Natura 2000 in the Boreal Region. (original) (raw)
Publication Detail Portlet
EU publications
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The European Union has nine biogeographical regions, each with its own characteristic blend of vegetation, climate and geology. Sites of Community Importance are selected according to each region on the basis of national lists submitted by each Member State within that region. Working at this level makes it easier to conserve species and habitat types under similar natural conditions across a suite of countries irrespective of political and administrative boundaries Together with the Special Protection Areas designated under the Birds Directive. the Sites of Community Importance selected for each biogeographical region make up the ecological Natura 2000 network which spans all 27 countries of the EU.
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Corporate author(s):Directorate-General for Environment (European Commission)
Personal author(s):Sundseth, Kerstin
Themes: Environment policy and protection of the environment
Subject:Baltic States , biodiversity , climate , environmental protection , EU environmental policy , Finland , geology , protected area , regional geography , Sweden
ISBN 978-92-79-11726-8
DOI 10.2779/84505
Catalogue number KH-78-09-634-EN-C
Paper | |||
ISSN | ISBN 978-92-79-11726-8 | DOI 10.2779/84505 | Catalogue number KH-78-09-634-EN-C |
- Released on EU publications website:2010-02-12