How to assess publication bias: funnel plot, trim-and-fill method and selection models (original) (raw)

How to assess publication bias: funnel plot, trim-and-fill method and selection models



  1. Dimitris Mavridis1,2,
  2. Georgia Salanti1
  3. 1Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, University of Ioannina School of Medicine, Ioannina, Greece
  4. 2Department of Primary Education, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece
  5. Correspondence to Dr Dimitris Mavridis, Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, University of Ioannina School of Medicine, Ioannina, Greece; dimi.mavridis{at}

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This new section of the Journal is aimed at providing the essential information readers should know about the topics that are addressed in the “Statistics in practice” paper published in the same issue of the journal. This stand-alone section has to be seen as an articulated summary of the main notions clinicians have to know about some basic concepts in statistics, which may be useful for their evidence based practice. After going through these notes, readers are encouraged to read the “Statistics in practice” articles. Of course, we welcome any feedback from you (via email or Twitter) about this!

The EBMH Editors

A funnel plot is a scatter plot of the treatment effect estimates from individual trials against a measure of study's precision (usually the standard error (SE)).1

Trim-and-fill method

The trim-and-fill is a funnel plot-derived, two-step method aimed at both identifying publication bias and adjusting results for it.1 Phase 1 (Trimming): to exclude small studies in order to have a symmetrical plot and then estimate an adjusted summary effect considering only the larger studies. Phase 2 (Filling): to replicate the funnel plot replacing the excluded studies with their ‘missing’ counterparts around the adjusted summary estimate.

Selection models

Selection models focus on the selection process, that is, the mechanism by which trials are selected for publication.1 Using selection models, researchers can estimate the likely impact the missing studies would have, had they been included in the meta-analysis. One of the key assumptions in the selection models is that the included sample of studies is not at random. The studies have been included because they have some characteristics that increase their propensity for publication, therefore the overall estimate is conditional to the observed studies that have been published and identified. Taking this into account, it is possible to calculate the marginal effect size, which is the effect size unconditional to the publication status.


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