Fusion–fission hybrids revisited (original) (raw)

Nature Physics volume 5, pages 370–372 (2009)Cite this article

With the increasingly urgent need to find solutions to the impending energy crisis, there is growing interest within the fusion community in revisiting the concept of the fusion–fission hybrid reactor. But how soon could such reactors be realized, and could they meet the challenges of the coming century?

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Figure 1: The most common hybrid design consists of a fusion reactor core surrounded by a blanket of fissile material such as uranium or thorium.


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  1. Jeffrey P. Freidberg and Andrew C. Kadak are in the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139-4307, USA,
    Jeffrey P. Freidberg & Andrew C. Kadak


  1. Jeffrey P. Freidberg
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  2. Andrew C. Kadak
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Freidberg, J., Kadak, A. Fusion–fission hybrids revisited.Nature Phys 5, 370–372 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1038/nphys1288

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