Passively mode-locked 10 GHz femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser (original) (raw)


We report a mode-locked Ti:sapphire femtosecond laser emitting 42 fs pulses at a 10 GHz repetition rate. When operated with a spectrally integrated average power greater than 1 W, the associated femtosecond laser frequency comb contains ∼500 modes, each with power exceeding 1 mW. Spectral broadening in nonlinear microstructured fiber yields comb elements with individual powers greater than 1 nW over ∼250 nm of spectral bandwidth. The modes of the emitted comb are resolved and imaged with a simple grating spectrometer and digital camera. Combined with absorption spectroscopy of rubidium vapor, this approach permits identification of the mode index and measurement of the carrier envelope offset frequency of the comb.

© 2008 Optical Society of America

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