On the mineralogy of the “Anthropocene Epoch” (original) (raw)
This publication is a contribution to the Deep Carbon Observatory. We are grateful to Jan Zalasiewicz for his detailed and perceptive review that greatly improved the original submitted version of the manuscript, and to reviewers Peter Heaney and Anthony Kampf, whose detailed comments not only corrected errors, but added important concepts to the discussion and implications. We thank Andrew McDonald for information on Mont Saint-Hilaire chalconatronite; Martin Števko for information on the occurrence of guildite in Slovakia; Pavel Uher for information on the reported occurrence of georgiadèsite in Slovakia; Dmitriy Belakovskiy for information on minerals from Ravat, Tajikistan; and Marco Ciriotti for valuable information on Italian type minerals and localities. Shaun Hardy, Merri Wolf, and Uwe Kolitsch provided invaluable assistance in obtaining obscure references. We thank Joe Marty for helpful discussions on the minerals from roll-front deposits on the Colorado Plateau; Jaroslav Hyršl for information on Jáchymov minerals; and Jolyon Ralph for information on artifact species. We also thank Daniel Hummer, Shaunna Morrison, and Hexiong Yang for helpful advice and constructive comments. This work was supported by the Deep Carbon Observatory, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the W.M. Keck Foundation, a private foundation, and the Carnegie Institution for Science.
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