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• You may specify the author's first name or last name, or a couple of words from the title.
• Also, you may use boolean operators. + to indicate inclusion and - to indicate exclusion. You may also search by year, volume, issue, MSC numbers and keywords.
• For the year, volume and issue, say you are searching for issue 1 in 2004, just type [+issue1 +year2004](/Help/simplesearch.php?query=%2Bissue1 %2Byear2004). Similarly for the volume, you can use volume54 for example. Just make sure there is no space between the word year, volume or issue, and the corresponding number.
• For the MSC numbers, you could enter a string like: [20M14 35F25 49L25 91B44](/Help/simplesearch.php?query=20M14 35F25 49L25 91B44)
• +47A would return all papers with a mathematics subject classification number beginning with 47A.
• For a list of possible MSC numbers and keywords, please visit MSC search or keyword search.