Collision-induced absorption coefficients of H2 pairs at temperatures from 60 K to 1000 K (original) (raw)

A&A 390, 779-782 (2002)

Niels Bohr Institute for Astrophysics, Physics and Geophysics, University Observatory, Juliane Maries vej 30, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark

Corresponding author:

Received: 28 January 2002
Accepted: 8 April 2002


New collision-induced absorption data of H2 pairs at temperatures between 400 K and 1000 K are presented here for the first time. They are based on a careful interpolation and extension of the existing `low' temperature data, which were suited for use in planetary atmospheric modelling. The new data are aimed to help in modelling the coolest halo white dwarfs, the coolest M dwarfs, the L- and T- type dwarf stars, as well as brown dwarfs and “hot jupiters”. In addition, for the convenience of the future users, the already existing low temperature (60 K to 400 K) data are provided, in a consistent and user friendly tabular form. The data above 1000 K, which already existed, form a continuous sequence with the new data presented here. The total data set from 60 K to 7000 K and frequencies from 0 cm-1 to _≤_17 000 cm-1 (computed for every 10 cm-1) is now located at\~aborysow/programs.

Key words: molecular data / astronomical data basess / stars: atmospheres / stars: low-mass, brown dwarfs / infrared: stars

© ESO, 2002

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