The hepatitis B virus X protein promotes tumor cell invasion by inducing membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase-1 and cyclooxygenase-2 expression (original) (raw)
HBx induces tumor cell invasion. To determine whether HBx could induce tumor cell invasion, we used both in vivo and in vitro approaches. In vivo cell invasion was evaluated using a chick embryo invasion model in which cells are studied for their ability to degrade the embryo CAM and penetrate into the bloodstream (23). CMX cells displayed an invasive capacity fourfold higher than that of the control CMO cells (Figure 1a). In addition, 2.2.15 cells showed 7.9 times more invasive potential than their parental HepG2 cells (Figure 1b).
HBx induces tumor cell invasion in vivo and in vitro. (a and b) In vivo invasion. CMO and CMX (a) or HepG2 and 2.2.15 (b) were analyzed for their ability to invade the CAM of a chick embryo. The results are expressed as percentage of human DNA (left) or as number of intravasated cells (right). Experiments were carried out at least in quadruplicate. (c and d) In vitro invasion. The invasive capacity of CMO and CMX (c) or HepG2 and 2.2.15 (d) cells was tested using Matrigel-coated Transwells. Cells in the underside of the filter were stained, and eight independent fields were counted. The results are expressed as the mean value ± SE of three independent points.
In vitro cell invasion was determined using a Matrigel invasion assay. CMX cells showed a 2.3-fold higher invasion efficiency than CMO cells (Figure 1c), and, similarly, 2.2.15 cells showed increased invasive capacity with respect to HepG2 cells (Figure 1d), indicating that HBx was able to induce cell invasion both in vivo and in vitro.
HBx-induced invasion correlates with increased expression of activated MMP-2. To study the possible role of MMPs in HBx-induced cell invasion, we first analyzed the effect of the general MMP inhibitor BB-3103 on the invasive capacity of CMX and CMO cells. Transwell invasion assays performed in the presence of BB-3103 showed a decreased number of both CMX and CMO cells in the bottom chamber of the Transwell (Figure 2a), suggesting the involvement of MMPs in the invasion of the gel by these cells.
HBx-induced tumor cell invasion is dependent on metalloproteinase activity, and HBx upregulates activated MMP-2 expression. (a) CMO and CMX cells were allowed to invade a Matrigel-coated Transwell in the presence of the MMP inhibitor BB-3103 or DMSO as a control. The invasion was quantified as in Figure 1. (b) Cells were grown for 24 hours in serum-free medium, and gelatin zymography analysis of the cell culture supernatants of PMA-stimulated human umbilical vein endothelial cells (control) and the different hepatic cell lines was performed. (c and d) CMO and CMX (c) or HepG2 and 2.2.15 (d) cell lysates and supernatants were analyzed for MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression by Western blot. Anti–α-tubulin and anti-albumin mAb’s assure equal protein load in all lanes.
To further support the relation between MMP expression and cell invasion, we tested the activity of different MMPs by zymography assays. As shown in Figure 2b, only a 66-kDa band, likely corresponding to MMP-2, was detected by gelatin zymography in the culture supernatants of Chang liver and HepG2-derived cells. No MMP activity was detected when casein was used as substrate (data not shown), suggesting that no other MMPs were being secreted. We then analyzed the presence of the gelatinases MMP-2 and MMP-9 by Western blot both in the cell culture supernatants and in cell extracts. An increased amount of the activated 62-kDa MMP-2 isoform was found in CMX cell extracts compared with CMO cells (Figure 2c), whereas the 66-kDa proMMP-2 isoform was not detected in the cell extracts (Figure 2c) unless the blot was overexposed (data not shown). On the contrary, the 66-kDa form was the only MMP-2 isoform found in cell culture supernatants, although no significant differences in the expression of this protein were observed between CMX and CMO cells. Activated MMP-2 was also increased in 2.2.15 cell extracts compared with HepG2 extracts (Figure 2d). A variable amount of proMMP-2, which proved not to be significant, could be observed in the cell culture supernatants. MMP-9 was detected neither in the cell extracts nor in the cell culture supernatants (Figure 2, c and d). It is noteworthy that when supernatants were concentrated more than fivefold, a small amount of proMMP-9 could be observed, and this amount was not different between CMX and CMO cells (our unpublished data).
Increase in activated MMP-2 in HBx-expressing cell extracts is dependent on MT1-MMP upregulation. To determine whether the activation of MMP-2 correlated with an induction of MT1-MMP expression, we performed Western blot studies. CMX cells showed increased expression of MT1-MMP when compared with CMO cells (Figure 3a), correlating with the induction of activated MMP-2. Consistently, 2.2.15 cells also showed an increment in MT1-MMP expression compared with HepG2 cells (Figure 3a). To explore the involvement of MT1-MMP in the induction of cell invasion by HBx, we tested the effect of the blocking anti–MT1-MMP mAb LEM 1/58 (22) on the invasive capacity of the different cell lines. Blockade of the MT1-MMP catalytic site resulted in a loss of invasive capacity by CMX and 2.2.15 cells (Figure 3b). In addition, inhibition of MT1-MMP activity resulted in a decrease of activated MMP-2 in CMX cells (Figure 3c), as assayed by Western blot, suggesting that MT1-MMP played an important role in the induction of tumor cell invasion and MMP-2 activation by HBx. Accordingly, an upregulation of MT1-MMP mRNA was observed by quantitative RT-PCR both in CMX cells and in Chang liver cells transiently transfected with an HBx expression vector (Figure 3d).
HBx-mediated increase of activated MMP-2 and cell invasion is due to the induction of MT1-MMP expression. (a) MT1-MMP expression was analyzed by Western blot in CMO, CMX, HepG2, and 2.2.15 cells grown for 24 hours in the absence of serum. (b) CMO, CMX, HepG2, or 2.2.15 cells were allowed to invade a Matrigel-coated Transwell in the presence of the anti–MT1-MMP mAb LEM 1/58 or a control antibody. The invasion was quantified as in Figure 1. (c) CMO and CMX cells were incubated for 24 hours in the presence of the anti–MT1-MMP blocking mAb LEM 1/58 or a control mAb, and the presence of MMP-2 in the cell lysates was analyzed by Western blot. (d) The presence of MT1-MMP mRNA was studied by quantitative RT-PCR in CMO and CMX cells and in Chang liver cells (CHL) transiently transfected with an HBx-expression vector or a control plasmid.
HBx-induced MT1-MMP expression and tumor cell invasion are sensitive to COX-2 inhibitors. Next, we explored the effect of different COX-2 inhibitors on HBx-induced cell invasion. The COX-2–specific inhibitor NS398 blocked the induction of MMP-2 activation by HBx in a dose-dependent manner, and this inhibition could be reversed by the addition of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) (Figure 4a). In addition, treatment of CMX and 2.2.15 cells with 100 μM NS398 resulted in a decrease of MT1-MMP expression, whereas it had no effect on CMO or HepG2 cells (Figure 4b). Analysis of MT1-MMP mRNA expression by quantitative RT-PCR in CMX and CMO cells treated with 100 μM NS398 showed a clear inhibition of MT1-MMP mRNA synthesis by CMX cells (Figure 4c), confirming a role for COX-2 in the induction of MT1-MMP expression by HBx. In contrast, little or no decrease in MMP-2 mRNA was observed in CMX or CMO cells (not shown). More interestingly, the invasive ability of CMX, but not CMO, cells was dramatically decreased in the presence of NS398 (Figure 4d). The addition of PGE2 restored about 75% of the CMX cells’ invasive capacity, strengthening the evidence of the involvement of COX. In addition, the invasive capacity demonstrated by 2.2.15 cells was decreased by NS398 to the levels presented by HepG2 cells (Figure 4d).
Induction of MMP-2 activation, MT1-MMP expression, and cell invasion by HBx is sensitive to the COX-2 inhibitor NS398. (a) For 24 hours, CMX cells were grown in the presence of increasing amounts, and HepG2 and 2.2.15 cells were grown in the presence of 100 μM, of the COX-2–specific inhibitor NS398, along with 10 μM PGE2 where indicated. The presence of activated MMP-2 in the cell lysates was analyzed by Western blot. (b) CMO, CMX, HepG2, and 2.2.15 cells, as well as 4pX cells in which HBx expression was induced by removing tetracycline (Tet) for 24 hours, were treated or not treated with 100 μM NS398 for 24 hours and lysed, and the amount of MT1-MMP protein was studied by Western blot. (c) CMX and CMO cells were treated or not treated with 100 μM NS398 for 24 hours, and the expression of MT1-MMP transcripts was analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR. (d) CMO, CMX, HepG2, 2.2.15, or 4pX cells (with or without tetracycline) were allowed to invade Matrigel-coated Transwells in the presence of 100 μM NS398, or DMSO as a control, and 10 μM PGE2 where indicated. Cells that migrated to the lower chamber were quantified as in Figure 1.
We further confirmed our results by using an HBx-inducible hepatic cell line, 4pX cells, which express HBx when tetracycline is removed from the culture medium (21). HBx expression resulted in an upregulation of MT1-MMP as assayed by Western blot (Figure 4b, right panel). This induction of MT1-MMP expression was prevented by the addition of the COX-2 inhibitor NS398. Moreover, removal of tetracycline resulted in an increased invasive capacity (Figure 4d). Again, inhibition of COX-2 prevented the enhancement of 4pX cells’ invasive capacity.
We then studied the effect of different NSAIDs that preferentially inhibit COX-2, COX-1, or both (meloxicam, indomethacin, and ASA, respectively) on metalloproteinase production and tumor cell invasion induced by HBx. Treatment of CMX cells with meloxicam resulted in both a downregulation of MMP-2 activation and MT1-MMP expression (Figure 5a) and a strong inhibition (50%) of their invasive potential (Figure 5b). ASA showed a moderate inhibitory effect on CMX cells, whereas indomethacin had no effect. None of the NSAIDs showed a significant effect on CMO cell invasion and metalloproteinase production. Together, these results point to COX-2 as a key regulator of the induction of MMP expression and cell invasion by HBx.
Effect of different NSAIDs on MMP-2 activation, MT1-MMP expression, and tumor cell invasion induced by HBx. (a) CMO and CMX cells were grown for 24 hours in the presence of 60 μg/ml indomethacin, 60 μg/ml meloxicam, 600 μg/ml ASA, or DMSO as a control, and the amount of activated MMP-2 and MT1-MMP was analyzed by Western blot. (b) CMX and CMO cells were allowed to invade a Matrigel-coated Transwell in the presence of 60 μg/ml indomethacin, 60 μg/ml meloxicam, 600 μg/ml ASA, or DMSO. Cells that migrated to the lower chamber were quantified as in Figure 1.
HBx induces COX-2 expression. The blockade of cell invasion and MMP expression by COX-2–specific inhibitors prompted us to study whether HBx was inducing the expression of COX-2. Western blot analysis of COX-2 and COX-1 revealed that CMX, 2.2.15, and 4pX cells without tetracycline expressed higher COX-2 levels than their respective control cells, whereas COX-1 was not detected (Figure 6a). Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of COX-2 confirmed the induction of enzyme in CMX cells and in Chang liver cells transiently transfected with the HBx expression vector pSV-X (Figure 6b). No differences were observed in the transcript levels of mPGES, cPGES, or COX-1 between CMX and CMO cells (data not shown). In addition, we found a twofold increase in the secretion of PGE2 by HBx-bearing cells that was blocked by the addition of 10 μM NS398 (not shown). These results demonstrate that HBx is able to induce COX-2 expression in independent hepatic cell lines.
HBx induces COX-2 expression. (a) The expression of COX-2 and COX-1 was evaluated by Western blot in CMO, CMX, HepG2, 2.2.15, and 4pX cells (treated or not treated with tetracycline). (b) The presence of COX-2 mRNA was analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR in CMO and CMX cells, and in Chang liver cells transiently transfected with pSV-X or the control vector pSV-hygro.
HBx activates the COX-2 promoter in an NF-AT–dependent manner. To explore the transcriptional regulation of the COX-2 gene by HBx, we transfected Chang liver cells with a luciferase-derived reporter construct bearing the COX-2 promoter (positions –1796 to +104), along with increasing amounts of the HBx-expression vector pSV-X. As shown in Figure 7a, HBx was able to activate the COX-2 promoter in a dose-dependent manner. Similarly, HBx induced the COX-2 promoter when transfected into HepG2 cells (Figure 7a). Deletion of the region spanning positions –1796 to –170 of the COX-2 promoter or point mutation of the proximal NF-κB site had no effect on the activation of the promoter by HBx. On the contrary, site-directed mutagenesis of the distal and proximal NF-AT sites resulted in a 20% and a 50% loss of the HBx-induced promoter activity, respectively (Figure 7b). Moreover, double mutation of both NF-AT sites almost completely abolished the activation of the promoter by HBx.
HBx induces the COX-2 promoter in an NF-AT–dependent manner. (a) Chang liver and HepG2 cells were transfected with 0.1 μg of the luciferase-based COX-2 reporter plasmid P2-1900 (–1796 to +104) along with increasing amounts (in Chang liver) or 5 μg (in HepG2) of pSV-X. The amount of luciferase was analyzed 18 hours later, and the results were expressed as fold induction over the value without pSV-X. (b) Chang liver cells were transfected as in a with reporter plasmids containing different deletions and point mutations of the COX-2 promoter, along with 5 μg of pSV-X or pSV-hygro. The results are expressed as fold induction over the value without pSV-X for each promoter construct and are representative of four independent experiments. (c) Chang liver cells were transfected as in a with 5 μg of pSV-X or pSV-hygro and 1 μg of the dominant negative NF-AT expression vector pSH102CΔ418, an NF-AT2 wild-type (NF-ATwt) expression vector, or the empty vector pBJ5 as a negative control. The values are expressed as fold induction over the value with pBJ5 and without pSV-X. Results are representative of at least three independent experiments.
To further demonstrate the involvement of NF-AT in the HBx-mediated transactivation of the COX-2 promoter, we added a dominant negative NF-AT expression vector to the transfection system, which resulted in a 50% inhibition of the COX-2 promoter activation by HBx (Figure 7c). In contrast, transfection of a wild-type NF-AT expression vector showed a strong synergism with HBx in the activation of the COX-2 promoter. Our results demonstrate that NF-AT, but not NF-κB, is necessary for the induction of COX-2 by HBx.