Charge mechanism of low-frequency stimulated Raman scattering on viruses (original) (raw)


A physical mechanism of stimulated light scattering on nanoscale objects in a water suspension is proposed. The proposed mechanism is based on the dipole interaction between the light wave and the inevitable uncompensated electrical charge on a nanoscale object (e.g., a virus or nanoparticle) in a water environment. Experimental data on the tobacco mosaic virus are presented to support the proposed physical mechanism. It is demonstrated that stimulated amplification spectral line frequencies observed experimentally are well explained by the proposed mechanism. In particular, the absence of lower-frequency lines and the shifting of generation lines when the pH changes are due to ion friction in the ionic solution environment. The selection rules observed experimentally also confirm the dipole interaction type. It is shown that microwave radiation on the nanoscale object acoustic vibrations frequency should appear under such scattering conditions. We demonstrate that such conditions also allow for local selective heating of nanoscale objects from dozens to hundreds of degrees Celsius. This effect is controlled by the optical irradiation parameters, and it can be used to selectively affect a specific type of virus.


©2022 American Physical Society

  1. Research Areas

Atomic, Molecular & OpticalPhysics of Living Systems

Authors & Affiliations

V. B. Oshurko1,2,*, O. V. Karpova3, M. A. Davydov1, A. N. Fedorov1, A. F. Bunkin1, S. M. Pershin1, and M. Y. Grishin1

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Experimental low-frequency stimulated scattering: (a),(b) interference fringes from a Fabry-Pérot interferometer and (c) LFSS spectra for the tobacco mosaic virus concentration (a) ∼1.0×1012cm−3, Δν∼44.1GHz and concentration (b) ∼2.0×1012cm−3, Δν∼31.38GHz.
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Electron microscopy picture of dried TMV suspension after LFSS experiments.
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Gain increment for the frequencies of 10 odd modes (m=1,3,5,...) from Table 1 for two friction coefficients: (a) 10.0 GHz (solid) and (b) 2.0 GHz (dashed).
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Gain dependence on the interaction length z for the frequencies of 10 odd modes (m=1,3,5,...) from Table 1 and spectral lines at the exit from the interaction region z=2.65mm for the friction coefficients (a) 10.0 GHz, (b) 2.0 GHz.
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