Supplementary Table S1. Differentially-expressed genes in glomeruli isolated from NPHS2-Cre +/+ versus wild-type (WT) mice (original) (raw)

Published: 1 March 2019| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/bky9jh6fn6.4

Caroline Marshall


To investigate differential gene expression that might account for the differing glomerular phenotype of NPHS2-Cre +/+ mice when compared with wild-type control mice, RNA sequencing analysis was performed on glomeruli extracted from both NPHS2-Cre +/+ and wild-type control mice. 230 genes were identified that were considered to be significant, differentially expressed between the groups, meeting an FDR value of < 5% (q value < 0.05) and fold change ≥ ± 2 cut-off (Supplemental Table S1). Of these significant, differentially regulated genes, 139 were up-regulated and 91 were down-regulated in glomeruli of NPHS2-Cre +/+ mice as compared with that seen in wild-type control mice. To better understand their biological significance, gene ontology analysis was performed using both PANTHER and DAVID classification systems. The biological processes predominantly reflected by the significant, differentially regulated genes included cellular process (44.4%), metabolic process (28.0%), biological regulation (19.3%), response to stimulus (16.4%), localization (12.1%), developmental process (10.6%), and cellular component organization or biogenesis (10.6%), with some overlap across categories. Less associated biological processes (<10%) included multicellular organismal process, biological adhesion, immune system process, locomotion, reproduction, and growth. Some genes were not categorized by the PANTHER and DAVID software and were classified as “uncharacterized.”



University of Alabama at Birmingham
