Sphingosine Kinase in Blood Platelets (original) (raw)

Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter October 15, 2009

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From the journal Biological Chemistry


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Published Online: 2009-10-15

Published in Print: 1973

Walter de Gruyter

From the journal

Biological Chemistry

Biological Chemistry

Volume 354 Issue 1

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15. Konferenz der Gesellschaft für Biologische Chemie. Esterasen

Isolierung und chemische Untersuchungen an Heparansulfat aus Schweineaorta I

Analysis of Amino Sugar-Containing Glycosphingolipids by Combined Gas-Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry

Darstellung und biologische Eigenschaften von 8-Epicorrinoiden

Purification and some Properties of a Heat Labile Serum Factor (UF); Identity with Glycine-rich ß-Glycoprotein and Properdin Factor B

Enzymatic Changes Associated with Ketosis in Long Standing Diabetes and Prolonged Starvation of Rats

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Studies on Polypetides, II. The Synthesis of Six C-Peptide Sequences of Porcine Proinsulin for Immunological Studies

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Identification of 3β-Hydroxy-5-cholenoic Acid in Human Meconium

Subcellular Distribution and Kinetic Properties of Rat Brain Phospholipases A1 and A2


Versuche über die Spaltung der α2-Kollagenkette mit Hydroxylamin

Quantitative Determination of Nϵ-methylated Lysines in Human Plasma and Urine

A Spectrophotometric Method for Qualitative and Quantitative Determination of Sialic Acid in Glycoproteins and Glycopeptides

A Simple Method for the Preparation of 5S RNA from Escherichia coli

Artefakt-Formen der D-Galaktose-Dehydrogenase

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Isolierung und Charakterisierung von Glykopeptiden aus Schweineaorta, II


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Different Half-Lives of Nicotinamide and Adenine Moieties of NAD in HeLa S3 Cultures

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Über Thynnin, das Protamin des Thunfisches. Die Aminosäuresequenz von Thynnin Z2. XIV. Mitteilung über die Struktur der Protamine in der Untersuchungsreihe von E. Waldschmidt-Leitz und Mitarbeitern

Highly Purified Acrosomal Proteinase (Boar Acrosin): Isolation by Affinity Chromatography Using Benzamidine-Cellulose and Stabilization

Comparative Studies on the Influence of L-Ascorbate, D-_arabino_-Ascorbate and 5-Oxo-D-gluconate on the Amounts of Cytochromes P-450 and _b_5 in Liver Microsomes of Guinea Pigs

Sphingosine Kinase in Blood Platelets

Inaktivierung mikrosomaler Proteine durch Lysosomen


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On the Mechanism of Ketogenesis and its Control, I. On a Possible Role of Acetoacetyl-CoA Thiolase in the Control of Ketone Body Production

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Zur präparativen Darstellung Disk-elektrophoretisch einheitlicher Hordeinkomponenten

Studies on Polypeptides, IV. The Synthesis of C-Peptide of Human Proinsulin

A Combination of Micro-Disc Electrophoresis with Antigen-Antibody Crossed Electrophoresis. Identification and Quantitative Determination of Individual Serumproteins

Desoxyribonucleosidtriphosphatgehalte in Yoshida-Ascitestumorzellen


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