Theoretical light curves for deflagration models of type Ia supernova (original) (raw)
A&A 453, 229-240 (2006)
1,2, F. K. Röpke1,3, E. I. Sorokina1,4, M. Gieseler1, M. Reinecke1, C. Travaglio5, W. Hillebrandt1 and M. Stritzinger6,1
1 Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1, 85741 Garching, Germany e-mail: [seb;fritz;elena;mccg;martin;wfh;stritzin]
2 ITEP, 117218 Moscow, Russia e-mail:
3 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA
4 Sternberg Astronomical Institute, 119992 Moscow, Russia e-mail:
5 INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino, Strada dell'Osservatorio 20, 10025 Pino Torinese, Torino, Italy e-mail:
6 Dark Cosmology Centre, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Juliane Maries Vej 30, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
Received: 26 November 2005
Accepted: 29 January 2006
_Aims._We present synthetic bolometric and broad-band _UBVRI_light curves of SNe Ia for four selected 3D deflagration models of thermonuclear supernovae.
_Methods._The light curves are computed with the 1D hydro code stella, which models (multi-group time-dependent) non-equilibrium radiative transfer inside SN ejecta. Angle-averaged results from 3D hydrodynamical explosion simulations with the composition determined in a nucleosynthetic postprocessing step served as the input to the radiative transfer model.
_Results._The predicted model light curves do agree reasonably well with the observed ones for SNe Ia in the range of low to normal luminosities, although the underlying hydrodynamical explosion models produced only a modest amount of radioactive Ni(i.e. ~0.24–0.42 ) and relatively low kinetic energy in the explosion (less than erg). The evolution of predicted B and V fluxes in the model with a Nimass of 0.42 follows the observed decline rate after the maximum very well, although the behavior of fluxes in other filters deviates somewhat from observations, and the bolometric decline rate is a bit slow. The material velocity at the photospheric level is on the order of 104 km s-1 for all models. Using our models, we check the validity of Arnett's rule, relating the peak luminosity to the power of the deposited radioactive heating, and we also check the accuracy of the procedure for extracting the Nimass from the observed light curves.
_Conclusions._We find that the comparison between theoretical light curves and observations provides a useful tool to validate SN Ia models. The steps necessary for improving the agreement between theory and observations are set out.
Key words: stars: supernovae: general / hydrodynamics / radiative transfer / methods: numerical
© ESO, 2006