Computer- and Robot-assisted Resection of Thalamic... : Neurosurgery (original) (raw)
Experimental and clinical studies: PDF Only
Computer- and Robot-assisted Resection of Thalamic Astrocytomas in Children
Drake, James M. F.R.C.S.(C); Joy, Michael Ph.D.; Goldenberg, Andrew Ph.D.; Kreindler, David B.Sc.
Division of Neurosurgery, Hospital for Sick Children (JMD, DK), and Departments of Biomedical Engineering (MJ) and Mechanical Engineering (AG), University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Six children ranging in age from 2 to 10 years who harbored deep benign astrocytomas were operated upon using a computer- and robot-assisted system. A radical excision was achieved in all cases with no significant morbidity nor any mortality. The system consists of an interactive, three-dimensional display of computed tomographic image contours and digitized cerebral angiograms taken using the Brown-Roberts-Wells stereotactic frame. The surgical retractor is held and manipulated using a PUMA 200 robot. The position and orientation of the surgical retractor is displayed on the three-dimensional display. Preoperative planning and simulation are important features of this system. Movement of the brain after removal of the tumor and cerebrospinal fluid is substantial, so the tumor removal is based on visually defined margins. Enhanced computer graphics and robotic devices are important adjuncts to neurosurgical procedures and will find increasing use in the future. (Neurosurgery 29:27-31, 1991)
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