A centimeter-long bacterium with DNA compartmentalized in membrane-bound organelles (original) (raw)

New Results

, Silvina Gonzalez-Rizzo, Olivier Gros, Tomáš Tyml, Natalia Ivanova, Frederik Schulz, Danielle Goudeau, Nathalie H Elisabeth, Nandita Nath, Daniel Udwary, Rex R Malmstrom, Chantal Guidi-Rontani, Susanne Bolte-Kluge, Karen M Davies, Maïtena R Jean, Jean-Louis Mansot, Nigel J Mouncey, Esther Angert, Tanja Woyke, Shailesh V Date

doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.02.16.480423



Cells of most bacterial species are around 2 µm in length, with some of the largest specimens reaching 750 µm. Using fluorescence, x-ray, and electron microscopy in conjunction with genome sequencing, we characterized Ca. Thiomargarita magnifica, a bacterium with an average cell length greater than 9,000 µm that is visible to the naked eye. We found that these cells grow orders of magnitude over theoretical limits for bacterial cell size through unique biology, display unprecedented polyploidy of more than half a million copies of a very large genome, and undergo a dimorphic life cycle with asymmetric segregation of chromosomes in daughter cells. These features, along with compartmentalization of genomic material and protein synthesis in membrane-bound organelles, indicate gain of complexity in the Thiomargarita lineage, and challenge traditional concepts of bacterial cells.

One Sentence Summary Ca. T. magnifica are compartmentalized centimeter-long bacteria

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SVD also serves as the CEO of Sample Exchange


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