Stable prediction with radiomics data (original) (raw)

Authors:Carel F.W. Peeters, Caroline Übelhör, Steven W. Mes, Roland Martens, Thomas Koopman, Pim de Graaf, Floris H.P. van Velden, Ronald Boellaard, Jonas A. Castelijns, Dennis E. te Beest, Martijn W. Heymans, Mark A. van de Wiel

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Abstract:Motivation: Radiomics refers to the high-throughput mining of quantitative features from radiographic images. It is a promising field in that it may provide a non-invasive solution for screening and classification. Standard machine learning classification and feature selection techniques, however, tend to display inferior performance in terms of (the stability of) predictive performance. This is due to the heavy multicollinearity present in radiomic data. We set out to provide an easy-to-use approach that deals with this problem.
Results: We developed a four-step approach that projects the original high-dimensional feature space onto a lower-dimensional latent-feature space, while retaining most of the covariation in the data. It consists of (i) penalized maximum likelihood estimation of a redundancy filtered correlation matrix. The resulting matrix (ii) is the input for a maximum likelihood factor analysis procedure. This two-stage maximum-likelihood approach can be used to (iii) produce a compact set of stable features that (iv) can be directly used in any (regression-based) classifier or predictor. It outperforms other classification (and feature selection) techniques in both external and internal validation settings regarding survival in squamous cell cancers.

Submission history

From: Carel F.W. Peeters [view email]
[v1] Wed, 27 Mar 2019 20:45:58 UTC (805 KB)