The Use of Spatial Analysis in the Control and Risk Assessment of Vector-Borne Diseases (original) (raw)

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Dana A. Focks, Richard J. Brenner, Dace D. Chadee, James H. Trosper, The Use of Spatial Analysis in the Control and Risk Assessment of Vector-Borne Diseases, American Entomologist, Volume 45, Issue 3, Fall 1999, Pages 173–183,

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Two case studies, one from Hawaii involving pest populations of mosquitoes and one from Trinidad looking at dengue, are presented to demonstrate the usefulness of spatial statistics in the study and control of vector-borne disease; we focus on monitoring methodologies, risk assessment, and mitigation. In Hawaii, the spatial distribution of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) oviposition within a small military facility located on a forest preserve indicated that the source of adult, biting mosquitoes was the untreatable sylvan areas surrounding the base where breeding occurred. A simple spatial analysis of oviposition during weeks with and without insecticide aerosol applications indicated that treatments were ineffective. From these analyses we concluded that if source reduction was not a viable alternative, then, without a tangible threat of A. albopictus -borne illness, no insecticide control measures should be attempted on the base; alternatively, the spatial analysis would be beneficial in directing the extent of a source reduction (e.g., deforestation) effort designed to eliminate migration into the base. In the Trinidad study, spatial visualization demonstrated dramatically that the traditional Stegomyia indices no longer should be considered viable surrogates of dengue transmission risk because they did not correlate spatially within themselves nor with the absolute densities of the vector Aedes aegypti (L.). Concerning risk assessment, spatial visualization of the number of pupae per person indicated that the threat of dengue was not distributed uniformly throughout the island. Regarding mitigation, spatial analysis of site differences in the types, frequencies, and productivities of water-holding domestic and trash containers indicated that targeted source reduction programs would have outcomes that varied spatially, perhaps justifying tailoring control efforts on a site-by-site basis. These studies also demonstrated the utility of combining spatial analysis with computer models in vector-borne disease systems. Finally, this report presents initial estimates of dengue transmission thresholds in terms of pupae per person as a function of herd immunity in the human population for the average annual ambient air temperature in Trinidad.

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© 1999 Entomological Society of America





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