ZeroCostDL4Mic - DeepSTORM training and example dataset (original) (raw)

Published July 24, 2020 | Version v1

Dataset Open



Name: ZeroCostDL4Mic - DeepSTORM training and example dataset

(see our Wiki for details)

Data type: Time-series of simulated, randomly distributed single-molecule localization (SMLM) data (Training dataset). Experimental time-series dSTORM acquisition of Glial cells stained with phalloidin for actin (Example dataset).

Microscopy data type: Simulated SMLM and experimental dSTORM super-resolution microscopy data. The experimental dataset was temporally binned in groups of 4 (BIN4) or 10 (BIN10) consecutive time frames in order to simulate higher density of emitters.

Microscope: Nikon N-STORM

Cell type: Glial cell in a culture of rat hippocampal neurons, fixed and stained with phalloidin-Alexa Fluor 647.

File format: .tif (16-bit or 32-bit)

Image size: 64x64 px (160 nm / pixel), 20 frames (Training dataset),

256 x 256 px (160 nm / pixel), 14,975 frames (Example dataset)

Author(s): Christophe Leterrier1,2, Romain F. Laine3,4,5

Contact email:,


  1. Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, INP UMR7051, NeuroCyto, Marseille, France

  2. ORCID: 0000-0002-2957-2032

  3. MRC-Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology. University College London, London, UK

  4. The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK

  5. ORCID: 0000-0002-2151-4487

Associated publications: Unpublished

Funding bodies: C.L. acknowledges CNRS ATIP-AO2016. R.F.L. acknowledges a MRC Skills development fellowship (MR/T027924/1).



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