IUPAC - thioketones (T06356) (original) (raw)



Compounds in which the oxygen of a @K03386@ has been replaced by divalent sulfur R2C=S ( R ≠ H ), e.g. CH3C(=S)CH2CH3 butane-2-thione.

PAC, 1995, 67, 1307. (Glossary of class names of organic compounds and reactivity intermediates based on structure (IUPAC Recommendations 1995)) on page 1372 [Terms] [Paper]

Citation: 'thioketones' in IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology, 3rd ed. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry; 2006. Online version 3.0.1, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.T06356 RIS BibTex EndNote

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Last revised: February 24, 2014