The Complexity of Gradient Descent: CLS = PPAD ∩ PLS (original) (raw)

Article No.: 7, Pages 1 - 74

Published: 19 December 2022 Publication History


We study search problems that can be solved by performing Gradient Descent on a bounded convex polytopal domain and show that this class is equal to the intersection of two well-known classes: PPAD and PLS. As our main underlying technical contribution, we show that computing a Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) point of a continuously differentiable function over the domain [0,1]2 is PPAD ∩ PLS-complete. This is the first non-artificial problem to be shown complete for this class. Our results also imply that the class CLS (Continuous Local Search) – which was defined by Daskalakis and Papadimitriou as a more “natural” counterpart to PPAD ∩ PLS and contains many interesting problems – is itself equal to PPAD ∩ PLS.



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Journal of the ACM Volume 70, Issue 1

February 2023

405 pages

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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 19 December 2022

Online AM: 17 October 2022

Accepted: 07 October 2022

Revised: 20 April 2022

Received: 22 June 2021

Published in JACM Volume 70, Issue 1


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  1. TFNP
  2. computational complexity
  3. continuous optimization



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John Fearnley

University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK

Paul Goldberg

University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Alexandros Hollender

University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Rahul Savani

University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK