Siwaqaite, Ca6Al2(CrO4)3(OH)12·26H2O, a new mineral of the ettringite group from the pyrometamorphic Daba-Siwaqa complex, Jordan (original) (raw)


H.K. acknowledges help from V. Kahlenberg, T. Gstir, and A. Pauluhn during the synchrotron experiments. The authors thank F. Bosi and anonymous reviewers for their careful revisions that improved an early version of the manuscript.

  1. Funding
    This work was supported by the National Sciences Centre (NCN) of Poland, grant no. 2016/23/N/ST10/00142 (R.J.) and OeAD, CEEPUS CIII-RO-0038, ICM-2018-12254 (R.J.). The research has also received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 730872, project CALIPSOplus.

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