Efficient isotope separation by single-photon atomic sorting (original) (raw)


We propose a general and scalable approach to isotope separation. The method is based on an irreversible change of the mass-to-magnetic moment ratio of a particular isotope in an atomic beam, followed by a magnetic multipole whose gradients deflect and guide the atoms. The underlying mechanism is a reduction of the entropy of the beam by the information of a single scattered photon for each atom that is separated. We numerically simulate isotope separation for a range of examples, which demonstrate this technique’s general applicability to almost the entire periodic table. The practical importance of the proposed method is that large-scale isotope separation should be possible, using ordinary inexpensive magnets and the existing technologies of supersonic beams and lasers.


©2010 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

M. Jerkins1, I. Chavez1, U. Even2, and M. G. Raizen1

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Schematic of the setup for isotope separation of lithium. Atoms from an annular oven are entrained into the flow of a carrier gas from a supersonic nozzle. A laser is tuned the D2 line of 7Li and populates all the atoms into the 22S1/2 F=1 manifold, forcing them to be antiguided.Reuse & Permissions

Direct simulation Monte Carlo results of the entrainment of lithium into a supersonic beam of neon using an annular lithium oven. This method is widely used to simulate rarified gas dynamics like those present in supersonic beams. The high 10% entrainment efficiency shown here enables isotope separation of significant quantities.Reuse & Permissions

The radial positions of the two lithium isotopes as they enter the magnetic gradient that separates them isotopically, followed by their radial positions on exiting.Reuse & Permissions

The magnetic flux density of a quadrupole field. The magnets surround a 1.5-cm inner diameter (1.6-cm outer diameter) stainless steel tube and are held in place with an aluminum holder. The magnets are out of vacuum, and the arrows define the direction magnetization.Reuse & Permissions

The radial positions of the calcium isotopes as they enter the magnetic gradient that separates them isotopically, followed by their radial positions on exiting.Reuse & Permissions

The radial positions of the neodymium isotopes as they enter the magnetic gradient that separates them isotopically, followed by their radial positions upon exiting.Reuse & Permissions
