Automated reduction of sub-millimetre single-dish heterodyne data from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope using orac-dr (original) (raw)


With the advent of modern multidetector heterodyne instruments that can result in observations generating thousands of spectra per minute it is no longer feasible to reduce these data as individual spectra. We describe the automated data reduction procedure used to generate baselined data cubes from heterodyne data obtained at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). The system can automatically detect baseline regions in spectra and automatically determine regridding parameters, all without input from a user. Additionally, it can detect and remove spectra suffering from transient interference effects or anomalous baselines. The pipeline is written as a set of recipes using the ORAC-DR pipeline environment with the algorithmic code using Starlink software packages and infrastructure. The algorithms presented here can be applied to other heterodyne array instruments and have been applied to data from historical JCMT heterodyne instrumentation.


As heterodyne receivers have progressed from single-detector instruments (Padman et al. 1992; Davies et al. 1992; Cunningham et al. 1992) to small focal-plane arrays (Graf et al. 2003; Schuster et al. 2004) to 16-element arrays such as HARP at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT; Buckle et al. 2009), and beyond (Kloosterman et al. 2012; Hurtado et al. 2014), and correlators have improved such that we can easily obtain spectra at 10 Hz with 8192 channels, data rates have increased substantially such that it is now common place to take a short observation resulting in thousands of spectra. This is only going to become more challenging with the advent of instruments with 64 000 channels and dual-waveband arrays each of which consist of 128 detectors, such as the CHAI instrument proposed for CCAT (Jenness et al. 2014) or KAPPa successors (Wheeler et al. 2014).

The work described in this paper follows the installation of the Auto-Correlation Spectral Imaging System (ACSIS) digital autocorrelation spectrometer at the JCMT (Buckle et al. 2009). ACSIS was developed to provide a state-of-the-art spectroscopic backend for the then forthcoming 16-element SIS mixer-based HARP focal-plane array (Smith et al. 2003). As well as having the capability to deal with 16 receptors at once, the ACSIS correlator was designed to be capable of delivering new wideband (up to 2 GHz) and high-resolution (down to 30 kHz) observing modes. The ACSIS spectrometer was initially commissioned with the existing single mixer instruments at the JCMT operating at 230, 350, 470 and 690 GHz. While this work was being carried out, the Telescope Control Systems and Real Time Sequencer control systems (Rees et al. 2002) for the JCMT were rewritten in preparation for HARP/ACSIS and SCUBA-2 (Holland et al. 2013) receivers. ACSIS, together with the improvements in telescope software infrastructure, offered many observing advantages over the previous single receptor-capable spectrometer, the Dutch Autocorrelation Spectrometer (DAS; Bos 1986). Importantly, these included support for a much wider variety of telescope observing modes, which could be processed by the reconfigurable real-time online data reduction system (Lightfoot et al. 2000). The HARP/ACSIS science goals involved mapping the intensity and characterizing the dynamics of cold molecular species in the ISM (such as CO and HCN), as part of a programme of large-scale JCMT Legacy Surveys (Chrysostomou 2010). These legacy surveys involved wide area mapping of both molecular components (using HARP/ACSIS) and dust components using SCUBA-2 both within the Galaxy (Ward-Thompson et al. 2007) and for external galaxies (Wilson et al. 2009).

In sub-millimetre astronomy, data reduction packages such as class1 (Pety 2005, ascl:1305.010) and specx (Padman 1993, 1990, ascl:1310.008) were developed that worked well with single-detector instruments. Scripting interfaces and tools for curating collections of spectra were insufficient as the data rates increased and data pipelines (e.g. Whyborn 1995) and algorithms that work on the full data set (e.g. Maddalena 2002) were suggested. The ACSIS online data reduction system (Lightfoot et al. 2000; Hovey et al. 2000), delivered to the JCMT in 2005, aimed to deal with the data-rate issues by providing a real-time pipeline that co-added the calibrated spectra, with optional baselining, into a data cube with two spatial axes and one spectral axis. This strategy was forced on us given the computer resources available when ACSIS was being designed and developed and was known to have risks associated with it. Co-adding spectra into the cube allowed for impressive ‘data compression’ for stare and jiggle observing modes, which repeatedly observe a fixed set of positions, but the gains were less in scanning observing modes. The gridded, baselined and co-added data cube was the product that was archived and taken away by the astronomer for further analysis, although it was also possible to store the raw data in CASA (ascl:1107.013) measurement sets (Petry & CASA Development Team 2012).2

There are obvious downsides associated with this approach. The observing system required that the cube parameters be specified and pre-selected by the observer in the Observing Tool (Folger et al. 2002). It was also necessary that the observer specifies the baseline regions and any frequency binning required. Since such a process as a whole is irreversible, on a fundamental level it is not well adapted to astronomical research where observations are not well characterized and pre-set values may turn out to be a poor choice. It is also not compatible with modern approaches to flexible scheduling (Economou et al. 2002) where the astronomer planning the observations is not doing the observing. Consequently, when it became clear in 2006 that computers were fast enough and disc capacity large enough to be able to store the observed spectra without the need of real-time regridding and co-adding, this further data reduction was migrated to a separate loosely coupled pipeline system and the calibrated spectra became the raw data written by the instrument and archived by the observatory.

A post-acquisition data reduction pipeline has clear advantages and is now implemented in some form at most modern observatories. Foremost, the process can be repeated both to correct for errors, but also, if necessary, to iteratively fine-tune the reduction to the characteristics of the individual observations. Although tunable, the scripts or recipes that drive the pipeline impose a standard of reduction that can include advanced techniques and sophisticated quality-assessment checks that would be hard for the average user to master. Furthermore, different incarnations of the pipeline can be deployed in different environments: a basic version to provide near-time feedback at the telescope during observing, a comprehensive version at the observer's home institution for the advanced reduction and a version at an archive centre that can process the result of a user query, possibly retrieving and combining observations from different projects.


The pipeline at the JCMT is implemented by writing heterodyne data reduction recipes for the ORAC-DR pipeline infrastructure (Jenness & Economou 2011; Jenness & Economou 2015, ascl:1310.001) that was already in use at the telescope with SCUBA (e.g. Jenness & Economou 1999). These recipes are written in Perl to simplify control flow but use Starlink applications (see e.g. Currie et al. 2014) for the per-pixel data processing. The main Starlink applications used for the heterodyne pipeline are smurf (Chapin et al. 2013a, ascl:1310.007) for instrument-specific algorithms, cupid (Berry et al. 2007, ascl:1311.007) for determining emission regions and kappa (Currie & Berry 2013, ascl:1403.022) for general-purpose data processing.

The first guiding principle for the overall design is for the pipeline to deliver sensible results based only on information in the data files themselves, without any further user input. This driver for minimizing user input leads to two key requirements for the pipeline: the parameters of the resultant data cube must be derived solely from the positions of the individual data samples, and the spectral baseline regions must be determined automatically by looking at all the spectra together. On a more advanced level, it requires for the pipeline to be able to detect and remove bad spectra as well as carrying out quality assurance (QA) tests (see Section 4.9). The latter are critical for the JCMT Legacy Survey projects (Ward-Thompson et al. 2007; Wilson et al. 2009; Plume et al. 2007) who want to ensure they receive data of consistent quality. QA tests not only need to enable the judgement of the data against absolute criteria, they also need to test the self-consistency of the overall data set being processed, which possibly attempts to combine observations taken under vastly different conditions and even different instrument configurations.

A second design principle for the pipeline is that its products retain the spatial and spectral resolution of the original data. The data reduction relies heavily on spatial and spectral smoothing of the data cubes to improve signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and isolate the three-dimensional nature of astronomical objects. Results from such an analysis are used to mask the original data, thus maintaining the original resolution. An example is baselining: the data cube is smoothed to a lower resolution, both spatially and spectrally, in order to autodetect emission-free baseline regions. The result is then used to mask the original unsmoothed data cube and perform the actual fit of the baselines.

A further design principle is for the pipeline to be iterative: the final results can be used to refine the reduction of the individual data sets for which the S/N may be much worse. These in turn are then used to rederive the results. Although the pipeline in principle can be configured with an arbitrary number of loops, in practice only a two-step process is needed. For scanning observations implementing this iterative process some of the results, such as baseline masks, are required to be re-expanded in the time domain. Further optimizations are optional in the second step. For example, while the baseline fit is linear during the first step, with secure baseline regions higher order fits can be used during the second step.

It is not possible to run a general heterodyne pipeline without any a priori user input at all. The reason for this is that at a fundamental level it is impossible to distinguish between, for example, a broad spectral line and a non-linear baseline feature, or a narrow emission feature and a spurious data spike extending over a few channels. For JCMT data, different pipeline recipes have been designed optimized towards, for example, the broad- and narrow-line case (see Section 4.10). The observer specifies the choice of pipeline reduction recipe in the Observing Tool when preparing the observations. The desired recipe is documented in the metadata of each data file. Recipes will be discussed in more detail below.

The JCMT heterodyne pipeline has two operating modes. The default behaviour is for the pipeline to generate the best possible data products without regard to efficiency. This is generally what is required by scientists at their institutions and the mode the pipeline is run in from within the JCMT Science Archive (JSA; Economou et al. 2015; Jenness et al. 2008). The other mode is a cut-down version of the recipes that runs at the JCMT itself during observing. This pipeline has constrained timing requirements and cannot perform many of the advanced processing features provided by the main pipeline. Its role is to provide simple QA information and basic co-adds to the observer and it will not be discussed further in this paper.

2.1 Observing modes

Single-dish heterodyne sub-millimetre observing involves making observations through an atmosphere which can have a significant, time-varying opacity which depends on the integrated precipitable water vapour above the observing site. In order to reduce the effects of this time-varying atmospheric emission, several heterodyne observing modes are typically used at the JCMT. Position switching involves moving the telescope to observe through the same patch of atmosphere next to the astronomical object. Beam switching involves chopping the movable secondary mirror of the JCMT at a rate faster than the typical time variation of the atmospheric emission (a few Hz). Finally, frequency switching involves rapidly returning the receiver's local oscillators to shift the position of the spectral lines in the intermediate-frequency (IF) passband. None of these methods are completely effective, especially in poorer weather conditions. Imperfect atmospheric removal can lead to residual unwanted baselines, which may have linear, polynomial or sinusoidal forms. In addition, the effects of standing waves, cable flexure and unwanted frequency-dependent phase slopes within the IF system itself can also lead to unwanted baseline features. These can be particularly problematic, in that they are often poorly described by simple linear or low-order polynomial fitting and they take the form of slowly varying sinusoids or rapidly varying ‘wiggles’ (see Section 4.7.2). Characterizing and, if possible, removing these baselines in a fashion which is as highly automated as possible is an important design requirement of any potential data reduction scheme.

Full details of the JCMT heterodyne observing modes can be found in Buckle et al. (2009), but we provide a summary here. The most-common observing mode is the scan mode used to map large area. In this mode, the telescope fills a rectangular area by scanning a boustrophedon pattern: first scanning in one direction, then moving up to the next row and then scanning in the reverse direction. The K-mirror rotates such that the array is angled relative to the scan, allowing a fully sampled patch of sky to be observed in a single pass. Subsequent observations can repeat the area with the scan direction perpendicular to the first to ensure that each position on the sky is measured by different detectors and to help minimize ‘print through’ of the scan pattern.

The jiggle mode is used for areas the same size as the HARP field of view. Here, the secondary mirror moves to fill in the gaps between the array elements while the telescope tracks the target position. While jiggling the secondary typically is fast and efficient, given that adjacent pixels in each area of the map tend to be measured by a single detector, this mode is non-optimal in the case where detector performance and stability significantly differ across the array. In such cases, high-quality maps require many repeats with, for example, the K-mirror at various angles and with the telescope moved to several offsets to ensure that different detectors contribute to each point in the map. For this reason, unless the source of interest is sufficiently compact compared with the field of view, for HARP it is usually better to do a small scan map for high-fidelity imaging.

2.2 Heterodyne data files

Spectra from HARP arrive asynchronously from data-acquisition paths that in parallel handle data from the individual detectors and long observations are split over several files. One of the basic first data reduction steps is thus collating and ordering of spectra into a time and detector sequence. A description of the heterodyne raw data file format used at the JCMT can be found in Appendix A.

For scanning observations, different detectors will observe almost the same sky position and will contribute to the same output pixel in the final gridded data cube. The data reduction will thus need to keep accurate track of the performance of each detector and the noise of each of the spectra individually. Moreover, since different detectors and varying channels may intermittently have problems, such as interference, flagging and noise-tracking may need to be propagated on a per-channel basis. Heterodyne data cubes at the JCMT for this reason have a variance array and flagging bits associated with each data point. While this roughly doubles the data volume, this is the only way to ensure correct error statistics and assignment of relative weights when data are combined.


Fig. 1 shows the key steps in the automatic pipeline reduction of heterodyne data at the JCMT. An initial phase checks individual observations and prepares them for co-adding and gridding into the group cube (see the upper left of the figure). This is followed by a group phase where baselines are removed and emission selected in the co-added cube. Next follows an iterative step: the resulting masks are re-expanded into the time domain and applied to the individual observations with the aim at producing a better group cube. Given that accurate baseline (emission-free) regions are available, higher order baselines can be removed from the individual observations and tighter QA tests can be applied. These three phases are discussed in more detail next.

Flow chart of the pipeline recipe, including the initial step where individual observations are analysed. QA here indicates a quality-assurance test (see Section 4.9).

Figure 1.

Flow chart of the pipeline recipe, including the initial step where individual observations are analysed. QA here indicates a quality-assurance test (see Section 4.9).

3.1 Pre-processing the individual observations

The initial phase works on the ungridded individual observations, which in essence are a time series of spectra from each individual detector with a typical dump time of 1 second or faster in case of scan observations. Not all recipes perform exactly the same reduction, but common steps for each observation are:

The pre-processing aims at preparing individual observations for co-adding and removing obviously problematic spectra and channels. Note that, although gridded cubes can be produced for manual inspection of the individual observations, this is not needed for further processing because the co-added group cube is produced by combining the ungridded data from all observations rather than averaging gridded cubes. This avoids having to resample already gridded cubes on to a common frame and allows also for the combination of mosaicked or even separate fields into a single cube.

3.2 Group processing

After the pre-processing is completed a gridded group cube is created from all the observations and processed further. Here, is where the three-dimensional structure of the data becomes critical for the analysis and the different data reduction recipes become more specific. The first distinction is whether single spectral lines extend over a significant fraction of the available band or not. If not, the second distinction is whether smoothing should be spatially biased (e.g. narrow spectral lines) or spectrally biased (broader lines and/or strong velocity gradients within the field of view). The smoothing is done by applying a tophat convolution in three dimensions (x, y, v) with a smoothing factor in each direction that depends on the recipe. By default a recipe biased towards spatial smoothing will have smoothing factors of (x = 5, y = 5, v = 10) pixels,3 whereas one biased towards spectral smoothing will be (x = 3, y = 3, v = 25). Note that both type of recipes will reduce the noise per pixel by a factor of about 15. While the smoothing factors in velocity may seem excessive, they reflect the very high resolution and frequency coverage of present-day correlators compared with typical width of spectral lines.

Smoothing the data will emphasize extended regions of emission in the three-dimensional data cube, but bias against weak narrow-line features that are also point-like. Projects that search for such objects need to use specialized software to analyse the basic, unsmoothed, group cube directly.

For standard processing, the resulting smoothed high-S/N cube is then used by the baseline-fitting routine, MFITTREND from kappa (see Section 4.5), to determine emission-free spectral windows. The details of this process depend on the recipe: ranging from using two windows with a set width at each end of the frequency band for the ‘broad-line’ case, to a full automatic search for emission-free windows in case of multiline spectra. Note that using the smoothed data has two advantages. First, the significantly higher S/N allows for a better distinction between emission and emission-free regions. Secondly, smoothing also spreads extended emission regions somewhat, both spatially and spectrally, resulting in a conservative estimate of emission-free regions that is better suited for the fit of low-order baselines in this first pass. Once MFITTREND has had this first pass at the baselines, a mask is written out containing the baseline regions of the smoothed data cube. This mask is applied to the original unsmoothed data cube resulting in a cube consisting solely of baselines. MFITTREND is then used again but this time fitting the entire (masked) spectrum, fitting a linear (or, optionally, higher order) baseline to each spectrum in turn. The baselines are then finally subtracted from the original data cube.

With proper baselines subtracted the data cube can be analysed using more holistic approaches to isolate emission associated with the astronomical target. This step is critical since for most target fields the number of pixels with noise far exceed those with a signal rendering a simple collapse along an axis or moments analysis of the baselined data cube virtually unusable. Instead, the JCMT pipeline uses a clump-finding algorithm to isolate and identify emission features. The Starlink cupid application contains a number of clump-finding algorithms that work in three dimensions. The choice of a particular algorithm is not critical and either FellWalker (Berry 2015) or Clumpfind (Williams, de Geus & Blitz 1994, ascl:1107.014) can be used. As for the baseline fit, the clump find is performed on a smoothed version of the baselined group cube, resulting in masks of emission regions that are applied to the unsmoothed baselined data. A moments analysis routine (see Section 4.6) can then be used with the masked data set to extract, for example, a total emission map or velocity field. Since higher order moments are more sensitive to noise features, different S/N cutoffs are used for the clump masks used for the different moments; the rms threshold is 3σ for integrated-intensity determination, but 4.5σ for moments higher than zero. This approach results in deep total emission (zero-moment) maps as well as reliable anomaly free velocity (first-moment) maps. The moments supported by the pipeline are those implemented by the kappacollapse command.

3.3 Iterative processing

The group processing described above delivers a baselined data cube, baseline and clump masks and moments maps. Iterative processing uses the baseline mask from the group data cube to improve the baseline fit of the individual observations. These in turn are used to generate an improved group cube, which is then reduced using the same steps as in the first iteration.

In order to apply the masks to the raw data, the masks need to be resampled in a time and detector domain. This is done using the smurfUNMAKECUBE task. This application does the opposite of makecube – whereas makecube generates a gridded cube from a time series cube, UNMAKECUBE generates a time series cube from a gridded cube, using a supplied time series cube as a template to define the spatial and spectral positions at which the gridded cube is to be sampled. In this way, UNMAKECUBE is used to generate a time series cube from the group data cube mask. This time series cube can then be used to mask the original time series allowing the baseline to be fitted to each individual input spectrum.

This is critically important for generating properly baseline-subtracted cubes of the individual observations but can also be important for QA tests. The enhanced baseline subtraction can ‘resurrect’ spectra that were originally determined to be of poor quality and not used in the final cube. This iterative cube production with enhanced QA can lead to minor improvements in quality of the final product.

A main objective for the iterative step was to allow for non-linear baseline fits (except for the broad-line recipe), both for individual observations as well as the group cube, given that accurate baseline windows have been determined. Initially, the pipeline was configured to use up to fifth-order baselines in the second iteration step. In general, this was very effective in successfully removing even high-order baselines from observations taken when the conditions or instrumentation was unstable, without negatively impacting the vast majority of the observations for which linear or second-order baselines were sufficient. However, a sub-set of users objected to an automatic fitting of non-linear baselines and the default pipeline behaviour was changed to fit linear baselines only, leaving higher order fitting to a custom pipeline reduction by the users themselves. In our opinion, this is unfortunate since it significantly diminishes the benefits of the iterative scheme when, for example, pipeline processing in place for the JSA.

3.4 Customization

The JCMT heterodyne pipeline is highly customizable. At the highest level, recipes are simple text files with calls to ‘primitives’. Each primitive has a list of parameters associated with it that can be set or changed by editing the recipe. The pipeline can then be instructed to use this custom recipe instead of the default one.

The parameters associated with the primitives, however, give access to only a small number of the full set of parameters allowable for the Starlink routines. A user can access a sub-set of these by setting up a special configuration file called a recipe parameter file. A single configuration file for a project can be used to assign different parameter values for observations of different fields and different observing frequencies. An example is setting an allowable velocity range for spectral features: the default pipeline makes no assumption about this which often results in including in its analysis large sections of the data cube with only noise. This can lead to problems from the cumulative effect of 4σ or 5σ noise spikes. Pre-specifying the allowed velocity range typically is an effective way to improve pipeline results. Recipe parameters can also be used to control how to bin up the frequency scale, specifying the output grid and any regridding parameters, and also whether to enable or disable flat-fielding (Section 4.8) and bad-baseline filtering (Section 4.7).

The JSA is configured to accept ‘user’ defined configuration files: if such a file exists for the observation being requested, it will be used in place of the default pipeline reduction of the data. Given the origins of ORAC-DR as an online data reduction pipeline (Jenness & Economou 2015; Economou et al. 1999), the design is such that the pipeline is currently constrained to always start from the raw data and cannot begin part way through a recipe; modifying a recipe parameter that is only used late in the processing still requires that all the initial processing is performed.

3.5 Improvements

Although the JCMT heterodyne pipeline has proven to be effective in delivering high-quality results, there are a number of potential improvements that remain unimplemented or unexplored due to lack of resources.


4.1 Determining cube parameters

Since the output pixel grid need not be specified in advance, software is required to determine the pixel grid from the data itself. In the smurf package, data cubes are created from calibrated spectra using the makecube command. makecube can be given an externally specified grid but also has an autogrid option that leaves optimal grid determination to the application itself.

To maximize overall aperture efficiency, detectors in HARP are spaced 30 arcsec apart, which introduces a natural scale of order an arcminute into the observations, even if scan and jiggle observations will be sampled on much smaller scales than that. Autogrid first projects the supplied sky positions into pixel positions using an arbitrary tangent plane projection that has 1 arcmin square pixels with north upwards and the target position (or the first supplied sky position if no target position is available) at pixel (1,1).

It then projects each of these pixel positions on to a straight line passing through pixel (1,1) at an angle, θ, to north (see Fig. 2). This line is divided up into sections of length 1 arcmin, and a histogram formed of the number of projected positions that fall in each section. The amplitude and wavelength of any periodicity in this histogram are found by looking at the autocorrelation of the histogram (the amplitude is the autocorrelation at zero shift, and the wavelength is the shift at the first significant peak in the autocorrelation function).

The Autogrid algorithm works by projecting each spectrum position on to a straight line at an arbitrary angle θ, and then forming a histogram of the number of samples at each point along this line. At the optimal value of θ, the projected positions line up, giving strong periodicity in the histogram.

Figure 2.

The Autogrid algorithm works by projecting each spectrum position on to a straight line at an arbitrary angle θ, and then forming a histogram of the number of samples at each point along this line. At the optimal value of θ, the projected positions line up, giving strong periodicity in the histogram.

This is repeated for many different line orientations in order to find the value of θ (line orientation) that gives the strongest periodicity in the histogram. This orientation is used as the direction for the X pixel axis in the final grid. The corresponding wavelength is used as the pixel spacing on the _X_-axis. The wavelength of the periodicity perpendicular to this direction is then found and used as the pixel spacing on the _Y_-axis.

Finally, the reference-pixel coordinate is shifted by up to 1 pixel on each axis in order to minimize the sum of the squared distances from each pixel projected sample position to the nearest pixel centre.4

4.2 Combining spectra

The JCMT heterodyne pipeline uses Starlink routines which have been designed to maintain accurate variance and flagging data. Nevertheless, this is not sufficient to fully deal with the issue of bad data. A simple illustration is the co-adding of two spectra with a different DC offset level: the DC level of the result will be the average level. However, if one of the spectra has a bad channel, adopting the one remaining point in the output would result in a positive or negative spike since its DC level will not be average. In other words, a policy for dealing with bad data that is acceptable in one situation, i.e. spectra without a DC level or corrected for the DC level, can be problematic in a different situation.

In combining data, the gridding software recognizes three schemes for dealing with bad data:

The pipeline processing defaults to using the AND scheme but can be overridden if either speed or memory is an issue.

4.3 Cube forming

Once the grid has been determined, the output spectrum at each position is formed by averaging the nearby input spectra. Various averaging schemes are available, the simplest being to place each input spectrum entirely into the nearest output pixel. Other schemes allow a two-dimensional kernel to be used to spread each input spectrum out over a range of output pixels. Available kernels are those supported by the AST library (Warren-Smith & Berry 2013; Berry & Jenness 2012) and include a simple bilinear division between the four nearest neighbours, a Gaussian kernel and various flavours of kernels based on a sinc function.

The resampling can use any of the three schemes described in Section 4.2 to determine how bad pixels are propagated from input spectra into the output cube.

One complication is that the data cube for a large area survey is potentially extremely large and many software packages do not support data arrays with more than 231 pixels.5 We overcome this by supporting the ability for the output cube from makecube to be split into tiles. These tiles share projection parameters and can be recombined without further resampling if required. For pixel-spreading techniques that are susceptible to edge effects care is taken to ensure that sufficient border is included in the tiles such that the values in the output would be identical to those resulting from a single output data cube. The border region is flagged in an associated bit mask to ensure that it can be disabled during further mosaicking or combination steps as the data in the border region will have edge effects and is duplicating data found in other tiles.

Heterodyne arrays currently require that the detectors have spacing much larger than the beam such that the data are inherently undersampled. Image rotators and clever scanning modes can overcome this deficiency to a certain extent but in many cases the spatial distribution of samples is inherently uneven. There may be benefits associated with using an unbiased linear interpolation method such as Kriging (e.g. Cressie 1990) rather than a simple convolution kernel.

4.4 Sub-band merging

The ACSIS IF system contains two local oscillators which perform two stages of down-conversion, first to a parking band between 1 and 2 GHz and then to a 0–1 GHz baseband which is then sampled by a three-level analog-to-digital converter (Hovey et al. 2000). The down-converted bands can be either 250 MHz or 1 GHz wide, and several of these overlapping sub-bands can be arranged in various ways to achieve the required total IF frequency coverages. Typically the sub-bands are arranged, by suitable local oscillator tuning, to have areas of overlap in frequency space, and these must be combined in software in a process known as sub-band merging. The correlator is usually configured such that the individual spectra overlap and also have channels that are aligned to within a few per cent of a pixel.

The data-acquisition system does not combine the sub-bands and so this must be done by the pipeline. If the pipeline determines that it is dealing with a hybrid mode observation the merging is done in bulk. First the spectra are sorted by time (the ACSIS acquisition computer does not guarantee that spectra will be written to files in time order), then the overlap region is determined and the noisy ends are trimmed before they are combined. The spectra can optionally have their DC level adjusted before combining.

Fig. 3 shows an example hybrid spectrum consisting of four overlapping sub-bands from observations of methanol in Orion. In this example, correcting for any DC offset is complicated by the lack of baseline region.

A hybrid spectrum from an observation in Orion of multiple methanol transitions. The frequency scale is for the kinematic local standard of rest and the observations were taken with a rest frequency of 241.791 GHz. These data were taken on 1998 December 20 as part of project M98BA3I. The noisiest 15 channels have been removed from each end of the sub-bands spectral range for clarity. They would be removed as part of the merging process.

Figure 3.

A hybrid spectrum from an observation in Orion of multiple methanol transitions. The frequency scale is for the kinematic local standard of rest and the observations were taken with a rest frequency of 241.791 GHz. These data were taken on 1998 December 20 as part of project M98BA3I. The noisiest 15 channels have been removed from each end of the sub-bands spectral range for clarity. They would be removed as part of the merging process.

4.5 Automated baseline removal

The Starlink kappa task MFITTREND is used to calculate a first-order baseline fit for each spectrum in the data cube independently. The baseline region is estimated by a technique lent from photographic surface photometry (Young & Currie 1998) but applied to one-dimensional data. A spectrum, or the mean spectrum over a region, is divided into bins, typically 32. Then a linear fit is made to the mean values and outlier bins are excluded with progressive sigma clipping leading to an improved fit. This rejection process generates a mask of deviant bins, which is expanded back to elements in the original spectrum, whose baseline is then fit without binning.

MFITTREND could attempt to refine the mask by narrowing the bin widths within the rejected bins to pinpoint the emission and yield more baseline to fit. In practice, the pipeline only determines a first-order fit and the loss of a small fraction of the baseline appears to make no significant difference. Also, it is better to be conservative to ensure that no weak line velocity dispersion is included to bias the fit's slope. A further refinement is to perform progressive sigma clipping or use the histogram within each bin to estimate the mode, thereby remove spikes and weak astronomical signal from secondary lines that bias the baseline fit.

In the large majority of cases, the masked spectrum will be free of emission. However, the method is not guaranteed. One such case is if the baseline is not linear, and such spectra are routinely rejected (Section 4.7.2). More of an issue are very broad lines that occupy a substantial fraction, more than half in some cases, of the spectral range.

4.6 Clumpfind and moments maps

The Starlink cupid task FINDCLUMPS is used to finds clumps of emission within each spectrum. This is an essential step since moment maps can be compromised if excessive baseline is included in the calculation. For example, in an integrated-intensity calculation the inclusion of all the baseline noise can hide a weak line. Using a mask based on the detected clumps much improves fidelity and improves upon using a simple threshold or the smoothing scheme used in the momnt command in aips (Greisen 2003, ascl:9911.003). As discussed in Section 4.1 observations of extended regions are potentially spread over multiple data cube tiles, which must be processed independently, and the resulting moment map is created by mosaicking the individual sub-maps, taking into account the border regions. This is configured such that no resampling is required as makecube ensures that all tiles are on the same pixel grid.

Fig. 4 compares integrated-intensity images calculated in two different ways from a single data cube generated by the pipeline (see Graves et al. 2010; Dionatos et al. 2010, for details of earlier reductions of these data). This data set has some interference in a few spectral channels of a few detectors, which has not yet been handled by the main pipeline processing. Nevertheless, the right-hand image shows no sign of the grid printing through and shows much more dynamic range than the naive integrated-intensity image.

Two integrated-intensity images from the same set of observations of Serpens from 2007 using the same display parameters. The left-hand figure uses a naive sum over a significant part of the baseline. The right-hand figure uses the automated baseline masking. The key is in units of K km s−1.

Figure 4.

Two integrated-intensity images from the same set of observations of Serpens from 2007 using the same display parameters. The left-hand figure uses a naive sum over a significant part of the baseline. The right-hand figure uses the automated baseline masking. The key is in units of K km s−1.

4.7 Removal of bad-baseline spectra

The spectra delivered by ACSIS/HARP can often include non-astronomical signal arising from many sources, both local and external to the JCMT. The extraneous signal can appear in all detectors or just one, for a short duration, or throughout an observation (see Section 2.1). This gives rise to artefacts in the spectral cube made by makecube. The anomalies usually manifest as stripes or additional noise in the reduced spectral cube. Their presence at best degrades and sometimes dwarfs the astronomical content. The latter occurring with greater frequency for early HARP observations. In addition, uneven baselines can lead to poorly determined line fluxes (see Fig. 5).

Example of a reduced spectrum affected by a bad baseline. The lower panel shows a broad wave pattern, where a linear baseline subtraction would grossly overestimate the emission's flux. The upper panel shows the corresponding spectrum after the application of non-linear baseline filtering described in Section 4.7.2.

Figure 5.

Example of a reduced spectrum affected by a bad baseline. The lower panel shows a broad wave pattern, where a linear baseline subtraction would grossly overestimate the emission's flux. The upper panel shows the corresponding spectrum after the application of non-linear baseline filtering described in Section 4.7.2.

While many of the artefacts are readily visible in the raw time series, and thus could be excised manually, some are subtle and easily overlooked. After a few years of operation of HARP, astronomers were suspicious of all the data from a detector afflicted by anomalous signals, choosing to exclude that detector's spectra completely, and thus discarded perfectly good spectra in the presence of merely transient interference. The automated pipeline sought to address this in a systematic fashion and to retain unaffected spectra. This approach leads to more-uniform products within a survey. Further filters can be added as newly identified forms of bad spectra become known.

The bad baselines can be divided roughly into two classes: high-frequency and low-frequency patterns. The high-frequency patterns are usually characterized by large-amplitude noise arranged mostly in single isolated spectra or in bands comprising around 10 spectra. Less frequently, the noise manifests as spiky spectra. For the last two types, the noise pattern phase shifts between adjacent spectra. In the first type, there is beating in the amplitudes. A further form comprises weaker amplitude striations persistent over tens to 200 spectra, and it usually appears in addition to the short-duration intense noise. This correlated ‘ringing’ exhibits a bell-shape variation in intensity over time. Fig. 6 presents the most-common forms.

Examples of the three main types of high-frequency interference depicted in spectral-time axes. To the foot of this extract are bands of uncorrelated noise, and near the top is an isolated noisy spectrum. Between lie spectra affected by ringing. The non-linear temporal axis arises because of intervals during which integrations of an off-source reference position are interspersed. The data units are kelvin.

Figure 6.

Examples of the three main types of high-frequency interference depicted in spectral-time axes. To the foot of this extract are bands of uncorrelated noise, and near the top is an isolated noisy spectrum. Between lie spectra affected by ringing. The non-linear temporal axis arises because of intervals during which integrations of an off-source reference position are interspersed. The data units are kelvin.

The low-frequency ripples tend to occur in time series blocks that are often visible because of baseline drift, but can apply to all spectra for a detector. They have a wide range of morphologies such as sinusoids; irregular ripples; curved; and apparent emission initially concentrated at two frequencies, but which disperse linearly in frequency and fade with time reminiscent of fanned car headlight beams seen from above. Fig. 7 displays some examples. Fig. 8 presents an example observation where all the spectra are markedly non-linear for two detectors.

Examples of low-frequency noise. In each panel the dark curve shows a single spectrum exhibiting a non-linear baseline of increasing degree from the lower to the top graphics. The lighter curves, offset upwards for clarity, are the average spectrum during an interval of bad behaviour. The light curve in the lower left plot is a 1.5 km s−1 Gaussian smooth of the noisy spectrum showing a weak non-linearity towards the ends of the spectrum.

Figure 7.

Examples of low-frequency noise. In each panel the dark curve shows a single spectrum exhibiting a non-linear baseline of increasing degree from the lower to the top graphics. The lighter curves, offset upwards for clarity, are the average spectrum during an interval of bad behaviour. The light curve in the lower left plot is a 1.5 km s−1 Gaussian smooth of the noisy spectrum showing a weak non-linearity towards the ends of the spectrum.

Examples of low-frequency noise by detector. It shows time-averaged (clipped mean) spectra for each detector in which the third (labelled #3) and ninth (labelled #10) detector from the bottom exhibit strong global non-linear baselines. Some other detectors have weaker non-linear baselines. The central emission line is masked out and the noisy peripheries are excluded. The Y-axis is the corrected antenna temperature, in kelvin.

Figure 8.

Examples of low-frequency noise by detector. It shows time-averaged (clipped mean) spectra for each detector in which the third (labelled #3) and ninth (labelled #10) detector from the bottom exhibit strong global non-linear baselines. Some other detectors have weaker non-linear baselines. The central emission line is masked out and the noisy peripheries are excluded. The _Y_-axis is the corrected antenna temperature, in kelvin.

The pipeline applies three steps in the QA stage:

These are discussed in the following sections.

4.7.1 Masking of high-frequency noise

The recipe applies a one-dimensional Laplacian edge filter to all the spectra for each detector, after trimming the outer 15 per cent where noise is always present. This approximates to a difference-of-Gaussian filter. It next averages the rms ‘edginess’ along the spectral axis to form a profile through the time series. An example profile is shown in Fig. 9. cupidfindback subtracts any drifting background level ignoring the narrow interference spikes. Steps in the profile baseline are removed, where possible.6 The final stage is to eject spectra whose rms edginess exceeds the median level by a nominated number of clipped standard deviations. Affected spectra are easily delineated. However, the clipping can leave residual spikes in the profile from the ramp up and down of the interference signal. This occurs when the standard deviation includes both the noise and significant actual low-level variations, such as caused by ringing, and hence raises the threshold too high. The algorithm applies a one- or two-element dilation to the excised regions. While this may throw away the odd good spectrum, it is more than compensated by fewer artefacts in the reduced cube.

An example raw edginess profile. There are five broad peaks and one single-spectrum interference around 06:30. Between 06:32 and 06:35 is the much weaker signature of ringing.

Figure 9.

An example raw edginess profile. There are five broad peaks and one single-spectrum interference around 06:30. Between 06:32 and 06:35 is the much weaker signature of ringing.

An optional second iteration removes most of the striation noise once the pronounced edginess peaks are masked. Determining the extent of this ringing is problematic because of the noise, until we apply the knowledge that the effect is correlated, which permits smoothing along the time axis. Fig. 10 shows that a ringing signal can persist for longer than a mere visual inspection would suggest, and there can also be weaker and shorter or periodic ringing noise. Using an estimate of the background and noise, the pipeline then calls cupid FINDCLUMPS to determine the location and extent of the ringing.

The edginess profile after masking the short-duration interference, leaving the ringing signal between 6:30 and 6:37. The fainter brown line is residual short-duration interference removed by the dilation.

Figure 10.

The edginess profile after masking the short-duration interference, leaving the ringing signal between 6:30 and 6:37. The fainter brown line is residual short-duration interference removed by the dilation.

At present, the spectra affected ringing are masked. Another approach is to determine a normalized form of the ringing pattern and subtract it for all affected spectra after using the edginess profile to scale the intensity. Thus, more spectra would be combined into the reduced cube. Given the apparent periodicities, filtering in frequency space might also prove effective.

4.7.2 Non-linearity filtering

The low-frequency ripple and wobbly baselines are addressed by determining the non-linearity of each spectrum. Since the baseline is expected to be well fitted by a straight line, the technique measures the broad deviations of the smoothed baseline from a straight-line fit.

First the recipe excludes non-baseline features that would dilute the non-linearity signal. These comprise a threshold to remove spikes and mask the astronomical signal. To exclude the astronomical emission the recipe masks either in user-specified velocity ranges, or determines the location of the emission unaided (see Section 4.7.3).

The recipe estimates the background level, effectively smoothing to remove structure smaller than a nominated scale. Next, it fits linear baselines to these and calculates the rms residuals to provide a rectified signal. Then, it averages the signal along the spectral axis to form a non-linearity profile through the time series for each good detector.

The non-linear profiles are much noisier than the summed Laplacians for the high-frequency interference, and discrimination is harder. To identify anomalous spectra the recipe reduces the noise to obtain a smooth profile, correct for drifts or steps in the profile. It rejects spectra whose mean non-linearity exceeds the mean level above a nominated number of clipped standard deviations. The derived standard deviation allows for positive skewness. The final stage is apply the mask of rejected spectra to the input cube.

The global non-linearity test is applied last so that a block of transient highly deviant spectra will not cause the whole detector to be rejected. It operates in a similar fashion to the above. It diverges by determining a mean rms residual from non-linearity per detector, from which it evaluates the median and standard deviation of the distribution of mean rms residuals from the entire observation, and performs iterative sigma clipping above the median to reject those detectors whose deviations from linearity are anomalous. There is a tunable minimum threshold.

4.7.3 Emission detection for non-linearity

When processing nightly observations for the JSA, the location and extent of astronomical emission is usually unknown, yet non-linear baselines need to be removed to generate reduced products of acceptable fidelity. The recipe uses an unsophisticated, but effective scheme, to remove sufficient power from emission lines for the non-linearity tests.

First it forms an integrated spectrum for the observation by averaging in time, and then forming the clipped mean along detectors to exclude the effects of strong non-linearity in one or two detectors. The representative spectrum has a linear baseline subtracted in the automatic mode of MFITTREND (see Section 4.5) to remove any pronounced slope. This spectrum is smoothed with a 51-element Gaussian kernel to narrow the histogram peak of baseline values, and make emission more prominent. Then follows a multiscale iterative approach using histograms and MFITTREND to progressively improve the baseline subtraction by excluding the outliers. It starts with a smoothing box one eighth the width of the spectrum and halving the box at each iteration. For each iteration, the recipe forms a truncated histogram whose mode and standard deviation are estimated, the latter allowing for the positive skew from the astronomical signal. Then the recipe masks positive outliers (defaults to a 4σ clip). Either findback or a block smooth using the current box size is subtracted to give a flattish baseline for MFITTREND in automatic mode to determine the baseline regions and hence the remaining emission. MFITTREND on its own can have difficulty separating broad-line emission from baseline. One iteration is usually sufficient.

4.7.4 Results

The methods appear highly effective at cleaning the pipeline products, as can be seen in Fig. 11. (See Curtis, Richer & Buckle 2010, for details of earlier reductions of these data.) The filtering has been used to rereduce two surveys and many other data sets. This includes at least one that had originally failed QA, but now has been used for science (Sadavoy et al. 2013).

A bad-spectra comparison displayed in an integrated-intensity map. The left-hand panel shows a map without bad-baseline removal. The right-hand panel shows the same data processed using the high- and low-frequency noise filters. While the peak astronomical signal in the image is approximately 8, the presence of artefacts causes nearly 2 per cent of all pixels to appear brighter, reaching a maximum over 17. No flat-field correction has been applied. These data were from project M06BGT02; observations 65–67 on 2007 July 28 and observations 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 22 and 23 from 2007 December 17. The data units are K km s−1.

Figure 11.

A bad-spectra comparison displayed in an integrated-intensity map. The left-hand panel shows a map without bad-baseline removal. The right-hand panel shows the same data processed using the high- and low-frequency noise filters. While the peak astronomical signal in the image is approximately 8, the presence of artefacts causes nearly 2 per cent of all pixels to appear brighter, reaching a maximum over 17. No flat-field correction has been applied. These data were from project M06BGT02; observations 65–67 on 2007 July 28 and observations 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 22 and 23 from 2007 December 17. The data units are K km s−1.

4.8 Flat-fielding

HARP data from its early years seemed to have problems with the relative calibration of the detectors. A self-flat-fielding algorithm was developed that relied on the detectors on average seeing the same signal for large scan maps of molecular clouds (Curtis et al. 2010), and this had some success in removing striping from integrated-intensity images. For an observation, the Curtis technique creates spectral cubes for each detector independently and compares the integrated fluxes over the emission line. This approach is, however, only successful where the signal being compared extends across a significant portion of the spatial plane to mitigate against different detectors observing different flux. Self-flat-fielding is also limited to data whose S/N of the total flux in each detector permits relative sensitivities to better than about 5 per cent. Since these constraints are often not true, the pipeline recipes by default do not apply flat-field corrections.

When a user does request that a flat-field be applied, the recipe segregates all the observations supplied to the recipe by date or individually. Although the detector-to-detector response has been known to vary during the course of a night, far more often it is stable. Thus, combining observations, such as the two directions of a weave, or any repeat observations through a night, permits a better determination of the flat-field. Such a flat-field can also be applied to low-signal data taken on the same night too. The flux is summed either over a parameter-controlled spectral range, or from the group-determined emission map. Then the fluxes are normalized by the flux of the reference detector, or its reserve, should the reference detector be disabled or has failed QA.

With appropriate data this works well (see Fig. 12 for an example). However, weak residual graticule patterns can remain if the reference field contains a compact source whose line emission falls within the same spectral limits as the flux summation and is not observed uniformly by all detectors. Fourier techniques can be used to filter such patterns and improve the cosmetic appearance of cubes (White et al. 2015).

A flat-field comparison displayed in an integrated-intensity map. The left-hand panel shows a integrated map without correction for detector-to-detector performance. The right-hand panel shows the same data processed but also applying the sum method to flat-field. Both images are scaled to the same intensity limits. Most occurrences exhibit weaker differences in detector responsivity than present in this example. These data were from observations 27 and 28 from 2008 November 12, project MJLSG17. The data units are K km s−1.

Figure 12.

A flat-field comparison displayed in an integrated-intensity map. The left-hand panel shows a integrated map without correction for detector-to-detector performance. The right-hand panel shows the same data processed but also applying the sum method to flat-field. Both images are scaled to the same intensity limits. Most occurrences exhibit weaker differences in detector responsivity than present in this example. These data were from observations 27 and 28 from 2008 November 12, project MJLSG17. The data units are K km s−1.

We found one occurrence in early data where the flat-field broke down because there appeared to be non-linearity in the signal. Different flat-field ratios were needed for the bright regions compared with near the sky level. The pipeline makes no provision for such data.

We explored other methods to mitigate against the limitations with little or inconsistent success. For instance, using the peaks of the histogram of the ratios of pixel by pixel was biased by the noise, even if comparisons were restricted to the spectral range of the astronomical emission. None proved better than the Curtis formula.

4.9 Quality-assurance parameters

The survey teams required a comprehensive set of QA testing to ensure that the data quality is consistent for the duration of the surveys (Hatchell et al. 2008). A number of QA tests were added to the pipeline and a full list is shown in Table 1. Some of these QA parameters are designed to be run on spectral line standards observations prior to starting science observations to determine whether the system is configured properly and to allow the observer to decide which, if any, of the projects can be observed next. There are also QA tests designed to look at the time series data and others that analyse the map/cube products.

Table 1.

Summary of the quality-assurance parameters supported by the pipeline. More details can be found in (Hatchell et al. 2008).

BADPIX_MAP Percentage of bad spatial pixels
in output product
CALINTTOL Percentage discrepancy allowed
in calibrator integrated intensity
CALPEAKTOL Percentage discrepancy allowed
in calibrator peak
FLAGTSYSBAD Percentage of data allowed
to be flagged due to _T_sys
GOODRECEP Number of functioning detectors
RESTOL Tolerance on residuals of baseline
region after baseline subtraction
RESTOL_SM Variation of baseline residuals
over restricted range
RMSTOL Consistency check comparing
_T_sys with spectrum rms
RMSVAR_MAP Percentage variation of
rms noise across map
RMSVAR_RCP Percentage average rms detectors
are allowed to vary from each other
RMSVAR_SPEC Percentage variation of RMS
across spectrum
TSYSBAD Maximum allowable _T_sys
TSYSMAX Threshold for average _T_sys
allowed for a detector
TSYSVAR Maximum allowed variation of
_T_sys for a single detector
BADPIX_MAP Percentage of bad spatial pixels
in output product
CALINTTOL Percentage discrepancy allowed
in calibrator integrated intensity
CALPEAKTOL Percentage discrepancy allowed
in calibrator peak
FLAGTSYSBAD Percentage of data allowed
to be flagged due to _T_sys
GOODRECEP Number of functioning detectors
RESTOL Tolerance on residuals of baseline
region after baseline subtraction
RESTOL_SM Variation of baseline residuals
over restricted range
RMSTOL Consistency check comparing
_T_sys with spectrum rms
RMSVAR_MAP Percentage variation of
rms noise across map
RMSVAR_RCP Percentage average rms detectors
are allowed to vary from each other
RMSVAR_SPEC Percentage variation of RMS
across spectrum
TSYSBAD Maximum allowable _T_sys
TSYSMAX Threshold for average _T_sys
allowed for a detector
TSYSVAR Maximum allowed variation of
_T_sys for a single detector

Table 1.

Summary of the quality-assurance parameters supported by the pipeline. More details can be found in (Hatchell et al. 2008).

BADPIX_MAP Percentage of bad spatial pixels
in output product
CALINTTOL Percentage discrepancy allowed
in calibrator integrated intensity
CALPEAKTOL Percentage discrepancy allowed
in calibrator peak
FLAGTSYSBAD Percentage of data allowed
to be flagged due to _T_sys
GOODRECEP Number of functioning detectors
RESTOL Tolerance on residuals of baseline
region after baseline subtraction
RESTOL_SM Variation of baseline residuals
over restricted range
RMSTOL Consistency check comparing
_T_sys with spectrum rms
RMSVAR_MAP Percentage variation of
rms noise across map
RMSVAR_RCP Percentage average rms detectors
are allowed to vary from each other
RMSVAR_SPEC Percentage variation of RMS
across spectrum
TSYSBAD Maximum allowable _T_sys
TSYSMAX Threshold for average _T_sys
allowed for a detector
TSYSVAR Maximum allowed variation of
_T_sys for a single detector
BADPIX_MAP Percentage of bad spatial pixels
in output product
CALINTTOL Percentage discrepancy allowed
in calibrator integrated intensity
CALPEAKTOL Percentage discrepancy allowed
in calibrator peak
FLAGTSYSBAD Percentage of data allowed
to be flagged due to _T_sys
GOODRECEP Number of functioning detectors
RESTOL Tolerance on residuals of baseline
region after baseline subtraction
RESTOL_SM Variation of baseline residuals
over restricted range
RMSTOL Consistency check comparing
_T_sys with spectrum rms
RMSVAR_MAP Percentage variation of
rms noise across map
RMSVAR_RCP Percentage average rms detectors
are allowed to vary from each other
RMSVAR_SPEC Percentage variation of RMS
across spectrum
TSYSBAD Maximum allowable _T_sys
TSYSMAX Threshold for average _T_sys
allowed for a detector
TSYSVAR Maximum allowed variation of
_T_sys for a single detector

4.10 Alternative recipes

It is not possible or even desirable for a single data reduction technique to apply to many different types of sources and science goals. For that reason, a number of different recipes are made available and these can be chosen by the observer in the Observing Tool, overridden later on the command-line or by using a configuration file at the JSA.

4.10.1 Gradient

This is the standard recipe optimized for nearby galaxies or other objects where there can be a velocity gradient across the field of view. This velocity gradient is a major motivation for the automated detection of baseline regions as it allows you to maximize the baseline region rather than supplying a simple range that encompasses all the data. The major difference with the narrow-band recipe below is that the smoothing is biased towards spectral smoothing rather than spatial smoothing.

4.10.2 Narrow line

This recipe is used for observations of objects with relatively narrow lines and a small velocity gradient (compared with the total observed band). This applies to many Galactic targets. Smoothing is biased towards spatial smoothing.

4.10.3 Broad line

Active galaxies often have broad lines of several hundreds of km s−1 so this recipe is tuned to be less aggressive for automatic baseline subtraction than the standard recipe that is designed for nearby galaxies. An early form of this recipe, in the form of a standalone script, was used for the initial Nearby Galaxy Survey data release and is documented in Warren et al. (2010).


Until ACSIS was delivered in 2005, heterodyne data were taken with a variety of backend systems including the Acousto-Optical Spectrometer and the DAS (Bos 1986). These backends wrote data in the Global Section Data (GSD) format (e.g. Jenness et al. 1999, 2015b) which was understood by the specx data reduction package. To ensure that as many of these historical data as possible are made available to the community in a usable format, we have developed an extension to the smurf package called gsd2acsis, which converts the legacy data to the newer ACSIS data format. This enables the legacy data to be reprocessed using the modern data reduction pipeline and automatically leads to these products being easily available from the JSA.

The main difficulty in supporting legacy data in the pipeline related to the DAS splitting the bandwidth into many overlapping sub-bands. ACSIS data only ever had included two sub-bands for hybrid-mode observations and so the sub-band merging algorithm had to be extended to support arbitrary numbers of sub-bands. In addition, the historical data are dominated by single-detector instruments and most observations generated relatively few spectra, and few repeats of the same area of sky (depth in the first pass was preferred over short integration times but many repeats). This sometimes restricts the benefits that can be obtained by using a pipeline designed for focal-plane arrays.

We tested the pipeline on one of the largest data sets from the historical era. Observations of the Horsehead nebula were an observatory backup project from 1995 to 1997. The 13CO J = 2 → 1 component of the project consisted of approximately 14 000 spectra from 154 observations spread over 12 nights using the single-detector receiver RxA2 (Davies et al. 1992). Reducing the data with specx was an involved process and preliminary results were presented in Sandell et al. (2001). For this test, the GSD data were downloaded from the CADC and converted to ACSIS format.

For these observations, there were two major difficulties. The data were taken in raster scan mode with oversampling in the scan direction (to prevent beam-smearing) and Nyquist sampling between rows. For the JCMT beam at this frequency, this corresponds for 5 and 10 arcsec spacing. The pipeline has not been optimized for this observing scheme although it correctly selected a 5 arcsec pixel size. This meant that half of the map contained bad pixels and so an additional interpolation routine was required before the final integrated-intensity image could be calculated. A consequence of the large number of flagged pixels in the map was that the QA test associated with bad-pixel map fraction had to be relaxed significantly.

For some of the observations a bad reference position had been chosen, which leads to absorption features in some spectra. These data were used in the manual reduction because a long observation was taken on this reference position along with a new ‘off’ position and the spectra corrected. Doing this in an automated fashion is difficult without more investigation into the related observations as GSD data did not record the location of the reference position in the header. For the purposes of the test, these observations were not used.

The results can be seen in Fig. 13. The specx ‘manual’ reduction does look better than the automated reduction, especially in the region in the north-east where some contamination still seems to be present. It seems feasible to assume that some of this can be improved upon by writing recipes specifically targeted at legacy data but the proof of concept is encouraging.

Left is an integrated-intensity image created from a cube made interactively using specx. Right is an integrated-intensity image made from a pipeline reduction of the same raw data. Intensity scales are 0–35 K km s−1.

Figure 13.

Left is an integrated-intensity image created from a cube made interactively using specx. Right is an integrated-intensity image made from a pipeline reduction of the same raw data. Intensity scales are 0–35 K km s−1.


With many thousands of spectra from a single observation, it is impractical to examine every spectrum manually. The data reduction scheme described here is used continually at the JSA (Economou et al. 2011; Bell et al. 2014) for daily and project processing and the tuned recipes are now generating the primary products from the heterodyne part of the Gould's Belt JCMT Legacy Survey (Ward-Thompson et al. 2007) and the CO High Resolution Survey, also from the JCMT (Dempsey, Thomas & Currie 2013).

The algorithms and approach described in this paper should be applicable to other heterodyne instrumentation and are not JCMT-specific. The implementation using ORAC-DR can only be used with raw data written using the JCMT data model (Appendix A). Some work has been done on software to import data from Supercam (Kloosterman et al. 2012) and NANTEN2 SMART (Graf et al. 2008) into the JCMT format and tests are ongoing. We hope that this work will influence the data acquisition and data processing plans for other observatories building large focal-plane arrays. Accurate metadata is a critical component when attempting to automate the reduction of thousands of spectra and it is no longer acceptable for the data reduction software to have to guess important information. For example, some telescopes report the position at the start of the row but not the position during a scan, and assume that the position of each spectra can be derived by looking at the integration time. Trusting that the telescope behaved according to the guesses of the software can work when the telescope is moving slowly and someone is examining each spectrum but this approach is not scalable.

The iterative pipeline processing described in this paper demonstrates the possibilities for advanced heterodyne cube reconstruction if we begin to use techniques more akin to those used by iterative map-makers for bolometer cameras (e.g. Chapin et al. 2013b). The next step is to explicitly embrace such techniques, building up explicit models of the astronomical emission and baselines and enhance this to have models involving knowledge of which detectors have related local oscillators and which detectors come from the same backend hardware. This latter facility may be important as more and more detectors are added to focal-plane arrays and would be similar to dealing with readout issues of bolometer arrays. Such an iterative cube-maker, coupled with novel scanning strategies, may lead to a fundamental modification of heterodyne observing modes where slow instrumental drifts can be tracked without having to visit a reference sky position regularly through an observation. It may be sufficient to measure the reference position at the start and end of the observation and then model the drifts during data reduction. This would result in significantly more efficient observing modes, similar to that obtained when continuum instruments moved from a chopping secondary to a total power configuration.

The James Clerk Maxwell Telescope has historically been operated by the Joint Astronomy Centre on behalf of the Science and Technology Facilities Council of the United Kingdom, the National Research Council of Canada and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. This work was funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council. We thank the many JCMT support scientists and survey scientists who have tested the pipeline. In particular we thank Jessica Dempsey, Holly Thomas, Jan Wouterloot, Jane Buckle and Jennifer Hatchell. We thank Doug Johnstone for useful comments on a draft of this paper. We also thank Jennifer Balfour and Vincent Tilanus for their work on gsd2acsis and Göran Sandell for providing us with the specx reductions of the Horsehead Nebula. This research used the facilities of the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre operated by the National Research Council of Canada with the support of the Canadian Space Agency. This research has made use of NASA's Astrophysics Data System.

This work was built on the Starlink Software Collection, which was developed by the Starlink Project until 2005 (Disney & Wallace 1982; Draper et al. 2005; Currie et al. 2008) and then opened up to the community. The source code for the Starlink software (ascl:1110.012) and ORAC-DR is open-source and is available on GitHub.7

Present address: LSST Project Office, 933 N. Cherry Ave, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA.

Present address: RAL Space, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Oxford, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0QX, UK.


Present address: Leiden Observatory, PO Box 9513, NL-2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands.

Present address: East Asian Observatory, 660 N. A‘ohōkū Place, Hilo, HI 96720, USA.

Present address: Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Denys Wilkinson Building, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH, UK.


Present address: W. M. Keck Observatory, 65-1120 Mamalahoa Hwy, Kamuela, HI 96743, USA.


At the time, this was being developed CASA was known as aips++ (McMullin, Golap & Myers 2004).


For scan maps the pixel sizes are approximately half beam whereas for jiggle maps they are either half or one-third of a beam. The spectral channels can vary in size from 0.05 to 0.4 km s−1 depending on correlator setup.


If the positions do not form a regular grid, an option is available to create a one-dimensional list of spectra in which the position of each spectrum is recorded explicitly in a table using the FITS-WCS -TAB algorithm (Greisen et al. 2006).


Much of the code is written in Fortran using a signed INTEGER*4.


Step correction currently invokes the smurffixsteps application which was designed for long time series from the SCUBA-2 instrument (Chapin et al. 2013b), and in practice requires hundreds of profile elements that are not always available.


et al.

Proc. SPIE, Vol. 9152, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy III



Astron. Comput.




ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 461, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXI


San Francisco

Astron. Soc. Pac.


ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 376, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVI


San Francisco

Astron. Soc. Pac.


Proc. SPIE, Vol. 598, Instrumentation for Submillimeter Spectroscopy





et al.





Starlink User Note 258, SMURF the Sub-Millimetre User Reduction Facility


Hilo, Hawaii

Joint Astronomy Centre

Highlights Astron.




Mathematical Geol.




Int. J. Infrared Millimeter Waves




Starlink User Note 95, KAPPA Kernel Application Package


Hilo, Hawaii

Joint Astronomy Centre

ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 394, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVII


San Francisco

Astron. Soc. Pac.


ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 485, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIII


San Francisco

Astron. Soc. Pac.


Int. Infrared Millimeter Waves




ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 347, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV


San Francisco

Astron. Soc. Pac.


ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 172, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VIII


San Francisco

Astron. Soc. Pac.


ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 281, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XI


San Francisco

Astron. Soc. Pac.


et al.

ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 442, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XX


San Francisco

Astron. Soc. Pac.


et al.

Astron. Comp.




ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 281, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XI


San Francisco

Astron. Soc. Pac.


et al.

Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4855



Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy



Nineteenth Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technology



et al.





Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Vol. 285, Information Handling in Astronomy – Historical Vistas





Harp Data Acceptance Criteria for the JCMT Legacy Surveys


Hilo, Hawaii

Joint Astronomy Centre

et al.





et al.

Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4015, Radio Telescopes





Proc. SPIE, Vol. 9153, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII





ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 172, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VIII


San Francisco

Astron. Soc. Pac.


et al.

Telescopes from Afar



Astron. Comput.




The Global Section Datafile (GSD) Access Library, Starlink User Note 229


Hilo, Hawaii

Joint Astronomy Centre

ACSIS File Format Interface Control Document


Hilo, Hawaii

Joint Astronomy Centre

ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 394, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVII


San Francisco

Astron. Soc. Pac.


et al.

Proc. SPIE, Vol. 9152, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy III





et al.

Astron. Comput.


et al.

Proc. SPIE, Vol. 8452, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI





ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 216, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IX


San Francisco

Astron. Soc. Pac.


ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 314, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) XIII


San Francisco

Astron. Soc. Pac.


ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 278, Single-Dish Radio Astronomy: Techniques and Applications


San Francisco

Astron. Soc. Pac.


PROTOSTAR: The Newsletter of the JCMT




SPECX V6.3 Users’ Manual



Univ. Cambridge

et al.

Int. J. Infrared Millimeter Waves




CASA Development Team

ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 461, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXI


San Francisco

Astron. Soc. Pac.


SF2A-2005: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise


Les Ulis, France



et al.

Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4848, Advanced Telescope and Instrumentation Control Software II





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et al.

Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4855, Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy





Ast – A Library for Handling World Coordinate Systems in Astronomy, Starlink User Note 211


Hilo, Hawaii

Joint Astronomy Centre

et al.

Proc. SPIE, Vol. 9153, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII





et al.





ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 75, Multi-Feed Systems for Radio Telescopes


San Francisco

Astron. Soc. Pac.



Raw data files at JCMT are written to Hierarchical Data System (HDS) format files (e.g., Jenness 2015, ascl:1502.009) using the extensible _N_-Dimensional Data Format (NDF; Jenness et al. 2015a, ascl:1411.023). The spectral data are stored in a three-dimensional data array dimensioned by spectrum channels/frequency, detector number and time. In addition to an FITS-style header, three extensions are used to describe the data. The JCMTOCS extension contains a full description of the requested observation in XML format. The ACSIS extension describes the individual detectors including their positions in the focal plane, their names, and the system and receiver temperatures. The JCMTSTATE extensions contains time-varying information associated with each time step in the primary data array. This primarily includes the telescope tracking position and acquisition time of each spectrum (using the TAI timescale), but also includes the local oscillator settings; environmental parameters, such as temperature and air pressure; and the position of the secondary mirror (only needed for jiggle observing modes). A complete description of the heterodyne data file format, including a full list of header parameters, can be found in Jenness et al. (2007).

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