Gender differences in plasma leptin concentrations (original) (raw)

Nature Medicine volume 2, pages 949–950 (1996)Cite this article

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  1. Departments of Nutrition and Internal Medicine, University of California - Davis, Davis, California, 95616, USA
    Peter J. Havel, Sidaka Kasim-karakas, Gloria R. Dubuc, Wendy Muller & Stephen D. Phinney


  1. Peter J. Havel
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  2. Sidaka Kasim-karakas
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  3. Gloria R. Dubuc
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  4. Wendy Muller
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  5. Stephen D. Phinney
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Havel, P., Kasim-karakas, S., Dubuc, G. et al. Gender differences in plasma leptin concentrations.Nat Med 2, 949–950 (1996).

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