A New Method for Estimating Nonsynonymous Substitutions and Its Applications to Detecting Positive Selection (original) (raw)


The standard methods for computing the number of nonsynonymous substitutions (_K_a) lump all amino acid changes into one single class, even though their rates of substitution vary by at least 10-fold (Tang et al., 2004). Classifying these changes by their physicochemical properties has not been suitably effective in isolating the fastest evolving classes of changes. We now propose to use the Universal index U of Tang et al. (2004) to classify the 75 elementary amino acid changes (codons differing by 1 bp) by their evolutionary exchangeability. Let K i denote the _K_a value of each class (i = 1, …, 75 from the most to the least exchangeable). The cumulative K i for the top 10 classes, denoted _K_h (for high-exchangeability types), has two important properties: (1) _K_h usually accounts for 25%–30% of total amino acid changes and (2) when the observed number of amino acid substitutions is large, _K_h is predictably twice the value of _K_a. This shall be referred to as the twofold approximation. The new method for estimating _K_h is applied to the comparisons between human and macaque and between mouse and rat. The twofold approximation holds well in these data sets, and the signature of positive selection can be more easily discerned using the _K_h statistic than using _K_a. Many genes with _K_a/_K_s > 0.5 can now be shown to have _K_h/_K_s > 1 and to have evolved adaptively, at least for the high-exchangeability group of amino acid changes.


The estimation of nucleotide changes is fundamental to molecular evolutionary studies (Li, 1997). For coding regions, a simple approach is to estimate the _K_a (number of nonsynonymous changes per nonsynonymous site) and _K_s (number of synonymous changes per synonymous site) values separately (Li, Wu, and Luo, 1985; Nei and Gojobori, 1986; Yang and Bielawski, 2000). While synonymous changes are weakly, and presumably more or less uniformly, constrained, the strength of selective constraint varies greatly among different types of amino acid mutations. For example, both Ser to Thr and Cys to Tyr are nonsynonymous changes, but their rates of substitutions probably differ by more than 10-fold (Tang et al., 2004). Grouping nonsynonymous changes that have similar evolutionary dynamics into separate categories is, therefore, likely to be a useful strategy in discerning hidden patterns of molecular evolution.

There are many ways to decompose nonsynonymous changes into individual classes. For example, there have been attempts at classifying the 20 amino acids into groups according to their charge, polarity, volume, and so on. Amino acid substitutions within groups are considered conservative, whereas those between groups are radical (Zhang, 2000). Several other measures such as Grantham's distance have also been proposed to quantify the differences between amino acids (Grantham, 1974). However, it does not appear that amino acid changes so classified would have comparable evolutionary dynamics (Rand, Weinreich, and Cezairliyan, 2000; Zhang, 2000). Many amino acid changes classified as conservative in fact evolved slowly, whereas others so classified evolved much more rapidly (Yang, Nielsen, and Hasegawa, 1998; Rand, Weinreich, and Cezairliyan, 2000). The lack of consistency arose from the nonempirical nature of amino acid classifications.

An empirical system of classifying amino acid changes by their evolutionary exchangeability has recently been developed by Tang et al. (2004). Among the 20 amino acids, there are 190 possible changes, of which only 75 kinds can be substituted with a 1-bp change in the codons. Each of these 75 kinds of amino acid mutations is referred to as an elementary amino acid change. The remaining 115 kinds are composites of two or three elementary changes. In Tang et al. (2004), we estimated the evolutionary index (EI(i), i = 1–75) for each of the 75 kinds of changes. EI is the equivalent of the _K_a/_K_s ratio for each kind. Between closely related species, EIs can be accurately computed when a large number of DNA sequences are available.

This method of EI for amino acid changes differs from earlier systems in three important ways. First, EI is codon based, whereas earlier methods such as the PAM matrix (Dayhoff, Schwartz, and Orcutt, 1978) were based on amino acid sequences. Second, EI is computed between closely related species, hence requiring a large number of DNA sequences. Third, EIs among different gene sets from diverse taxa have been shown to be highly correlated. This has led to the proposal of a universal measure of amino acid exchangeability, U. For any large data set, we only need to know the mean


in order to compute the expected EIs, which are linearly correlated with the constant scale, U.

One of the many reasons for separating synonymous and nonsynonymous changes (and for classifying amino acid substitutions) is to detect positive selection. If the _K_a/_K_s ratio is significantly greater than 1, the sequence evolution is usually interpreted to be driven by positive selection, on the assumption that synonymous changes are the proxy of neutral changes (Li, 1997). Although synonymous changes are generally not neutral (Akashi, 1995; Hellmann et al., 2003; Lu and Wu, 2005; discussed later), the _K_a/_K_s ratio remains relatively free of assumptions for inferring the action of natural selection.

The _K_a/_K_s > 1 test is perhaps overly stringent as it requires the acceleration in amino acid substitutions, due to positive selection at some sites, to overcompensate for the retardation at other sites due to negative selection. In this study, we demonstrate how grouping amino acid changes by their _U_-index and computing the associated _K_a/_K_s values can substantially augment the power of detecting the signature of positive selection. Moreover, we establish the statistical criteria for isolating the high-exchangeability amino acid pairs from the rest. The average _K_a value of this group will be referred to as _K_h, which generally accounts for 25%–30% of total amino acid changes. We show that _K_h on average is about twice the value of _K_a at the genomic level. There are many cases where _K_h/_K_s > 1, indicating positive selection, whereas the traditional _K_a/_K_s does not reveal adaptive evolution.

Materials and Methods

DNA Sequences

The 2,369 pairs of orthologs between human and the macaque monkey were aligned using the DNASTAR Megalign program. The 1,306 orthologs between mouse and rat were taken from those used in Tang et al. (2004). To calculate the number of substitutions for each of the 75 classes of elementary changes (K i), large number of changes have to be scored. In those cases, we use the mean weighted by the gene length. It is equivalent to stringing together all coding sequences to create a “supersequence.”

Evaluation of


in U Data Sets

In any U data set, K i is assumed to equal exactly


where c is a scaling factor equal to the average K a of the data set. The cumulative


for the first i classes is

\(K_{i}^{{\ast}}{=}{\sum}_{j{=}1}^{i}K_{j}L_{j}/{\sum}_{j{=}1}^{i}{\ }L_{j}{=}{\sum}_{j{=}1}^{i}cU_{j}L_{j}/{\sum}_{j{=}1}^{i}L_{j},\)

where L j is the estimated length for _j_th-type amino acid changes in the data set. Var(K i) can be approximated as




(Li, 1997). Between closely related species, K i ≪ 1 for i = 1, 2, …, 75. Thus, Var(K i) can be further approximated as


which then gives rise to


An optimal i (number of classes) can be found by maximizing the quantity






The optimal i at which


is maximized does not depend on the exact values of L i and c. In figure 1, we plot


versus i by choosing c = 0.05 (equivalently, the average _K_a is equal to 0.05) and


for convenience because the general shapes are not affected by their values. Also


versus i is plotted in the same figure by choosing c/_K_s = 0.5 (i.e., the average _K_a/_K_s of the data set is set to be 0.5). In our calculations, we used the genome-wide frequencies of sites for the 75 kinds of elementary nonsynonymous changes for rodents which are included in the Table S1 in the Supplementary Material online. Because mammalian genome codon frequencies are highly correlated and genome-wide ts/tv biases are similar, the exact genomes used for this purpose do not matter much.

\batchmode \documentclass[fleqn,10pt,legalpaper]{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amsmath} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \(K_{i}^{{\ast}}/K_{\mathrm{s}}\) \end{document} (thick solid line) and \batchmode \documentclass[fleqn,10pt,legalpaper]{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amsmath} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \((K_{i}^{{\ast}}{-}K_{\mathrm{a}})/\mathrm{SD}(K_{i}^{{\ast}})\) \end{document} (open circles) from a generalized U data set with a weighted average of Ka = 0.05 and Ks = 0.1 are evaluated. i denotes each class of elementary amino acid change, ranging from 1 (most exchangeable) to 75 (least exchangeable). The more exchangeable classes with i ≤ 10 are separately analyzed. Note that \batchmode \documentclass[fleqn,10pt,legalpaper]{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amsmath} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \(K_{10}^{{\ast}}/K_{\mathrm{s}}({=}K_{\mathrm{h}}/K_{\mathrm{s}})\) \end{document} is slightly greater than 1 or twice the value of the average Ka/Ks.

FIG. 1.—


(thick solid line) and


(open circles) from a generalized U data set with a weighted average of _K_a = 0.05 and _K_s = 0.1 are evaluated. i denotes each class of elementary amino acid change, ranging from 1 (most exchangeable) to 75 (least exchangeable). The more exchangeable classes with i ≤ 10 are separately analyzed. Note that


is slightly greater than 1 or twice the value of the average _K_a/_K_s.


Computing Nonsynonymous Substitutions of the _i_th Kind, K i (and



The _K_a value of a gene represents the average rate of amino acid substitution for that gene. Nonsynonymous substitutions between some types of amino acid changes may take place much faster than the average rate. Our objective is to isolate the highly exchangeable types of amino acid changes from the rest, based on our previous analysis of two species of yeast and two species of rodents (Tang et al., 2004). By the criteria of Tang et al. (2004), we classify the 75 kinds of elementary amino acid changes (those that differ by 1 bp) by a universal ranking, U i (see Table S1, Supplementary Material online). In the U i classification, i = 1 denotes the most exchangeable (Ser ↔ Thr in this case) and i = 75 the least exchangeable (Asp ↔ Tyr) kind. Generally, the high-exchangeability pairs are more conservative in their physicochemical properties. For comparison, we also ranked the changes by (1) the increasing order of Grantham's distance and (2) rankings by random permutations.

We show below how the _K_a value for the _i_th class of amino acid changes, referred to as K i, is calculated. K i/_K_s is the EI of the _i_th class, EI(i), as defined by Tang et al. (2004). We also define


as the cumulative K i value of the first i classes.


is thus the weighted average of K j for j from 1 to i. Note that


is equivalent to _K_a in the conventional calculation. The estimation we will introduce here is a simple counting method, as a first attempt. More elaborate statistical methods will have to be developed and evaluated at a later time.

Counting the Differences in the Synonymous Class and Each of the 75 Elementary Amino Acid Change Classes

We first obtain the observed differences for the _i_th-type elementary amino acid change, N i (_i_=1, 2, …, 75), as well as the total number of synonymous differences _N_s. For those codons differing by 2 bp, there are two pathways; for example, TTT–TTC–TCC or TTT–TCT–TCC. We use the genome-wide EI (Tang et al., 2004) to assign the probability for each of the two possible pathways. We disregard the codons differing by 3 bp because they are very rare between closely related species.

Counting the Synonymous and Nonsynonymous Sites

For genes with length L, we count the total number of synonymous sites, _L_s, and sites for each type of elementary amino acid changes, L i (i = 1, 2, …, 75). We assume mutations happen randomly on the sequences and obtain the frequency of changes from amino acid j to amino acid k (j = j or jk); mutations to the stop codons are excluded. Given


we can then calculate _L_s and L i. The counting method is similar to that in (Wyckoff, Wang, and Wu, 2000) or Zhang (2000), except that we count the number of sites for each of the 75 elementary changes separately.

In enumerating the changes, the mutation pattern is important. We consider only the difference between transition (ts) and transversion (tv). Dagan, Talmor, and Graur (2002) showed that the ts/tv ratio has a profound effect on the estimates of radical versus conservative amino acid substitutions. Fortunately, Rosenberg, Subramanian, and Kumar (2003) recently showed the ts/tv ratio to be relatively constant in each genome. Therefore, the genome-wide ts/tv ratios (2.4 for primates and 1.7 for rodents) estimated from the fourfold-degenerate sites were used in the estimation.

Estimation of K_s_, Ki, and


Given the observed changes (_N_s and N i, i = 1, 75) and the estimated number of sites (_L_s and L i), we can estimate _K_s and K i as _N_s/_L_s and N i/L i, respectively. To account for multiple hits, we use the method of Jukes and Cantor (1969). Note that the method developed in this paper is intended for closely related species with less than 20% sequence divergence; thus, the following formulas were used:





the cumulative rate for the first i kinds of amino acid changes, is


where i = 1, 2, …, 75.

Variance of K_s_, Ki, and Ki*

Between species with a sequence divergence of 20% or less, we suggest using the variance formulas of the method of Jukes and Cantor (1969).








For larger data sets, we recommend bootstrapping as an empirical means for estimating the variance of K i, using codons as the resampling units.

Application of the K i Method to the Generalized U Data Sets

One may have expected K i to vary from one data set to another (say, yeast vs. mammals), and the application of this estimation method to different data sets would yield different patterns. Fortunately, there is a strong correlation among K i's. The salient finding of Tang et al. (2004) is that EI(i)'s (=K i/_K_s) for different sets of genes from different taxa are highly correlated. Hence, a Universal index, U, was proposed (Table S1, Supplementary Material online) such that EIs from any data set would be highly correlated with U. For any data set with more than 20,000 amino acid changes, EI(i) can be approximated by






are, respectively, the (weighted) mean nonsynonymous and mean synonymous substitution rates of the entire data set. U i's are given in Table S1 (Supplementary Material online). For such data sets, the correlation coefficient (r) between the observed EI(i) and the expected


is usually greater than 0.95. However, even smaller data sets with only 2,500 amino acid changes would still yield an r value of >0.85 (Tang et al., 2004).

We shall refer to a collection of generalized data sets as U sets, for which

\[\mathrm{EI}(i){=}K_{i}/K_{\mathrm{s}}{=}U_{i}{\times}({\bar{K}}_{\mathrm{a}}/{\bar{K}}_{\mathrm{s}}){\ }\mathrm{for}{\,}i{=}1{\,}\mathrm{to}{\,}75.\]



may differ from one data set to another. In any U set (Tang et al., 2004), _K_1/_K_s is about 2.5 times, and _K_5/_K_s is slightly more than twice, as high as


In figure 1, we show the decrease in


as i increases; for example,


(>1.1) is more than 2.2 times the value of


(=0.5 in fig. 1). The result suggests, not surprisingly, that the high-exchangeability classes of amino acid changes should be more revealing of positive selection than the entire set of changes. The question “what demarcates high- and low-exchangeability classes?” is addressed in the next section.

Defining Nonsynonymous Substitutions for the High-Exchangeability Class (_K_h)

For small i's,


(such as


⁠) in a generalized data set is much higher than the standard _K_a but the standard deviation (SD) associated with the estimate of


is also relatively large. If we include more classes of amino acid changes (say, i > 30), the estimation error would be smaller but


would also decrease. There is a trade-off in the demarcation of high- and low-exchangeability classes. An optimal number of classes in this trade-off is about 10–12, as shown below.

In figure 1, we plot


against i where


is the SD of


Note that


increases and reaches a plateau between i = 10 and i = 25. (The general shape and position of the plateau in figure 1 are not affected much by the total length of genes because we are comparing the relative values among different


⁠) One may wish to maximize both




To do so, we recommend the i value to be between 10 and 12, corresponding to where the curve in figure 1 reaches the plateau.

In general, the top 10–12 classes account for 25%–30% of the total number of amino acid differences observed.




is slightly above or below twice the conventional _K_a/_K_s. We shall refer to this pattern as the “twofold approximation,” which will be tested further by using published genomic data.


will be designated _K_h (h for high exchangeability) from now on.

Estimation of High-Exchangeability Substitutions, _K_h


in Primates and Rodents

We shall now apply the K i (or _K_h) method to the genomic sequences of primates (human vs. macaque monkey) and rodents (mouse vs. rat).

The Distribution of K_a_/K_s_ in Primates and Rodents

In figures 2_a_ and 2_b_, we show the distributions of the _K_a/_K_s ratios for primates and rodents. The weighted means are 0.176 and 0.148 for the primate and rodent comparisons, respectively. Only 21 out of 2,369 genes in the primate data show a _K_a/_K_s ratio greater than 1 (including 7 genes with _K_s = 0). In rodents, 7 out of 1,306 genes have _K_a/_K_s > 1. In none of these comparisons is _K_a > _K_s significant. In other words, the conventional _K_a/_K_s analysis reveals little signature of positive selection in these data sets.

(a) The distribution of Ka/Ks for 2,369 orthologous genes between human and the macaque monkey. (b) The distribution of Ka/Ks for 1,306 genes between mouse and rat.

FIG. 2.—

(a) The distribution of _K_a/_K_s for 2,369 orthologous genes between human and the macaque monkey. (b) The distribution of _K_a/_K_s for 1,306 genes between mouse and rat.

K_a_ versus K_h_ Among the Fastest Evolving Genes in Primates and Rodents

In either data set, we first analyzed the top 100 genes with the highest _K_a values as shown in figure 3. The fastest evolving 100 genes in primates and rodents have a mean _K_a/_K_s ratio of 0.72 and 0.60, respectively. In figure 3, the cumulative


values for the concatenated sequences are plotted against i (thick black line). The curve in figure 3 decreases monotonically as i increases.

(a) The \batchmode \documentclass[fleqn,10pt,legalpaper]{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amsmath} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \(K_{i}^{{\ast}}/K_{\mathrm{s}}\) \end{document} values for the concatenated 100 fastest evolving genes from primates are plotted against i (1–75) using three different rankings: (1) the decreasing order by the U-index (thick black line); (2) the increasing order of Grantham's distance (long-dashed line); (3) random order (the highest 5% and the mean are plotted as dashed and dotted lines, respectively). (b) Same as (a) but using rodent sequences.

FIG. 3.—

(a) The


values for the concatenated 100 fastest evolving genes from primates are plotted against i (1–75) using three different rankings: (1) the decreasing order by the _U_-index (thick black line); (2) the increasing order of Grantham's distance (long-dashed line); (3) random order (the highest 5% and the mean are plotted as dashed and dotted lines, respectively). (b) Same as (a) but using rodent sequences.

Among the conservative changes in primates (i < 20) (fig. 3_a_), the cumulative


ratios are greater than 1, hinting the action of positive selection. (Note that the ranking by i was independent of the data of figure 3_a_; it was determined in Tang et al. [2004] using different data sets.) As i approaches 75, the cumulative


value approaches 0.72, which is the mean _K_a/_K_s. The inclusion of more radical classes of amino acid changes, on which negative selection operates strongly, masks the signature of positive selection. We use _K_h to designate


as noted; _K_h/_K_s is 1.494, about twice the _K_a/_K_s ratio of 0.72.

To show the significance of the difference between _K_h/_K_s and _K_a/_K_s, we randomly shuffled the i ranking and determined that the differences observed after the ranking is shuffled 1,000 times. For each i value, the highest 5% in


as well as the means are plotted in figure 3_a_. The dashed line also decreases monotonically because the SD of


decreases when i becomes larger with more samples. At each i, the observed


is always bigger than the highest 5% value in the randomized ranking scenarios. The observed excess is thus statistically significant for every i rank.

We also tested other ranking methods in the literature. The long-dashed line presents


calculations based on the ranking by Grantham's distance (Grantham, 1974). The line moves up and down but never goes above 1. This irregular pattern confirms what has been reported—that amino acid changes determined to be conservative by Grantham's distance are often pairs of low exchangeability (Yang, Nielsen, and Hasegawa, 1998). Grantham's distance thus does not provide a suitable ranking of the substitution rate between amino acids. We obtained the same pattern for the top 100 genes in rodents (fig. 3_b_).

K_a_ versus K_h_ Among All Genes in Primates and Rodents

Although the K i method is most useful when large number of substitutions can be analyzed, _K_h can be applied to individual genes as well. For each individual gene, we calculated the _K_h, _K_a, and _K_s values. In Table 1, we present 20 such examples, 10 from each data set. These are examples of longer genes and hence smaller stochastic fluctuations. In general, _K_h is indeed larger than _K_a for longer genes, but the variance for each individual gene is substantial. The new method is more informative when many genes are analyzed simultaneously, as shown below.

Table 1

Examples for the Estimation of _K_s, _K_a, and _K_h

Data Set Accession Gene Name Number of Codons _K_s SE(_K_s) _K_a SE(_K_a) _K_h SE(_K_h) _K_a/_K_s _K_h/_K_s
Primate NM_133259 LRPPRC 714 0.0616 0.0101 0.0575 0.0064 0.1146 0.0251 0.9325 1.8584
AF103801 Unknown 486 0.0672 0.0126 0.0493 0.0072 0.1540 0.0402 0.7336 2.2923
NM_000313 PROS1 327 0.0389 0.0118 0.0265 0.0063 0.0834 0.0299 0.6829 2.1471
NM_001063 TF 690 0.0743 0.0114 0.0427 0.0055 0.1142 0.0284 0.5747 1.5367
NM_002087 GRN 588 0.0635 0.0114 0.0339 0.0053 0.0665 0.0264 0.5331 1.0463
NM_017646 IPT 326 0.0504 0.0136 0.0220 0.0057 0.0481 0.0242 0.4375 0.9539
NM_006059 LAMC3 501 0.0779 0.0132 0.0334 0.0058 0.0543 0.0235 0.4290 0.6973
BC010570 HMGCL 325 0.0817 0.0173 0.0209 0.0056 0.0187 0.0150 0.2562 0.2293
NM_015392 NPDC1 320 0.1021 0.0190 0.0236 0.0061 0.0846 0.0430 0.2313 0.8294
NM_002615 SERPINF1 416 0.1264 0.0193 0.0237 0.0053 0.0379 0.0191 0.1877 0.2999
Rodent NM_013016 Ptpns1 508 0.1055 0.0162 0.1152 0.0110 0.2188 0.0423 1.0925 2.0750
NM_012705 Cd4 455 0.1630 0.0220 0.1452 0.0132 0.1958 0.0432 0.8907 1.2009
NM_032082 Hao2 353 0.1297 0.0220 0.0925 0.0116 0.1971 0.0480 0.7133 1.5191
NM_130409 Cfh 1,233 0.1619 0.0137 0.1062 0.0067 0.2204 0.0285 0.6561 1.3617
NM_057193 Il10ra 569 0.1698 0.0201 0.0991 0.0095 0.1139 0.0280 0.5834 0.6706
NM_012830 Cd2 342 0.1960 0.0285 0.1104 0.0130 0.2308 0.0572 0.5633 1.1771
NM_017300 Baat 419 0.1638 0.0231 0.0782 0.0097 0.1962 0.0451 0.4773 1.1976
NM_053781 Akr1b7 316 0.1693 0.0274 0.0746 0.0109 0.1636 0.0466 0.4407 0.9659
NM_012503 Asgr1 284 0.1765 0.0295 0.0556 0.0098 0.0541 0.0278 0.3152 0.3062
NM_130424 Tmprss2 490 0.1722 0.0223 0.0501 0.0071 0.1147 0.0308 0.2911 0.6659
Data Set Accession Gene Name Number of Codons _K_s SE(_K_s) _K_a SE(_K_a) _K_h SE(_K_h) _K_a/_K_s _K_h/_K_s
Primate NM_133259 LRPPRC 714 0.0616 0.0101 0.0575 0.0064 0.1146 0.0251 0.9325 1.8584
AF103801 Unknown 486 0.0672 0.0126 0.0493 0.0072 0.1540 0.0402 0.7336 2.2923
NM_000313 PROS1 327 0.0389 0.0118 0.0265 0.0063 0.0834 0.0299 0.6829 2.1471
NM_001063 TF 690 0.0743 0.0114 0.0427 0.0055 0.1142 0.0284 0.5747 1.5367
NM_002087 GRN 588 0.0635 0.0114 0.0339 0.0053 0.0665 0.0264 0.5331 1.0463
NM_017646 IPT 326 0.0504 0.0136 0.0220 0.0057 0.0481 0.0242 0.4375 0.9539
NM_006059 LAMC3 501 0.0779 0.0132 0.0334 0.0058 0.0543 0.0235 0.4290 0.6973
BC010570 HMGCL 325 0.0817 0.0173 0.0209 0.0056 0.0187 0.0150 0.2562 0.2293
NM_015392 NPDC1 320 0.1021 0.0190 0.0236 0.0061 0.0846 0.0430 0.2313 0.8294
NM_002615 SERPINF1 416 0.1264 0.0193 0.0237 0.0053 0.0379 0.0191 0.1877 0.2999
Rodent NM_013016 Ptpns1 508 0.1055 0.0162 0.1152 0.0110 0.2188 0.0423 1.0925 2.0750
NM_012705 Cd4 455 0.1630 0.0220 0.1452 0.0132 0.1958 0.0432 0.8907 1.2009
NM_032082 Hao2 353 0.1297 0.0220 0.0925 0.0116 0.1971 0.0480 0.7133 1.5191
NM_130409 Cfh 1,233 0.1619 0.0137 0.1062 0.0067 0.2204 0.0285 0.6561 1.3617
NM_057193 Il10ra 569 0.1698 0.0201 0.0991 0.0095 0.1139 0.0280 0.5834 0.6706
NM_012830 Cd2 342 0.1960 0.0285 0.1104 0.0130 0.2308 0.0572 0.5633 1.1771
NM_017300 Baat 419 0.1638 0.0231 0.0782 0.0097 0.1962 0.0451 0.4773 1.1976
NM_053781 Akr1b7 316 0.1693 0.0274 0.0746 0.0109 0.1636 0.0466 0.4407 0.9659
NM_012503 Asgr1 284 0.1765 0.0295 0.0556 0.0098 0.0541 0.0278 0.3152 0.3062
NM_130424 Tmprss2 490 0.1722 0.0223 0.0501 0.0071 0.1147 0.0308 0.2911 0.6659

These genes were chosen from the primate and rodent data sets mainly on account of their lengths. Examples are given in the descending order of _K_a/_K_s in each data set.

Table 1

Examples for the Estimation of _K_s, _K_a, and _K_h

Data Set Accession Gene Name Number of Codons _K_s SE(_K_s) _K_a SE(_K_a) _K_h SE(_K_h) _K_a/_K_s _K_h/_K_s
Primate NM_133259 LRPPRC 714 0.0616 0.0101 0.0575 0.0064 0.1146 0.0251 0.9325 1.8584
AF103801 Unknown 486 0.0672 0.0126 0.0493 0.0072 0.1540 0.0402 0.7336 2.2923
NM_000313 PROS1 327 0.0389 0.0118 0.0265 0.0063 0.0834 0.0299 0.6829 2.1471
NM_001063 TF 690 0.0743 0.0114 0.0427 0.0055 0.1142 0.0284 0.5747 1.5367
NM_002087 GRN 588 0.0635 0.0114 0.0339 0.0053 0.0665 0.0264 0.5331 1.0463
NM_017646 IPT 326 0.0504 0.0136 0.0220 0.0057 0.0481 0.0242 0.4375 0.9539
NM_006059 LAMC3 501 0.0779 0.0132 0.0334 0.0058 0.0543 0.0235 0.4290 0.6973
BC010570 HMGCL 325 0.0817 0.0173 0.0209 0.0056 0.0187 0.0150 0.2562 0.2293
NM_015392 NPDC1 320 0.1021 0.0190 0.0236 0.0061 0.0846 0.0430 0.2313 0.8294
NM_002615 SERPINF1 416 0.1264 0.0193 0.0237 0.0053 0.0379 0.0191 0.1877 0.2999
Rodent NM_013016 Ptpns1 508 0.1055 0.0162 0.1152 0.0110 0.2188 0.0423 1.0925 2.0750
NM_012705 Cd4 455 0.1630 0.0220 0.1452 0.0132 0.1958 0.0432 0.8907 1.2009
NM_032082 Hao2 353 0.1297 0.0220 0.0925 0.0116 0.1971 0.0480 0.7133 1.5191
NM_130409 Cfh 1,233 0.1619 0.0137 0.1062 0.0067 0.2204 0.0285 0.6561 1.3617
NM_057193 Il10ra 569 0.1698 0.0201 0.0991 0.0095 0.1139 0.0280 0.5834 0.6706
NM_012830 Cd2 342 0.1960 0.0285 0.1104 0.0130 0.2308 0.0572 0.5633 1.1771
NM_017300 Baat 419 0.1638 0.0231 0.0782 0.0097 0.1962 0.0451 0.4773 1.1976
NM_053781 Akr1b7 316 0.1693 0.0274 0.0746 0.0109 0.1636 0.0466 0.4407 0.9659
NM_012503 Asgr1 284 0.1765 0.0295 0.0556 0.0098 0.0541 0.0278 0.3152 0.3062
NM_130424 Tmprss2 490 0.1722 0.0223 0.0501 0.0071 0.1147 0.0308 0.2911 0.6659
Data Set Accession Gene Name Number of Codons _K_s SE(_K_s) _K_a SE(_K_a) _K_h SE(_K_h) _K_a/_K_s _K_h/_K_s
Primate NM_133259 LRPPRC 714 0.0616 0.0101 0.0575 0.0064 0.1146 0.0251 0.9325 1.8584
AF103801 Unknown 486 0.0672 0.0126 0.0493 0.0072 0.1540 0.0402 0.7336 2.2923
NM_000313 PROS1 327 0.0389 0.0118 0.0265 0.0063 0.0834 0.0299 0.6829 2.1471
NM_001063 TF 690 0.0743 0.0114 0.0427 0.0055 0.1142 0.0284 0.5747 1.5367
NM_002087 GRN 588 0.0635 0.0114 0.0339 0.0053 0.0665 0.0264 0.5331 1.0463
NM_017646 IPT 326 0.0504 0.0136 0.0220 0.0057 0.0481 0.0242 0.4375 0.9539
NM_006059 LAMC3 501 0.0779 0.0132 0.0334 0.0058 0.0543 0.0235 0.4290 0.6973
BC010570 HMGCL 325 0.0817 0.0173 0.0209 0.0056 0.0187 0.0150 0.2562 0.2293
NM_015392 NPDC1 320 0.1021 0.0190 0.0236 0.0061 0.0846 0.0430 0.2313 0.8294
NM_002615 SERPINF1 416 0.1264 0.0193 0.0237 0.0053 0.0379 0.0191 0.1877 0.2999
Rodent NM_013016 Ptpns1 508 0.1055 0.0162 0.1152 0.0110 0.2188 0.0423 1.0925 2.0750
NM_012705 Cd4 455 0.1630 0.0220 0.1452 0.0132 0.1958 0.0432 0.8907 1.2009
NM_032082 Hao2 353 0.1297 0.0220 0.0925 0.0116 0.1971 0.0480 0.7133 1.5191
NM_130409 Cfh 1,233 0.1619 0.0137 0.1062 0.0067 0.2204 0.0285 0.6561 1.3617
NM_057193 Il10ra 569 0.1698 0.0201 0.0991 0.0095 0.1139 0.0280 0.5834 0.6706
NM_012830 Cd2 342 0.1960 0.0285 0.1104 0.0130 0.2308 0.0572 0.5633 1.1771
NM_017300 Baat 419 0.1638 0.0231 0.0782 0.0097 0.1962 0.0451 0.4773 1.1976
NM_053781 Akr1b7 316 0.1693 0.0274 0.0746 0.0109 0.1636 0.0466 0.4407 0.9659
NM_012503 Asgr1 284 0.1765 0.0295 0.0556 0.0098 0.0541 0.0278 0.3152 0.3062
NM_130424 Tmprss2 490 0.1722 0.0223 0.0501 0.0071 0.1147 0.0308 0.2911 0.6659

These genes were chosen from the primate and rodent data sets mainly on account of their lengths. Examples are given in the descending order of _K_a/_K_s in each data set.

The scatter plot of _K_h/_K_s versus _K_a/_K_s for the 1,948 genes between human and macaque (excluding those with _K_a = 0 or _K_s = 0) is shown in figure 4_a_. Among those genes, only 14 have a _K_a/_K_s ratio greater than 1. In contrast, _K_h/_K_s is larger than 1 in 174 genes. Most data points in figure 4_a_ are well above the 45° line; data points below the 45° line are generally genes with small _K_a. We also analyzed 1,241 orthologs between rat and mouse, as shown in figure 4_b_. In this comparison, 7 genes show _K_a/_K_s greater than 1 but for _K_h/_K_s 92 genes do. In both panels, the slopes of the regression lines are above 2, indicating that _K_h/_K_s is at least twice the value of _K_a/_K_s on average.

The scatter plots of Kh/Ks versus Ka/Ks for (a) 1,948 orthologs between human and macaque and (b) 1,241 orthologs between mouse and rat. The dashed lines are fitted regression lines. Those points with Kh/Ks > 4.0 are plotted on the upper edge. Note that the slopes of the regression lines in both panels are greater than 2.

FIG. 4.—

The scatter plots of _K_h/_K_s versus _K_a/_K_s for (a) 1,948 orthologs between human and macaque and (b) 1,241 orthologs between mouse and rat. The dashed lines are fitted regression lines. Those points with _K_h/_K_s > 4.0 are plotted on the upper edge. Note that the slopes of the regression lines in both panels are greater than 2.

It should be noted that _K_h/_K_s may often be larger than 1 due to the larger standard error (SE) of _K_h, in addition to its larger mean. To remove, or at least reduce, the contribution of the larger SE, we examine the correlation between _K_h − SE(_K_h) and _K_a − SE(_K_a). Both data sets show that they are highly positively correlated with the correlation coefficient larger than 0.75, and on average the _K_h − SE(_K_h) is approximately 1.7 times the value of _K_a − SE(_K_a). Moreover, for those genes with _K_h/_K_s > 1, _K_h − 2SE(_K_h) is on average 1.29 times higher than _K_a − 2SE(_K_a) for rodents and 1.13 times higher for primates. These results suggest that the larger _K_h/_K_s ratios in most cases are indeed due to the larger mean in _K_h.

The “Twofold Approximation” of K_h_ versus K_a_

In the generalized data sets, we show _K_h ≈ 2_K_a. To test the idea that genes of sufficient size will reliably yield the twofold relationship, _K_h ≈ 2_K_a, we concatenated genes with similar _K_a values. Of the 2,369 orthologs between human and macaque, we sorted the 1,955 genes with _K_a > 0 by the descending order of _K_a and concatenated every 50 orthologs into a supersequence. A total of 39 supersequences were obtained. In figure 5_a_, we plot _K_h/_K_s against _K_a/_K_s for these supersequences. The correlation coefficient r is 0.993, and the slope of the regression line is 2.005. Therefore, the _K_h/_K_s ratio is very close to twice the value of _K_a/_K_s, as shown in figure 1 for the generalized data set. We applied the same procedure to 1,200 orthologs between mouse and rat, creating 24 supersequences (each again being a 50 gene contig). In figure 5_b_, the correlation coefficient between _K_h/_K_s and _K_a/_K_s is 0.996, and the slope is 1.943. Again, the twofold approximation holds quite well.

(a) The scatter plot of Kh/Ks versus Ka/Ks for 39 supersequences between human and macaque. Each supersequence is the concatenation of 50 genes with similar Ka values. (b) The same plot for 24 supersequences between mouse and rat. Note that the slopes of both regression lines are around 2, indicating Kh/Ks is usually twice as large as Ka/Ks.

FIG. 5.—

(a) The scatter plot of _K_h/_K_s versus _K_a/_K_s for 39 supersequences between human and macaque. Each supersequence is the concatenation of 50 genes with similar _K_a values. (b) The same plot for 24 supersequences between mouse and rat. Note that the slopes of both regression lines are around 2, indicating _K_h/_K_s is usually twice as large as _K_a/_K_s.

In summary, _K_h's in any sequence comparisons would fluctuate, but generally hover about two times of the corresponding _K_a value. For longer sequences (or collection of sequences), the _K_h ≈ 2_K_a approximation holds well.


The study of coding sequence evolution generally relies on the distinction between synonymous and nonsynonymous changes. The latter is a heterogeneous class driven by forces that both accelerate and retard the rate of molecular evolution. The signals of positive and negative selection can be better resolved when nonsynonymous changes are properly classified. The power of the method lies in the empirical means of finding the right set of conservative amino acid changes. The relative ranking of most to least exchangeable replacements applies equally well to yeasts, Drosophila, plants, and mammals (Tang et al., 2004). This consistency permits a universal delineation of the optimal set of the top 10 classes of amino acid changes. The ranking of amino acid properties is crucial as other existing indices, such as the most widely used Grantham's distance, cannot delineate a subset of changes that evolve substantially faster than the rest (fig. 3).

The method proposed here requires genomic sequences from only two closely related species; hence, the influx of genomic data should make the method widely applicable. The downside of calculating _K_h is the larger SE associated with only a subset of changes. (Although it is defined by 10 of the 75 types of elementary changes, _K_h usually accounts for 25%–30% of the amino acid substitutions.) In this study, a simple counting method is introduced. While it may be sufficient to accurately estimate the divergence between closely related species, the potential for more sophisticated methods, such as maximum likelihood (ML) estimation under the Bayesian framework, should not be overlooked.

By examining the top 10 classes (or about 25%) of amino acid changes, it becomes much easier to find cases where nonsynonymous changes outpace synonymous ones both at the genomic and genic levels. Because _K_a > _K_s is taken to indicate the action of positive selection in most methods (discussed below), _K_h > _K_s should be interpreted in the same manner. Although _K_s has been known to be lower than the neutral substitution rate, by as much as 20% in some taxa (Akashi, 1995; Hellmann et al., 2003; Lu and Wu, 2005), _K_a (or _K_h) > _K_s remains a reasonable criterion for inferring positive selection. Without invoking positive selection on amino acid changes, the alternative interpretation would have to be that amino acid changes are subjected to weaker selective constraints than synonymous changes are. It seems more reasonable to assume that, on average, selective constraints on nonsynonymous changes are at least as strong as those on synonymous changes.

In figure 4 on mammalian genes, _K_h fluctuates greatly among individual genes, but the regression corroborates the relationship of _K_h ≈ 2_K_a. A source of the fluctuation is codon composition. Different codon compositions yield different estimations due to the weight for each type of change. There are many other sources of variation, such as neighboring effect, gene structure, and selection constraints for different types of amino acid changes in different genes. Nevertheless, if each gene is sufficiently large, the codon composition will be close to the genome average and the relationship, _K_h ≈ 2_K_a will be approached.

There are several other approaches to detecting positive selection. A most widely used method is the site-by-site analysis of a set of DNA sequences (Nielsen and Yang, 1998; Suzuki and Gojobori, 1999). In this approach, the proportion of sites in the sequences under positive selection is estimated, often in the ML framework (Yang, 1998; Yang and Nielsen, 2002). Although the method has been applied to genomic sequences from as few as three species (Clark et al., 2003), it is probably more suited to cases where a much larger number of taxa can be used. Some recent studies have also raised the issue of possible high rate of false positives in the more elaborate ML models (Zhang, 2004). More recently, Massingham and Goldman (2005) demonstrated an improved ML method, that is, sitewise likelihood ratio (SLR), for detecting nonneutral evolution. They showed that the SLR method can be more powerful, especially in difficult cases where the strength of selection is low. Most other approaches require additional functional (Hughes and Nei, 1988; Wyckoff, Wang, and Wu, 2000), chromosomal (Betancourt, Presgraves, and Swanson, 2002; Lu and Wu, 2005), or polymorphism data (McDonald and Kreitman, 1991; Fay, Wyckoff, and Wu, 2002) for inferring positive selection. A recent method that needs less information than our proposed method is the so-called “volatility measure” (Plotkin, Dushoff, and Fraser, 2004) which uses only sequences from one single genome. The utility of this method in detecting selection, however, remains to be demonstrated (Chen, Emerson, and Martin, 2005; Dagan and Graur, 2005; Hahn et al., 2005).

In conclusion, in addition to the conventional _K_a and _K_s estimates, the calculation of _K_h may often yield additional information. This is especially true when one attempts to compare two genomic sequences. Although the statistical variation associated with _K_h is larger than the conventional _K_a, genes with high _K_h/_K_s ratios may reveal more evolutionary signature and can then be subjected to additional analysis (McDonald and Kreitman, 1991; Yang, 1998; Fay and Wu, 2000) or experimentation (Greenberg et al., 2003; Sun, Ting, and Wu, 2004).

Jianzhi Zhang, Associate Editor

The authors wish to thank Hurng-Yi Wang for providing the alignments of primate orthologs used in this study. The authors also thank Alex Kondrashov, Wen-Hsiung Li, Martin Kreitman, and Jian Lu for comments and discussions. The work is supported by National Institutes of Health grants to C.-I.W.


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