epidemiology, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
    Maurice P Zeegers
  19. Department of Complex Genetics, Cluster of Genetics and Cell Biology, Nutrition and Toxicology Research Institute, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands
    Maurice P Zeegers
  20. Leuven University Centre for Cancer Prevention (LUCK), Leuven, Belgium
    Eliane Kellen
  21. Department of Medicine, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
    Berta Saez Gutierrez
  22. Division of Urology, San Jorge Hospital, Huesca, Spain
    José I Sanz-Velez
  23. Division of Urology, Hospital Clinico, Zaragoza, Spain
    Manuel Sanchez-Zalabardo
  24. Department of Urology, University of Zaragoza School of Medicine, Zaragoza, Spain
    Gabriel Valdivia
  25. Division of Surgical Pathology, San Jorge Hospital, Huesca, Spain
    Maria D Garcia-Prats
  26. Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors, Dortmund, Germany
    Jan G Hengstler, Meinolf Blaszkewicz & Klaus Golka
  27. Department of Urology, Paul Gerhardt Foundation, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany
    Holger Dietrich
  28. Department of Medical Genetics, Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
    Roel A Ophoff
  29. University of California Los Angeles Center for Neurobehavioral Genetics, Los Angeles, USA
    Roel A Ophoff
  30. Department of Neurology, Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
    Leonard H van den Berg & Michael A van Es
  31. Department of Medical Oncology, Landspitali–University Hospital, Reykjavik, Iceland
    Kristin Alexiusdottir
  32. Department of Urology, Landspitali–University Hospital, Reykjavik, Iceland
    Gudmundur Geirsson & Eirikur Jonsson
  33. Department of Pathology, Landspitali–University Hospital, Reykjavik, Iceland
    Sigfus Nikulasson & Vigdis Petursdottir
  34. Department of Urology, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Zonguldak, Turkey
    N Aydin Mungan
  35. Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
    Annika Lindblom
  36. Department of General Practice, Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
    Frank Buntinx
  37. Department of General Practice, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands
    Frank Buntinx
  38. Division of Medical Oncology, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
    José I Mayordomo
  39. Division of Molecular Genetic Epidemiology, German Cancer Research Centre, Heidelberg, Germany
    Rajiv Kumar
  40. Department of Oncology and Pathology, Section of Clinical Cancer Epidemiology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
    Gunnar Steineck
  41. Division of Clinical Cancer Epidemiology, Department of Oncology, Institute of Clinical Sciences, The Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg, Sweden
    Gunnar Steineck
  42. Gray Institute for Radiation Oncology and Biology, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
    Anne E Kiltie
  43. Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland
    Unnur Thorsteinsdottir & Kari Stefansson


  1. Lambertus A Kiemeney
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The study was designed and results were interpreted by L.A.K., P.S., U.T., M.A.K., T.R. and K.S. Statistical analysis was carried out by L.A.K., P.S., S.B., G.T., D.F.G., G. Masson and A.K. Subject ascertainment, recruitment, biological material collection and collection of clinical and lifestyle information was organized and carried out by S.H.V., J.A.W., A.J.G., G.W.V., D.T.B., S.C.S., A.C., F.E., J.H.B., C.D.H., P.J.d.V., C.R., P.R., E.G., K. Koppova, P.V., S. Polidoro, S.G., C.S., M.C., D.P., C.A., M.P.Z., E.K., B.S.G., J.I.S.-V., M.S.-Z., G.V., M.D.G.-P., J.G.H., M.B., H.D., R.A.O., L.H.v.d.B., K.A., K. Kristjansson, G.G., S.N., V.P., N.A.M., A.L., M.A.v.E., S. Porru, F.B., K.G., J.I.M., R.K., G. Matullo, G.S., A.E.K., K.K.H.A., T.T., E.J. and M.A.K. Principal investigators for the UBC follow-up populations were A.E.K. (UK), G. Matullo and P.V. (Torino), S. Porru (Brescia), M.P.Z. and F.B. (Belgium), R.K. (Eastern Europe), J.I.M. (Spain), G.S. (Sweden), K.G. (Germany) and L.A.K. (The Netherlands, group 2). Genotyping and laboratory experiments were carried out by A.S., S.N.S., J.G., J.K., H.B., S.T.P., O.B.S. and C.D.H. Bioinformatics analysis was carried out by P.S., A.S., G.T., C.Z. and S.A.G. L.A.K., P.S., U.T., M.A.K., T.R. and K.S. drafted the manuscript. All authors contributed to the final version of the paper.

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Correspondence toLambertus A Kiemeney or Kari Stefansson.

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The authors from deCODE genetics are shareholders in deCODE Genetics Inc.

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Kiemeney, L., Sulem, P., Besenbacher, S. et al. A sequence variant at 4p16.3 confers susceptibility to urinary bladder cancer.Nat Genet 42, 415–419 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1038/ng.558

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