Autophagy: A New Therapeutic Target in Cartilage Injury and ... : JAAOS - Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (original) (raw)
On the Horizon From the ORS
Topics from the frontiers of basic research presented by the Orthopaedic Research Society.
From the Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA.
Neither of the following authors nor any immediate family member has received anything of value from or owns stock in a commercial company or institution relatred directly or indirectly to the subject of this article: Dr. Lotz and Ms. Caramés.
Autophagy is a cellular homeostasis mechanism that plays an essential role in energy and nutrient regulation as well as in the removal of damaged and dysfunctional macromolecules and organelles.1 Failure of autophagy results in the increased production of reactive oxygen species and to abnormal gene expression, and it can lead to cell death. Autophagy failure as observed in aging tissues and cells leads to neurodegeneration, cardiomyopathies, abnormal skeletal development, and premature death.2 In human osteoarthritis (OA) and in a mouse model, autophagy proteins were expressed at reduced levels; this measure was associated with increased cell death and degradation in articular cartilage.3
An important suppressor of autophagy is the protein mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) as part of the complex mTORC1. Rapamycin is a lipophilic macrolide antibiotic that is used as an immunosuppressive drug in solidorgan transplantation for the management of renal cell carcinoma, and it is under evaluation for the treatment of certain types of cancer. It can induce autophagy in a variety of cell types.4
Rapamycin was tested for chondroprotective activities in an in vitro model of cartilage injury and in a mouse model of OA. Cartilage injury was induced by subjecting bovine tissue explants to singleimpact loading, which results in cell death and extracellular matrix damage; single-impact loading was also associated with a suppression of autophagy regulators. Treatment of the explants with rapamycin improved cell viability and attenuated tissue damage.5
In the mouse model, OA was induced by transection of the medial meniscotibial ligament and the medial collateral ligament. Intraperitoneal administration of rapamycin affected the mTOR signaling pathway, as indicated by inhibition of phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6, a target of mTORC1, and by activation of light chain 3 (LC3), a main marker of autophagy.6 The severity of cartilage degradation was reduced in the rapamycin-treated group compared with the control group, and this reduction was associated with a decrease in synovitis.6 Rapamycin treatment also maintained cartilage cellularity and decreased the expression of ADAMTS-5, an important enzyme in cartilage extracellular matrix degradation,7 and of interleukin-1β, a potent inflammatory and catabolic stimulus in OA.8 These results suggest that rapamycin reduces the severity of traumatic cartilage injury and of experimental OA at least in part by autophagy activation.
Drugs that inhibit one of a large number of extracellular matrix-degrading enzymes may not provide sufficient impact to change the overall course of the disease and failed in previous clinical trials.9,10 By contrast, inhibiting the failure of a critical cellular homeostasis mechanism, such as autophagy, leads to global changes in gene expression and can ultimately cause cell death and extracellular matrix destruction,2 two main features of OA-affected cartilage.11 The in vitro and in vivo studies of rapamycin establish proof of principle for chondroprotective effects of rapamycin. The two models are associated with the rapid development of cartilage lesions; it remains to be determined whether rapamycin is also effective in models of spontaneous or aging-associated OA. However, short-term use of rapamycin may be effective and feasible in clinical conditions associated with joint injury.12
One important limitation of rapamycin for long-term administration in humans is its immunosuppressive effect. This will certainly be a concern if the drug were to be used to slow progression of established disease. However, the clinical feasibility of using mTOR inhibitors for the management of OA is supported by recent advances in the development of new and safer rapamycin analogs. It can also be anticipated that, with more precise resolution of the different effector mechanisms that are regulated by mTOR, there will be new drugs with greater specificity.13
Recent observations on suppression of autophagy in aging and injured cartilage and chondroprotective activities of rapamycin suggest that pharmacologic enhancement of autophagy may be a promising new approach to prevent or manage OA.
1. Mizushima N: Physiological functions of autophagy. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 2009;335:71-84.
2. Cuervo AM: Autophagy and aging: Keeping that old broom working. Trends Genet 2008;24(12):604-612.
3. Caramés B, Taniguchi N, Otsuki S, Blanco FJ, Lotz M: Autophagy is a protective mechanism in normal cartilage, and its aging-related loss is linked with cell death and osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum 2010;62(3):791-801.
4. Klümpen HJ, Beijnen JH, Gurney H, Schellens JH: Inhibitors of mTOR. Oncologist 2010;15(12):1262-1269.
5. Caramés B, Taniguchi N, Seino D, Blanco FJ, D'Lima D, Lotz M: Mechanical injury suppresses autophagy regulators and its pharmacological activation results in chondroprotection. Arthritis Rheum 2011; Oct 27 [Epub ahead of print].
6. Caramés B, Hasegawa A, Taniguchi N, Miyaki S, Blanco FJ, Lotz M: Autophagy activation by rapamycin reduces severity of experimental osteoarthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; Nov 14 [Epub ahead of print].
7. Fosang AJ, Little CB: Drug insight: Aggrecanases as therapeutic targets for osteoarthritis. Nat Clin Pract Rheumatol 2008;4(8):420-427.
8. Kapoor M, Martel-Pelletier J, Lajeunesse D, Pelletier JP, Fahmi H: Role of proinflammatory cytokines in the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis. Nat Rev Rheumatol 2011;7(1):33-42.
9. Hellio Le Graverand-Gastineau MP: OA clinical trials: Current targets and trials for OA. Choosing molecular targets: What have we learned and where we are headed? Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2009; 17(11):1393-1401.
10. Hunter DJ: Pharmacologic therapy for osteoarthritis: The era of disease modification. Nat Rev Rheumatol 2011; 7(1):13-22.
11. Lotz MK, Caramés B: Autophagy and cartilage homeostasis mechanisms in joint health, aging and OA. Nat Rev Rheumatol 2011;7(10):579-587.
12. Lotz MK, Kraus VB: New developments in osteoarthritis: Posttraumatic osteoarthritis. Pathogenesis and pharmacological treatment options. Arthritis Res Ther 2010;12(3):211.
13. Wander SA, Hennessy BT, Slingerland JM: Next-generation mTOR inhibitors in clinical oncology: How pathway complexity informs therapeutic strategy. J Clin Invest 2011;121(4):1231-1241.
© 2012 by American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons