modelsummary: Data and Model Summaries in R (original) (raw)

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modelsummary is a package to summarize data and statistical models in R. It supports over one hundred types of models out-of-the-box, and allows users to report the results of those models side-by-side in a table, or in coefficient plots. It makes it easy to execute common tasks such as computing robust standard errors, adding significance stars, and manipulating coefficient and model labels. Beyond model summaries, the package also includes a suite of tools to produce highly flexible data summary tables, such as dataset overviews, correlation matrices, (multi-level) cross-tabulations, and balance tables (also known as "Table 1"). The appearance of the tables produced by modelsummary can be customized using external packages such as kableExtra, gt, flextable, or huxtable; the plots can be customized using ggplot2. Tables can be exported to many output formats, including HTML, LaTeX, Text/Markdown, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel, RTF, PDF, and image files. Tables and plots can be embedded seamlessly in rmarkdown, knitr, or Sweave dynamic documents. The modelsummary package is designed to be simple, robust, modular, and extensible.

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