Minions of Brad Dourif (original) (raw)

Brad in "Law and order" episode [07 Jan 2008|10:40pm]
[ mood | cold ] Hi there,Brad's in an episode of Law & Order: It's the episode "coming home", episode one of Season 18 (Season 18, how long has this show been running???)His character is described as: "Dr. Death" aka Dr. Lingard, a physician recently paroled from prison.So, anyone seen it? Is it good? (anywhere you can view it online - it's not going to be shown in the UK for ages)
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[14 Jul 2007|11:17pm]
[ mood | pleased ] For everyone in the UK:Wise Blood is on BBC2 at 1am tonight(I'm probably too late but I just noticed it and thought I'd mention)
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[16 Oct 2006|04:49pm]
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Someone segested [14 Oct 2006|05:17pm]
[ mood | excited ] Greetings guys!because someone segested it.. I'm going to make a section on the website for people who want to take pictures of themselfs waring their Grima lives t-shirts or doing something silly with the shirt like putting it on a stuft animal or their grima lives sticker on their car...So If you want to play along, take a picture and send it to me or post it here or whatever works best for you.and if you want to play along and you dont have a shirt or sticker well you better get over to ebay and get one! :)only a few more days for the first bunch....
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Grima Lives! (xposted) [12 Oct 2006|12:37am]
Greetings! and have now opened up a store on ebay to get great Grima items. And now.... GRIMA LIVES T-SHIRTS!And Grima lives bumper stickers! Get yours before they run out! I only have limited amounts of each side for now!
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HELP! [11 Aug 2006|05:34am]
[ mood | frustrated ] Greetings!This is a long shot but I thought i'd try. I'm looking for anyone whos bored and is in the mood to make Grima icon or other goodies. Or if you've made some in the past. I've been updating and its been kind of heart braking to watch all of the other grima websites and stuff slip into the internet oblivious so I'm trying to gather up whats left so it won't be lost.I'd really appreciate the help and donations of anyones got them. Its kind of overwhelming for one little Grima to search for it all. Thanks so much in advance to anyone who finds anything or makes anything. Credit is given when ever possible so you'll get credit for your efforts.Love and I amGrima-(x-posted to related groups)
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new site [06 Aug 2006|10:46pm]
Hi. i have created a new Brad Dourif/Powers Boothe fan site. It still in its begginging stages so its not perfect, but ill be adding more features as i go along:so feel free to have a look and sign my guestbook
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Brad Icons!!!! Hope u like em! [04 Feb 2006|03:56pm]
[ mood | nervous ] Please take. i made quite a few. I hope i dont get into trouble for taking some pictures i found on websites and :$ I appolgise that the text is not very clear. I have stupid software. i'm using PhotoImpression 4**( Brad Love hereCollapse )** Please Credit if used. Hope u like em
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[25 Jan 2006|10:41am]
[ mood | calm ] Just a quick heads-up to everyone in the UK:'Murder In The First' is being shown on Channel 5 this Saturday (28th Jan) at 10:55pm =)[x-posted at braddourif]
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Vlad [01 Jan 2006|03:38pm]
Just stoped by my Best Buy-Has anyone seen Vlad yet? I am kinda sick to death of all the Bram Stoker-esque Vampyre films, but I thik Brad would be worth checking in Vlad.Are there anyother brad Dourif films out there on the DVD market besides the Chucky films and the Lord of the Rings?- Charlie.B.
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[26 Nov 2005|04:32pm]
[ mood | jubilant ] People in the UK - 'Wise Blood' on tomorrow night (Sunday 27th November) on BBC2 at 12:15am(gah! All that trouble I went through to get the DVD, all that searching, and then it comes on the telly...)(x-posted to braddourif
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Childs play 2 [20 Oct 2005|05:34am]
if anyone is interested Childs play 2 is playing on the encore channel right now. Its halfway through but its worth a ganger. its my favorate. its funny.
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El Padrino (The Latin GodFather) [15 Sep 2005|04:32am]
so this flick is coming out the 27th of this month. brad has a very small part. Jennifer Tilly is also in this flick. lets see. gary busey? yes. he joined them in this one as well. its not so bad. but i thought of scarface and blow while i was watching it. but it was wonderful seeing brad. on the dvd the select scenes he's on one of the little pictures showing where it is in the film. so check it out. even just for the fact that he laughs. oh so ahhhhh.... so great. i might go play that part again.
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[28 Aug 2005|05:26pm]
[ mood | curious ] apprently Fiona Dourif (brad daughter) is in Deadwood. Who does she play and in what episode?
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