Primary Cilia Are Lost in Preinvasive and Invasive Prostate Cancer (original) (raw)

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Figure 1

Primary cilia expression is decreased in preinvasive and invasive prostate cancer.

Images of (A) normal prostate and (B) invasive prostate cancer. Serially adjacent slides were stained with H&E to visualize tissue morphology or stained fluorescently for nuclei (Hoechst; blue), primary cilia (Ac-Tub; red) and centrosomes (γ-Tub; green). Labeled structures are lumen (Lum), cancer (Ca), and stroma (Strm). Inset shows magnification of (A) a primary cilium on a normal epithelial cell and (B) a centrosome without a cilium on a cancer cell. Asterisk denotes nonspecific staining (C, top). Box plot of the percent of ciliated epithelial and cancer cells per patient for each tissue type: normal, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN), cancer (Ca), and perinerual invasion (Peri). Orange line and arrow correspond to Q4 (quartile 4; greater than the 75th percentile for normal tissue) and blue line and arrow correspond to Q1 (quartile 1; less than or equal to the 25th percentile for normal tissue). Statistics were performed using linear regression (*** = p<0.001) (C, bottom). The percent of patients with an abnormally high percent cilia (Q4; orange) or an abnormally low percent cilia (Q1; blue). (D) Percent of Ki67 positive invasive cancer cells and perineural invasion cancer cells per patient (x-axis) versus percent ciliated cancer cells for the same patient (y-axis). Statistical analysis was a non-parametric spearman correlation.

Figure 1
