Resurrecting Clinical Pharmacology As a Context for Alzheimer Disease Drug Development (original) (raw)
Current Alzheimer Research
Title: Resurrecting Clinical Pharmacology As a Context for Alzheimer Disease Drug Development
Volume: 6Issue: 1
Author(s): Robert E. Becker, Latha K. Unni and Nigel H. Greig
Keywords: Clinical Pharmacology, Alzheimer Disease, Drug Development, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition, cytoplasmic AChE
Abstract: Commercial priorities have been identified as negative factors in drug development. We trace the problem to inattention to sound clinical pharmacology practices. When properly applied, clinical pharmacology and associated drug development sciences can, hand in hand, facilitate success in commercial drug development.
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Becker E. Robert, Unni K. Latha and Greig H. Nigel, Resurrecting Clinical Pharmacology As a Context for Alzheimer Disease Drug Development, Current Alzheimer Research 2009; 6 (1) .
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