First Terrestrial Occurrence of Kaitianite (Ti3+2Ti4+O5) from the Upper Mantle beneath Mount Carmel, Israel (original) (raw)

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Chi Ma


Fernando Cámara


Luca Bindi


Vered Toledo

4 and

William L. Griffin



Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA


Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra “A. Desio”, Università degli Studi di Milano, I-20133 Milan, Italy


Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Firenze, I-50121 Florence, Italy


Shefa Gems (A.T.M.) Ltd., Netanya 4210602, Israel


Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Core to Crust Fluid Systems (CCFS), Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia


GEMOC ARC National Key Centre, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia


Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Submission received: 21 July 2023 /Revised: 6 August 2023 /Accepted: 14 August 2023 /Published: 17 August 2023



Our nanomineralogical investigation of melt inclusions in corundum xenoliths from the Mount Carmel area, Israel, has revealed seven IMA-approved new minerals since 2021. We report here the first terrestrial occurrence of kaitianite (Ti3+2Ti4+O5). Kaitianite occurs as exsolution lamellae in tistarite (Ti2O3), in a melt inclusions together with a Ti,Al,Zr-oxide, a MgTi3+2Al4SiO12 phase, spinel, sapphirine, Ti-sulfide, alabandite, and Si-rich glass in a corundum grain (Grain 1125C2). The chemical composition of kaitianite using electron probe microanalysis is (wt%) Ti2O3 58.04, TiO2 37.82, Al2O3 2.87, MgO 0.85, ZrO2 0.10, CaO 0.02, SiO2 0.02, sum 99.73, yielding an empirical formula of (Ti3+1.78Al0.12Ti4+0.05Mg0.05)(Ti4+1.00)O5, with the Ti3+ and Ti4+ partitioned, assuming a stoichiometry of three cations and five oxygen anions pfu. Electron back-scatter diffraction reveals that kaitianite has the monoclinic C2/c γ-Ti3O5-type structure with cell parameters: a = 10.12 Å, b = 5.07 Å, c = 7.18 Å, β = 112°, V = 342 Å3, and Z = 4. Kaitianite is a high-temperature oxide phase, formed in melt pockets under reduced conditions in corundum-aggregate xenoliths derived from the upper mantle beneath Mount Carmel, Israel.

1. Introduction

Super-reduced mineral assemblages are found worldwide in association with explosive volcanism (kimberlites, alkali basalts, tholeiitic basalts) and in ophiolites associated with deep subduction at continental plate margins [1,2,3]. Their origin has been controversial, with claims that they are of anthropogenic origin. The well-documented material found as xenoliths and xenocrysts in small Cretaceous volcanoes and the associated Plio–Pleistocene gem placer deposits at Mount Carmel, northern Israel, are important in this regard because the geological setting, geochemical data, and geochronology effectively rule out any realistic suggestion of human intervention [4,5,6]. Many of the super-reduced phases are found as inclusions in xenoliths of corundum aggregates, and the relationships of different phases in melt inclusions have been critical to understanding the genesis of the super-reduced magma-fluid systems.

During our ongoing nanomineralogical investigation of melt inclusions in the corundum xenocrysts, we have identified seven IMA-approved new minerals since 2021: griffinite (Al2TiO5), magnéliite (Ti3+2Ti4+2O7), ziroite (ZrO2), sassite (Ti3+2Ti4+O5), mizraite-(Ce) (Ce(Al11Mg)O19), toledoite (TiFeSi), and yeite (TiSi) [7,8,9,10,11,12,13]. Reported here are the first terrestrial, and second natural, occurrences of kaitianite (Ti3+2Ti4+O5) in a corundum xenocryst from Mount Carmel, providing more insights into the origin of reduced high-temperature minerals from the upper mantle. Kaitianite was first discovered in the Allende CV3 meteorite as a refractory mineral formed in the solar nebula [14].

2. Materials and Methods

The studied corundum xenoliths were found to occur in the pyroclastic ejecta of small Cretaceous basaltic volcanoes exposed on Mount Carmel and in placer gemstone deposits in the terraces of the Paleocene to Pleistocene proto-Kishon River, which now drains Mount Carmel and enters the sea near Haifa in northern Israel [2] as well as the tributary Mizra river. Some of the xenolithic material in the paleoterrace deposits may also have derived from Miocene to Paleocene basalts outcropping in the drainage of the Kishon River. The xenoliths are aggregates of skeletal corundum crystals with melt pockets containing reduced mineral assemblages [1,4,15,16,17]. The kaitianite material described here is found in corundum Grain 1125C2 in polished Mount Carmel mount Corundum-18-1.

An electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA), a high-resolution scanning electron microscope (SEM) with X-ray energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS), and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) were used to characterize the composition and structure of kaitianite and associated phases. A ZEISS 1550VP Field-Emission SEM (ZEISS Group, Oberkochen, Germany) with an Oxford X-Max EDS (Oxford Instruments, Abingdon, UK) was used for back-scatter electron (BSE) imaging and fast elemental analysis. Quantitative WDS elemental microanalyses of kaitianite and associated phases were carried out using a JEOL 8200 EPMA (JEOL Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) (15 kV and 10 nA, focused beam) interfaced with the probe for EPMA program. Standards for analysis were anorthite (SiKa, AlKa, CaKa), forsterite (MgKa), TiO2 (TiKa), and zircon (ZrLa). Quantitative elemental microanalyses were processed with the CITZAF correction procedure [18]. The focused electron beam was ~150 nm in diameter. Analytical results of kaitianite and associated phases are given in Table 1.

EBSD analyses at a submicrometer scale were performed using methods described in [19,20] for mineral identifications. An HKL EBSD system (Oxford Instruments, UK) on the ZEISS 1550VP Field-Emission SEM was operated at 20 kV and 6 nA in focused beam mode with a 70° tilted stage and in a variable pressure mode (25 Pa). The EBSD system was calibrated using a single-crystal silicon standard. Structural information was obtained and cell constants were derived by matching the experimental EBSD patterns with structures of synthetic phases from the ICSD [21,22].

3. Results

Kaitianite occurs as exsolution lamellae in tistarite, in a melt inclusions together with a Ti,Al,Zr-oxide, a MgTi3+2Al4SiO12 phase, spinel, sapphirine, Ti-sulfide, alabandite, and Si-rich glass from the corundum xenocryst Grain 1125C2 (Figure 1). The grain was retrieved from a bulk sample. Other inclusions in this corundum grain contain krotite (CaAl2O4), grossite (CaAl4O7), osbornite (TiN), and Fe metal. Kaitianite is transparent, occurring as thin lamellae, ~0.1 to 2.5 μm thick, ~3 to 40 μm long.

The chemical composition of kaitianite using EPMA (Table 1) shows an empirical formula (based on 5 O pfu) of (Ti3+1.78Al0.12Ti4+0.05Mg0.05)Σ2(Ti4+1.00)O5, where Ti3+ and Ti4+ are partitioned, assuming a stoichiometry with three cations and five oxygen anions pfu. The simplified formula is (Ti3+,Al)2Ti4+O5, and the ideal formula is Ti3+2Ti4+O5. The EBSD patterns can be indexed only by the monoclinic C2/c γ-Ti3O5-type structure and match the synthetic γ-Ti3O5 cell from [21] (Figure 2) with a mean angular deviation of ~0.38°, revealing the following cell parameters: a = 10.12 Å, b = 5.07 Å, c = 7.18 Å, β = 112°, V = 342 Å3, and Z = 4.

Associated tistarite has an empirical formula of (Ti3+1.74Ti4+0.12Mg0.12Al0.02)Σ2O3. The Ti,Al,Zr-oxide is similar to the Allende Ti,Al,Zr-oxide [14]. The MgTi3+2Al4SiO12 phase has an empirical formula of Mg1.09Zr0.14Ti3+1.79Al4.08Si0.90O12 and probably is a new mineral. Sapphirine has an empirical formula of (Al4.11Mg3.29Ti3+0.58)(Al4.64Si1.36)O20.

The Ti-sulfide is a new mineral with an empirical formula of (Ti1.10Fe0.21Cr0.17Mn0.07V0.01)Σ1.56S2.00 and the P-3m1 TlCdS2-type. The general formula for this nonstoichiometric Ti-sulfide is Ti1+xS2.

4. Discussion

Kaitianite (Ti3+2Ti4+O5) is γ-Ti3O5 [21]. The newly approved mineral sassite (Ti3+2Ti4+O5; IMA 2022-014) [10] is β-Ti3O5 [23,24], a member of the pseudobrookite group, joining pseudobrookite (Fe2TiO5), armalcolite ((Mg,Fe2+)Ti2O5), and griffinite (Al2TiO5; IMA 2021-110; [7]. Several polymorphs of Ti3O5 have been described so far: α–Ti3O5 having monoclinic symmetry, C2/m, with a = 9.752(1), b = 3.802(1), c = 9.442(1) Å and β = 91.55(1)° [25]; β-Ti3O5 having orthorhombic symmetry, Cmcm, a = 3.798(2), b = 9.846(3), c = 9.988(4) Å [24], which corresponds to sassite; γ-Ti3O5, having the monoclinic V3O5-type structure, and a = 10.115, b = 5.074, c = 7.182 Å, β = 112° and C2/c space group [21], which corresponds to kaitianite; δ–Ti3O5 that shows monoclinic structure and P2/a space group, with lattice parameters a = 9.9651(7), b = 5.0604(4), c = 7.2114(5) Å, and β = 109.3324(9)°, related to γ-Ti3O5 by decreasing temperature [22,26,27]; and λ–Ti3O5 which is monoclinic C2/m with a = 9.8357(11), b = 3.7935(2), c = 9.9863(7) Å, β = 90.976(6)° and related to α–Ti3O5 by a second-order phase transition [28]. The type kaitianite has been described as associated with tistarite and rutile, together with corundum, xifengite, mullite, osbornite, and a new Ti,Al,Zr-oxide mineral in the Allende CV3 carbonaceous chondrite [14]; most of these minerals are also present in the melt pockets in corundum aggregates from Mount Carmel.

Ti3+-rich phases are common in melt inclusions in those corundum xenocrysts, including tistarite (Ti2O3), magnéliite (Ti3+2Ti4+2O7), sassite (Ti3+2Ti4+O5), and kaitianite (Ti3+2Ti4+O5) (Figure 3). While low temperature α–Ti3O5 is highly ordered (three octahedral Ti sites, with <Ti–O> = 2.015 Å, 2.033 Å, and 2.033 Å), sassite and kaitianite show higher degrees of disorder (two crystallographically independent Ti sites, labeled Ti1 and Ti2, octahedrally surrounded by oxygen atoms, with <Ti1–O> = 2.0271 Å and <Ti2–O> = 2.0385 Å for sassite and <Ti1–O> = 2.0334 Å and <Ti2–O> = 2.0331 Å for kaitianite).

Kaitianite and the associated minerals described here are high-temperature (>1300–ca. 1150 °C) phases, crystallized from melts trapped in intracrystalline and interstitial voids in aggregates of corundum crystals [6,15]. The whole suite is characterized by oxygen fugacity (fO2) below the levels normally encountered in Earth’s upper mantle or crust (IW to IW-9; [29]). The most reduced parageneses, including hibonite + grossite + V0, require a hydrogen-dominated environment, as confirmed by the occurrence of natural hydrides and spectroscopic evidence of hydrogen in vacancies in hibonite [17,29,30,31].

The super-reduced mineral assemblages evolved within a thick Triassic–Miocene gabbroic underplate and are ascribed to the progressive reduction and desilication of differentiated syenitic melts, through interaction with mantle-derived CH4 + H2 fluids [3,5,32]. The presence of these fluids is documented by the extremely low fO2 recorded in associated parageneses, the abundance of carbon-bearing phases including SiC, TiC, Ti(N,C,O), and explosion breccias with amorphous-carbon matrices [2,5,17,29,32,33,34]. Voids bounded by crystal faces and sometimes populated by phenocryst phases can comprise >2% of some samples, implying the presence of a fluid phase, while some melt pockets contain bubbles, presumably gas-filled. Gasses released by ignition are typically ca. 95 at.% H2 [5]. Desilication of the melts accompanied the separation of Fe–Ti–Si melts and Si0 melts, driving saturation or supersaturation of Al2O3 in the silicate melts and leading to the crystallization of abundant corundum.

In the corundum aggregates, three broad paragenetic types have been recognized [3]:

Crn-A: hopper to skeletal crystals with strong zoning in Ti due to uptake of Ti3+ during rapid crystal growth [35]. Trapped melts are Ca–Mg–Al silicates with high contents of S and incompatible elements. Phase assemblages reflect fO2 ≤ IW-6, with all Ti as Ti3+ (e.g., tistarite, carmeltazite) or Ti2+ (TiC, TiN, TiB2, Ti-Fe alloys);

Crn-B: large homogeneous (unzoned) corundum crystals, typically with Ti contents > 1 wt%. Interstitial pockets contain small amounts of Ca–Al–Mg silicate glass, typically high in REE, Zr, Th, U, and other incompatible elements. Ti is present in phenocrysts as both Ti3+ and Ti4+. Kaitianite is a member of this paragenesis and its occurrence as exsolution lamellae suggests an increase in fO2 following the crystallization of tistarite, in which all Ti is Ti3+;

Crn-C: texturally similar to Crn-B but Ti contents in corundum typically are low (<0.5 wt% Ti). Rare Ca–Al–Na–K silicate glasses are rich in LREE and Ba. The presence of more Ti4+ phases (rutile, griffinite) suggests a higher mean fO2 than in Crn-A and Crn-B. Hibonite occurs in all three parageneses; in Crn-A and Crn-B, it contains high levels of Ti3+, while in Crn-C the Ti3+ contents are very low.

The identification of mixed-valence phases in paragenesis Crn-B, and possibly in Crn-C, adds new information relevant to the interpretation of the origins of the Mount Carmel corundum-aggregate xenoliths. Textural evidence indicates that Crn-B and Crn-C are cumulates from immiscible Fe-rich melts (subsequently depleted in Fe by the separation of Fe-Ti silicide melts; [5]) and Si–Al–Na–K melts, respectively. It seems probable that these melts, with similar but divergent histories, separated into volumes that were affected to different extents by the interaction with the reducing (CH4 + H2) fluids before being entrained in the host basalt. Crn-A, in contrast, appears to represent the very rapid crystallization of corundum in the presence of highly reducing (CH4 + H2) fluids and residual melts, possibly in melt-escape channels developed above magma chambers.

The details of the evolution of these remarkable parageneses are becoming steadily clearer through these nanomineralogical studies of the melt inclusions in the different corundum parageneses, and related types of xenoliths. Further surprises can be expected.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, C.M., F.C., L.B. and W.L.G.; methodology, C.M.; formal analysis, C.M., F.C., L.B. and W.L.G.; investigation, C.M., F.C., L.B. and W.L.G.; resources, V.T.; data curation, C.M.; writing—original draft, C.M. and W.L.G.; writing—review and editing, C.M., F.C., L.B. and W.L.G. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The research was funded by MIUR-PRIN2017, project “TEOREM deciphering geological processes using Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial ORE Minerals”, prot. 2017AK8C32 (PI: Luca Bindi).

Data Availability Statement

Data are available from C.M. and W.L.G.


SEM—EBSD and EPMA analyses were carried out at the Caltech GPS Division Analytical Facility, which is supported, in part, by NSF Grants EAR-0318518 and DMR-0080065. This is contribution 1773 from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Core to Crust Fluid Systems ( and 1541 in the GEMOC Key Centre (

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. SEM BSE images showing kaitianite (Ktn) with tistarite (Tta), Ti,Al,Zr-oxide (TAZ), MgTi3+2Al4SiO12 phase (MTAS), spinel (Spl), sapphirine (Spr), and Ti-sulfide (Ti-S) in corundum Grain 1125C2. The rectangular area in (a) is enlarged in (b); the two rectangular areas in (b) are enlarged in (c,d).

Figure 1. SEM BSE images showing kaitianite (Ktn) with tistarite (Tta), Ti,Al,Zr-oxide (TAZ), MgTi3+2Al4SiO12 phase (MTAS), spinel (Spl), sapphirine (Spr), and Ti-sulfide (Ti-S) in corundum Grain 1125C2. The rectangular area in (a) is enlarged in (b); the two rectangular areas in (b) are enlarged in (c,d).

Minerals 13 01097 g001aMinerals 13 01097 g001bMinerals 13 01097 g001c

Figure 2. (a,c) EBSD patterns of the kaitianite crystals in Figure 1 at different orientations, and (b,d) the patterns indexed with the C2/c γ-Ti3O5 structure. The blue cross shows pattern canter, the blue lines are calculated diffraction bands.

Figure 2. (a,c) EBSD patterns of the kaitianite crystals in Figure 1 at different orientations, and (b,d) the patterns indexed with the C2/c γ-Ti3O5 structure. The blue cross shows pattern canter, the blue lines are calculated diffraction bands.

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Figure 3. Ti-Al-Zr triplot showing phases with various compositions from melt inclusions in corundum xenocrysts from the Mount Carmel area.

Figure 3. Ti-Al-Zr triplot showing phases with various compositions from melt inclusions in corundum xenocrysts from the Mount Carmel area.

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Table 1. EPMA analytical results (in wt%) for kaitianite, associated tistarite, Ti,Al,Zr-oxide, MgTi3+2Al4SiO12 phase, and sapphirine.

Table 1. EPMA analytical results (in wt%) for kaitianite, associated tistarite, Ti,Al,Zr-oxide, MgTi3+2Al4SiO12 phase, and sapphirine.

Oxide Kaitianite SD b Tistarite SD Ti,Al,Zr-Oxide SD MgTi3+2Al4SiO12 SD Sapphirine SD
n = 6 a n = 5 n = 7 n = 11 n = 5
SiO2 0.02 0.01 2.72 0.21 11.95 0.19 11.55 0.08
Ti2O3 58.04 0.15 89.53 0.18 58.04 0.66 28.36 0.70 5.86 0.17
TiO2 37.82 0.10 6.77 0.01
Al2O3 2.87 0.03 0.88 0.04 21.27 0.37 45.73 0.81 63.21 0.19
MgO 0.85 0.01 3.37 0.03 1.86 0.13 9.67 0.08 18.78 0.07
CaO 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01
ZrO2 0.10 0.24 13.53 0.74 3.88 0.37
Total 99.72 100.57 97.44 99.64 99.40
No. O atoms 5 3 3 12 20
Si 0.00 0.06 0.90 1.36
Ti3+ 1.78 1.74 1.10 1.79 0.58
Ti4+ 1.05 0.12
Al 0.12 0.02 0.57 4.08 8.75
Mg 0.05 0.12 0.06 1.09 3.29
Ca 0.00 0.00 0.00
Zr 0.00 0.15 0.14
Cation sum 3.00 2.00 1.95 20.01 33.98
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MDPI and ACS Style

Ma, C.; Cámara, F.; Bindi, L.; Toledo, V.; Griffin, W.L. First Terrestrial Occurrence of Kaitianite (Ti3+2Ti4+O5) from the Upper Mantle beneath Mount Carmel, Israel. Minerals 2023, 13, 1097.

AMA Style

Ma C, Cámara F, Bindi L, Toledo V, Griffin WL. First Terrestrial Occurrence of Kaitianite (Ti3+2Ti4+O5) from the Upper Mantle beneath Mount Carmel, Israel. Minerals. 2023; 13(8):1097.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Ma, Chi, Fernando Cámara, Luca Bindi, Vered Toledo, and William L. Griffin. 2023. "First Terrestrial Occurrence of Kaitianite (Ti3+2Ti4+O5) from the Upper Mantle beneath Mount Carmel, Israel" Minerals 13, no. 8: 1097.

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