Geochemistry, petrologic evolution, and ore deposits of the Miocene Bodie Hills Volcanic Field, California and Nevada (original) (raw)


This work was funded by the USGS Mineral Resources Program. We gratefully acknowledge the insights and reviews by C.S. Holm-Denoma, W.C. Day, E.H. Christiansen, and C.J. Busby that helped improve this study. We thank Dan Stepner, Lizzy Ann Spencer, and Shuangquan Zhang for assistance in the IGGRC radiogenic isotope lab at Carleton. This is IGGRC contribution number 59. Finally, we thank C.N. Mercer, Associate Editor at American Mineralogist, for handling the review and editorial aspects of this submission so effectively. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

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  1. Manuscript handled by Celestine Mercer.