Observations of circumstellar gas shells around Betelgeuse and Antares. (original) (raw)
Results are presented on the direct observations of the circumstellar shell around alpha-Ori, along with new observations of the Ca II infrared triplet lines which provide lower limits for the Ca(+) shell radii for alpha-Ori and alpha-Sco (Antares). The 8542-A line in alpha-Ori does not show a circumstellar absorption core, and the shell radius limit is estimated to be at least 31 times stellar radius. A 108-mA circumstellar core is observed in the 8542-A line in Antares for which a shell radius equal to 4.0 times stellar radius is suggested. The discovery of circumstellar emission through resonance line scattering will provide valuable additional information on the physical conditions in the shell.
The Astrophysical Journal
Pub Date:
November 1975
- Line Spectra;
- M Stars;
- Stellar Atmospheres;
- Stellar Spectra;
- Supergiant Stars;
- Absorption Spectra;
- Electrophotometers;
- Emission Spectra;
- Radiative Transfer;
- Resonance Scattering;
- Astrophysics