5.Malassezia sympodialisによる中心静脈カテーテル感染症の1例 (original) (raw)
We report a 63-year-old male with central venous catheter-related infection caused by Malassezia sympodialis after total gastrectomy for a gastric cancer. He had fever and his leukocyte counts and C-reactive protein were elevated 14 days after his operation. After his central venous hyperalimentation catheter was removed, the inflammatory signs immediately disappeared, suggesting an intravenous catheter-ralated infection. A yeast-like fungus was cultured in brain-heart infection semi-solid agar ten days later, and was diagnosed morphologically as Malassezia sp. This strain was identified as M. sympodialis by Tween assimilation test and was confirmed by whole-sequence of internal transcribed spacer 1 regions (ITS1). This is the first report of catheter-related infection caused by M. sympodialis. This strain grew and was subcultured on CHROMagar Candida®, potato dextrose agar and Sabouraud agar. There have been no reports of such a lipid-independent Malassezia sp. except for M. pachydermatis. The mechanism of lipid independence of this strain is undetermined and future work is needed. Malassezia sp. is receiving increased attention as an etiologic pathogen of catheter-related fungemia in clinical microbiology laboratories and infectious disease sections.