Disruption of hyaluronan synthase-2 abrogates normal cardiac morphogenesis and hyaluronan-mediated transformation of epithelium to mesenchyme (original) (raw)

Has2 expression during mouse development. Has2 mRNA is expressed at least from E7.5 through birth in the mouse (6). At day E8.5, Has2 mRNA is localized predominantly in the epithelium of the foregut diverticulum, cephalic mesenchyme, the allantois, and in the myocardium and endocardium of the heart (data not shown). At E9.5, the distribution of Has2 and versican mRNAs are very similar, with prominent expression in cephalic, foregut, and periaortic mesenchyme; the septum transversum; and the cardiovascular system (Figure 1, a–d). Has2 and versican mRNAs were present in atrial and ventricular endothelium. Versican mRNA was expressed in myocardium as well, whereas Has2 mRNA was less abundant, except in the myocardium of the AV canal region. In the heart at E9.5, cardiac jelly is rich in HA (Figure 1f) and versican (Figure 1g). By E10.5, endothelial cells in the AV canal and outflow tract transform into mesenchymal cells and invade the underlying matrix. The migrating cells express high levels of Has2 mRNA (Figure 1h) and stain strongly for extracellular HA (Figure 1f, inset). Later, Has2 mRNA is expressed by mesenchymal cells during elevation of the secondary palate and by hypertrophic chondrocytes within epiphysial growth plates (data not shown); this is consistent with a role for Has2-dependent HA synthesis in the expansion of soft tissues and in chondrogenesis (24). The relatively high level of expression of Has2 mRNA and its presence at sites of HA accumulation suggest that Has2 is a major source of HA during organogenesis.

Has2 and versican are expressed in similar domains in the E9.5 mouse. (a) HFigure 1

Has2 and versican are expressed in similar domains in the E9.5 mouse. (a) Has2 expression. cm, cranial mesenchyme; fb, forebrain; mb, midbrain; fg, foregut diverticulum; 1, first branchial arch; ot, outflow tract; v, ventricle; a, atrium; st, region of developing septum transversum, including liver primordium and proepicardial organ; fm, foregut mesenchyme; am, periaortic mesenchyme; da, dorsal aorta. (b) Versican expression. (c and d) Higher-power views of the heart region boxed in a and b, respectively. Has2 and versican mRNAs are expressed in the endothelium (indicated by arrowheads) of the outflow tract (O) and myocardium (M) of the AV canal region. A, atrium; V, ventricle. (e and f) AV canal region and cardiac cushions (indicated by asterisks) of an E9.5 mouse embryo stained with hematoxylin and eosin (e) and for HA using a biotinylated HA-binding protein (f). E, endocardium. The boxed region contains endothelial cells that have transformed and are invading the underlying cushion tissue. These have abundant cell-surface HA (magnified in the inset). (g) Distribution of versican in the AV canal region, superimposing a Nomarski DIC image on a pseudocolored image of versican immunofluorescence. Note that the distribution of versican in g is similar to the distribution of HA in f. (h) Digital composite image of a Nomarski DIC image and a dark-field image of a 35S-labeled in situ hybridization of Has2 mRNA in the AV canal and outflow tract region of an E10.5 heart. Mesenchymal cells within the AV canal and outflow tract cushions express abundant Has2 mRNA. The signal within the atrium results from light scattered by red blood cells, not from silver grains. Bars in a and b = 500 μm; bars in ch = 100 μm.

Targeted inactivation of the Has2 gene. The replacement vector disrupts the coding sequence of Has2 by inserting a PGK-Neo cassette into the locus (Figure 2). This deleted a portion of intron 3 (including the splice acceptor) and the first 60 codons of exon 4, which encodes part of the cytoplasmic catalytic domain of Has2. The resultant allele encodes a truncated, enzymatically inactive protein. The replacement vector was introduced into the GK129 ES cells (25) and mice by standard methods (26). Mice heterozygous for the targeted allele were fertile and exhibited no obvious abnormalities. Heterozygous intercrosses yielded no viable offspring that were homozygous for the targeted allele (Has2–/–), consistent with a lethal embryonic phenotype (Table 1). The first Has2–/– embryos were identified at E11.5, having been partially reabsorbed. Occasional viable embryos were found at E10.5 with beating hearts and significant growth retardation. At day E9.5, the distribution of Has2–/– embryos approaches mendelian frequency (Table 1). Analysis of embryonic mRNA by RT-PCR revealed only truncated transcripts of the expected length, with no full-length mRNA expressed in Has2–/– embryos (data not shown). Although we have developed anti-peptide antibodies recognizing recombinant Has2 (6), we cannot detect Has2 protein by immunoblotting extracts of embryonic wild-type mice (data not shown). However, the truncated transcript interrupts the sequence encoding the intracytoplasmic catalytic domain. Thus, any protein product would lack HA synthase activity.

Table 1

Genotypes of mice resulting from matings of heterozygous Has2+/– mice

The Has2–/– embryos exhibited growth retardation and scant numbers of red blood cells, and lacked vitelline vessels in the yolk sac (Figure 3, a and b). The heart was thin-walled and relatively bloodless, and often exhibited marked pericardial swelling (Figure 3f). The visceral endoderm and mesoderm forming the yolk sac was not fused except at discrete foci (see insets in Figure 3a and 3b, showing wild-type and Has2–/– sacs, respectively), giving the yolk sac of Has2–/– embryos a characteristic punctate appearance (Figure 3b). Red blood cells were present within the space formed by the unfused visceral endoderm and mesoderm (Figure 3b). The hearts of viable Has2–/– embryos beat with a distinctive to-and-fro motion of red blood cells. This is consistent with absent AV cushions as well as partial or complete obstruction of the outflow tract. Somites were present, albeit distorted, and other structures including the first pharyngeal pouch and otic placodes were also present (Figure 3, c and d). Some of the E9.5 Has2–/– embryos had failed to turn, and exhibited posterior defects as well as cephalic mesenchyme abnormalities (data not shown). Whole-mount immunostaining for PECAM, a marker for endothelial cells, revealed a marked reduction in vessels in Has2–/– embryos (compare Figure 3f with Figure 3e).

Abnormalities exhibited by Has2–/– embryos. (a) Yolk sac of an Has2+/– embrFigure 3

Abnormalities exhibited by Has2–/– embryos. (a) Yolk sac of an Has2+/– embryo. (b) Yolk sac from an Has2–/– littermate. Cross-sections of the yolk sac stained with hematoxylin and eosin are shown in the inset. Note the presence of vitelline vessels (VV) containing nucleated red blood cells in the yolk sac of the Has2+/– embryo. The endoderm and mesoderm are not fused in the Has2–/– embryo, and the red blood cells are free within this space. (c and d) Representative wild-type and Has2–/– embryos at E9.5. Note the diminished size, the bloodless heart, and distorted somites of the Has2–/– embryo. (e and f) E9.5 wild-type and Has2–/– embryos stained for the endothelial marker PECAM. Note the absence of an organized vascular network expressing PECAM in the Has2–/– embryo. P, pericardium; E, endoderm; M, mesoderm; OpP, optic placode; OtP, otic placode; first and second pharyngeal pouches are numbered. Bars in cf = 500 μm.

Has2 is required for HA production at E9.5 and for cardiac morphogenesis. Has2–/– embryos have strikingly compacted extracellular space, and do not stain with alcian blue for acidic glycosaminoglycans (Figure 4, a and b). A specific biotinylated probe verified the absence of HA (Figure 4d). Quantitative analysis of pooled embryos using FACE analysis demonstrated a 96% reduction in HA in Has2–/– embryos compared with wild-type littermates (Table 2). An image of a representative FACE analysis is shown in Figure 5. Wild-type littermates (Figure 5, lanes 2 and 3) clearly yield much higher levels of the fluorescent disaccharide ΔDiHA (which is specific to HA) than do the Has2–/– embryos (Figure 5, lanes 4 and 5). Other extracellular-matrix components, including collagen I, fibronectin, laminin, and versican were all present in Has2–/– embryos. However, their organization was altered in the compacted extracellular spaces (data not shown). The heart lacked cardiac jelly and cushions, although there was a characteristic constriction in the region of the AV canal (Figure 4b, arrows). The myocardium lacked trabeculae even though the ventricular wall was several cell layers thick. These observations confirmed a lack of HA production, compaction of the extracellular space, and lack of endocardial cushions and trabeculae in the hearts of Has2–/– embryos.

E9.5 Has2–/– embryos lack alcian blue–staining glycosaminoglycans and HA inFigure 4

E9.5 Has2–/– embryos lack alcian blue–staining glycosaminoglycans and HA in cardiac jelly. The cardiac jelly of wild-type embryos is rich in acidic glycosaminoglycans (blue stain in a) and HA (brown stain in c). In contrast, Has2–/– embryos totally lack alcian blue–stained material (b) and HA (d). The heart of the Has2–/– embryo has a characteristic constriction at the AV canal region (indicated by the arrows), but no endocardial cushions, which are indicated by the asterisks in a and c. Bars in a and b = 100 μm; bars in c and d = 250 μm.

FACE analysis of E9.5 embryo extracts for HA. Lane 1 contains disaccharideFigure 5

FACE analysis of E9.5 embryo extracts for HA. Lane 1 contains disaccharide standards. Lanes 2–5 represent 5% of a single embryo (lanes 2 and 3 are wild-type; lanes 4 and 5 are Has2–/–). The arrow indicates the ΔDiHA disaccharide derived from HA. Note the marked reduction of the ΔDiHA band in the individual Has2–/– samples compared with wild-type controls. Additional analyses of material pooled from wild-type or Has2–/– embryos and run at higher concentrations (equivalent to 40–60% of a single embryo) gave similar results (data not shown; see Table 1).

Table 2

FACE analysis of ΔDiHA content of wild-type and Has2–/– embryos_______Genotype ΔDiHAA

Scanning electron microscopy revealed surface and internal detail of the hearts of wild-type and Has2–/– embryos (Figure 6). In the wild-type heart at E9.5, the common atrium has moved dorsal and anterior to the ventricle. The left and right ventricles are becoming distinct, and the outflow tract is dividing into the aortic and pulmonary vessels by formation of the aortopulmonary septum (Figure 6b). The heart from an Has2–/– embryo has a small atrium, a swollen pericardial space (Figure 6e), and marked reduction of the right ventricle and outflow tract (Figure 6, d–f). The wild-type heart has AV cushions and trabeculation of the ventricle myocardium, whereas the Has2–/– embryo lacks endocardial cushions and has a compacted ventricle wall devoid of trabeculations (Figure 6, i and j).

Ultrastructure of wild-type and Has2–/– E9.5 mouse hearts. Scanning electroFigure 6

Ultrastructure of wild-type and Has2–/– E9.5 mouse hearts. Scanning electron micrograph of the external structure of the heart from a wild-type (ac) and an Has2–/– embryo (df). Specimens were viewed from the left side (a and d), the front (b and e), and the right side (c and f). Note the apparent absence of the presumptive right ventricle and outflow tract in the Has2–/– embryo compared with the wild type. Scanning electron microscopy of cross-sections of hearts from wild-type (g and h) and Has2–/– embryos (i and j) reveal a lack of AV cushions and a compacted ventricle wall lacking trabeculations (arrowheads). There is a constriction at the site of the AV canal in the Has2–/– embryo. LV, left ventricle; RV, right ventricle; AoP septum, aortic pulmonary septum. Asterisks indicate left posterior atrial wall. h and j are higher magnifications of g and i, respectively.

The Has2–/– phenotype closely resembles that of the hdf mouse (27), which lacks versican, an HA-binding proteoglycan (28). Examination of Has2 and versican mRNAs by in situ hybridization reveals that both are expressed in the heart (Figure 1, a–d). Moreover, the cardiac jelly is rich in HA and versican (Figure 1, f and g). Thus, the common phenotype resulting from disruption of the Has2 and versican genes demonstrates that both matrix molecules are essential for formation of cardiac jelly and endocardial cushions.

Transformation of cardiac endothelium to mesenchyme does not occur in the absence of Has2 and is restored by adding exogenous HA or by expressing Has2 cDNA. At 4–5 weeks gestation in the human, and by E9–10 in the mouse, the cardiac jelly expands rapidly in the AV canal and outflow tract, forming the cardiac cushions. Initially, the AV cushions function as valves ensuring unidirectional blood flow. Then, a subset of endothelial cells lining the cushions detaches from adjacent cells, migrates, and transforms into mesenchymal cells that invade and remodel the cushions into the tricuspid and mitral valves and the membranous portion of the interventricular septum. This process requires soluble signals released from the underlying myocardium interacting with receptor tyrosine kinases in the endothelium (29, 30). We could not assess AV canal formation in situ because of the absence of cushions in Has2–/– embryos. However, in vitro collagen gels support endothelium-to-mesenchyme transformation of AV canal explants, duplicating the in situ events in AV canal morphogenesis. This system has been extensively validated and used to elucidate the signals regulating AV canal development (3033). In vitro, this process is characterized by migration of endothelial (endocardial) cells as an epithelial sheet, followed by retraction and separation of the endothelium (“activation”). Finally, the activated endothelial cells undergo transformation, invading the underlying collagen gel and expressing a repertoire of mesenchymal genes de novo, such as α–smooth muscle actin. For clarity, we will refer to the entire process as AV canal morphogenesis, and will refer to each step with the terms “endothelial migration,” “activation,” and “transformation.” It is important to recognize that most published studies of in vitro AV canal morphogenesis use the chick. In the mouse, we find that formation of a distinct endothelial sheet occurs only in AV canal explants from embryos at E10–10.5. We studied E9.5 embryos to avoid artifacts associated with the morbidity of the Has2–/– embryo. At this age, a definitive endothelial sheet is rarely seen (Camenisch et al., unpublished results).

In AV canal explants from E9.5 wild-type embryos, numerous endothelial cells migrated over the surface of the collagen gel, transformed, and invaded the gel matrix (Figure 7, a and b). The mesenchymal cells expressed characteristic mesenchymal markers, including fibulin-1 and fibulin-2 (data not shown) (34, 35). In contrast, endothelial-cell migration was absent in AV canal explants from Has2–/– embryos (Figure 7d). The production of diffusible signaling molecules by the myocardium (33, 36, 37) and the responsiveness of the endothelial cells to signals are temporally and spatially regulated (29). Either (or both) could be deficient in Has2–/– embryos. However, if migration or transformation were lacking solely due to the absence of HA, then providing exogenous HA or restoring Has2 function should correct the defect. To test this, we transfected Has2–/– explants with Has2 cDNA. An empty control vector had no effect on migration or transformation in Has2–/– explants (Figure 7d), whereas transfection with Has2 cDNA restored both migration and transformation (Figure 7e). Moreover, supplementing the culture medium (Figure 7f) or the collagen gel with HA (Figure 7g) also restored the normal phenotypic response in Has2–/– AV explants. Interestingly, exogenous HA was fully effective at ng/mL concentrations, implicating a high-avidity interaction mediating its biological effects (data not shown). (Boiling the HA had no effect on its ability to restore AV canal morphogenesis in vitro.) Finally, conditioned medium from AV explant cultures from wild-type embryos also restored migration, epithelium-to-mesenchyme transformation, and invasion in Has2–/– AV explants (data not shown). The transforming activity was abrogated by treatment with hyaluronidase (data not shown). The rescue of endothelial migration and transformation in AV explant cultures from Has2–/– hearts demonstrates that neither the production of defined transforming activity by the myocardium (i.e., TGF-β) nor endothelial-cell competence is deficient in Has2–/– embryos. The simplest interpretation is that HA is required for migration and possibly for subsequent transformation of the endothelial-cell population into mesenchyme. Notably, AV canal endothelial migration, transformation, and invasion is not affected in versican-deficient hdf mice, despite their lack of cardiac jelly (27).

AV canal morphogenesis is deficient in Has2–/– AV canal explants and is resFigure 7

AV canal morphogenesis is deficient in Has2–/– AV canal explants and is restored by exogenous HA or activated Ras. Top panel: AV canal explant morphogenesis in vitro. AV canal explants from E9.5 wild-type (ac) or Has2–/– embryos (dh) were cultured on collagen gels. Explants from wild-type embryos exhibit abundant endothelial cell migration and invasion (image a is focused on the surface of the gel; b is focused below the surface). In contrast, there is no endothelial-cell migration in AV canal explants from E9.5 Has2–/– embryos (d). Transfection with dominant-negative (DN) Ras cDNA significantly (P < 0.001) reduces endothelial migration and invasion in AV explants from wild-type embryos (c). Because migration and invasion begins during the 16-hour incubation before transfection, the degree of inhibition is probably underestimated (see Methods). AV canal explants from Has2–/– embryos exhibit comparable morphogenesis after transfection with Has2 cDNA (e), in the presence of HA in the media (f), or in the collagen gel (g). Transformation in Has2–/– embryos is also rescued by transfecting with constitutively active Ras (h). M, myocardium. Nomarski DIC optics. Bar in h = 200 μm. Bottom panel: Quantification of AV canal transformation in the presence or absence of either dominant-negative Ras (S17N) or constitutively active Ras (Q61L). The dominant-negative Ras significantly inhibited cell migration and invasion in viable wild-type explants, whereas constitutively active Ras restored cell migration and invasion in AV explants from Has2–/– embryos to the same degree as wild-type explants. The scoring method is outlined in Methods. A_P_ < 0.001.

The requirement for HA in AV canal morphogenesis is removed by expressing constitutively active Ras, and HA-mediated AV canal morphogenesis in vitro requires Ras. Unregulated Ras activity leads to hyperproliferation of mesenchymal cells and AV cushion defects (30). We assessed the effect of expressing dominant-negative Ras in AV canal explants. Dominant-negative Ras significantly reduced the migration and transformation of endothelial cells in wild-type AV canal explant cultures, mimicking the Has2–/– phenotype (Figure 7c). Thus, a pathway acting through Ras is important for transformation and invasion by cardiac endothelium. Next, we tested whether expressing constitutively active Ras could negate the requirement for HA in AV canal morphogenesis in explants from Has2–/– embryos. Active Ras restored the normal phenotypic response in Has2–/– AV explants to wild-type levels (Figure 7h). Thus, expression of activated Ras circumvents the requirement for HA in migration and epithelium-to-mesenchyme transformation. Finally, to determine if exogenous HA is acting via pathways involving Ras activation, we assessed the effect of inhibiting Ras on migration and transformation in Has2–/– explants treated with HA. As shown in Figure 8, dominant-negative Ras significantly inhibited transformation mediated by HA in Has2–/– explants. The endothelial cells adopted an epithelial phenotype and migrated over the collagen gel, but did not transform into mesenchyme or invade the collagen gel. This result suggests that a pathway requiring HA and leading to Ras activation is essential for endothelial transformation during AV canal morphogenesis. Endothelial migration, although dependent upon HA, occurs irrespective of Ras activity.

Dominant-negative Ras inhibits HA-mediated endothelial-cell invasion in HasFigure 8

Dominant-negative Ras inhibits HA-mediated endothelial-cell invasion in Has2–/– AV canal explants. These images were obtained by laser scanning confocal microscopy after staining for α−smooth muscle actin. Exogenous HA (0.75 mg/mL of medium) was added to the culture medium in both Has2–/– explants. (a) A collapsed Z series of 100 μm showing the characteristic transformation to mesenchyme and invasion of the collagen gel in the presence of exogenous HA. The dotted line indicates the previous location of the myocardium, which was removed. (b) Characteristic effect of transfection with dominant-negative Ras. In contrast to the rescued AV explant, an epithelial sheet has migrated over the surface of the collagen gel, but there are no invading mesenchymal cells. Similar results were obtained in three independent experiments.