Lambda lg constant region genes are translocated to chromosome 8 in Burkitt's lymphoma with t(8:22 (original) (raw)

Journal Article



Department of Medical Genetics, University of Helsinki

00290 Helsinki 29, Finland

4 Institut de Pathologie Molècuiaire, INSERM U 129, Facultè de Mèdecine Cochin-Port-Royal, 75014 Paris, France.

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International Agency for Research on Cancer

69372 Lyon

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Groupe de Recherches de Biologic Prènatale

INSERM U 73, Château de Longchamp, 75016 Paris, Franc

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Groupe de Recherches de Biologic Prènatale

INSERM U 73, Château de Longchamp, 75016 Paris, Franc

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Groupe de Recherches de Biologic Prènatale

INSERM U 73, Château de Longchamp, 75016 Paris, Franc

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4 Institut de Pathologie Molècuiaire, INSERM U 129, Facultè de Mèdecine Cochin-Port-Royal, 75014 Paris, France.

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4 Institut de Pathologie Molècuiaire, INSERM U 129, Facultè de Mèdecine Cochin-Port-Royal, 75014 Paris, France.

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4 Institut de Pathologie Molècuiaire, INSERM U 129, Facultè de Mèdecine Cochin-Port-Royal, 75014 Paris, France.

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Laboratorire de Anthropologie Biologique

Paris VII,75006 Paris, France

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4 Institut de Pathologie Molècuiaire, INSERM U 129, Facultè de Mèdecine Cochin-Port-Royal, 75014 Paris, France.

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14 December 1982


25 January 1983


25 February 1983


Albert de la Chapelte, Gilbert Lenoir, Joëlle Bouè, Andre Bouè, Pia Gallano, Cècile Huerre, Marie-France Szajnert, Marc Jeanpierre, Jean-Marc LaloueP, Jean-Claude Kaplan, Lambda lg constant region genes are translocated to chromosome 8 in Burkitt's lymphoma with t(8:22, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 11, Issue 4, 25 February 1983, Pages 1133–1142,

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By insitu hybridization of normal human chromosomes with a cloned genomic probe specific for the constant region of the lambda immunoglobulin genes, band 22q11 was preferentially labelled. In two cell lines with t(8;22) derived from Burkitt's lymphoma a strong signal was noted on the 8q chromosome derivative, indicating that the constant region of the lambda Ig gene cluster was translocated from chromosome 22 to chromosome 8. In addition, the signal observed on the 22q- derivative chromosome was stronger than the background in one of the two cell lines tested, but not in the other. The implications are that the break point in chromosome 22 in some cases lies within the Ig gene itself or between clusters of such genes, and that different cases have different break points.

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