ٱلْمَمْلَكَة ٱلْعَرَبِيَّة ٱلسُّعُوْدِيَّة. الدِرْعِيّة. في حي السهل البجيري. مسجد الظويهرة (original) (raw)
Published August 5, 2022 | Version v1
Physical object Open
ٱلْمَمْلَكَة ٱلْعَرَبِيَّة ٱلسُّعُوْدِيَّة. الدِرْعِيّة. في حي السهل البجيري. مسجد الظويهرة
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, al-Dirʻiyyah, al-Sahal area, al-Bujairī, al-Zuwiharah mosque, before most recent restoration.
Coordinates: 24°44'12"N 46°34'30"E
The building, by some accounts established in the seventeenth century CE, was reportedly restored in 1955 (1375) and again in 2014 (1436) with royal patronage. The mosque stood adjacent to a community market (سوق الجماعة) for livestock and the timber trade, and was supported by proceeds from a small palm orchard, locally termed بالحويط.
مسجد الظويهرة.tiff
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