Controlled Chaos (original) (raw)

Recent events

Things have been bleak.

But I have hope.

I've been shot 3 times.
I've been stabbed in the neck once by myself...because a guy was trying to kill me and it was the only way I could cut the garrote from my neck.
I've drowned once and been brought back to life.
I've never had a wreck that didn't flip at least once and catch on fire.
I've been diagnosed with a brain tumor and told I had 11 months to live.

I'm still here.

Things look bad. and they may get ugly. but one thing is certain. I'm the only one that can kill me.

A quick update


May 27th, 2009

After no activity for an eternity I just wanted to let you guys know I've been on facebook...I didn't die...same username. Dra7400.

My Life as a Movie Soundtrack


August 18th, 2006


So, here's how it works:

1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, etc).
2. Put it on shuffle.
3. Press play.
4. For every question type the song that's playing.
5. When you go to a new question press the next button.
Ready? GO!

Opening Credits: Jimmy Buffett – A Pirate Looks at Forty

Waking Up: Evanescence – Going Under

Falling In Love: Ray Charles – I’ve Got a Woman

Fight Song: Jan Johnston – Unafraid (Paul Oakenfold Remix)

Breaking Up: Ray Charles – Hit the Road Jack

Getting Back Together: Jim Croce – Time in a Bottle

Getting Dressed: Frank Sinatra – One for My Baby

Life's Okay: 12 Stones - Broken

Mental Breakdown: Type O Negative – Wolf Moon

Driving: Disturbed - Stupify

Flashbacks: U2 – Van Diemen’s Land (The Edge on Vocals)

Happy Dance: Israel Kamakawiwo’ole – Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Regretting: 3 Doors Down - Love Me When I’m Gone

The training: Pink Floyd – Run Like Hell

Final Battle: Led Zepplin - Tangerine

Death Scene: Johnny Cash – Folsum Prison Blues

Ending Credits: Pachelbel – Cannon in D Major

** BTW I had to kind of cheat a little. I mean I have about 1200 damn songs on my laptop, but for some reason damn near every time I hit the Shuffle button another Ray Charles song came up, that wouldn't have been very interesting would it? I shit you not, Out of 1200 songs, Ray Charles came up no less than 10 times, so I kept hitting next until I got something else in those cases, I also bypassed the ones that just said something like "Unknown artist - track 2".


'Cause everyone else is doing it and I want to be cool.


April 21st, 2006

If you comment...

1. I'll respond with something random I like about you.
2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. I'll name something we should do together.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me (or just me).
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. I'll leave you a quote that is somehow appropriate to you.
7. I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
8. If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal so you can do the same for other people.

Stolen from Seragon


April 19th, 2006

"If you have over 40, then you're spoiled!" -- something like that.

Do you have:
(01) your own cell phone
(02) a television in your bedroom
(--) an iPod
(--) a photo printer
(03) your own phone line
(--) TiVo or a generic digital video recorder
(04) high-speed internet access (i.e., not dialup)
(--) a surround sound system in bedroom
(05) DVD player in bedroom
(--) at least a hundred DVDs
(06) a childfree bathroom (...Well..sorta..)
(--) your own in-house office
(07) a pool
(--) a guest house
(--) a game room
(08) a queen-size bed or larger
(09) a stocked bar
(10) a working dishwasher
(11) an icemaker (...don't all houses have a refrigerator?)

(12) a working washer and dryer
(--) more than 20 pairs of shoes
(--) at least ten things from a designer store
(13) expensive sunglasses(if I could find them!)
(--) framed original art (not lithographs or prints)
(--) Egyptian cotton sheets or towels
(14) a multi-speed bike(but it has been at a friends house for the last year)
(--) a gym membership
(--) large exercise equipment at home
(15) your own set of golf clubs
(--) a pool table
(--) a tennis court
(16) local access to a lake, large pond, or the sea
(--) your own pair of skis or snowboard
(17) enough camping gear for a weekend trip in an isolated area
(--) a boat
(--) a jet ski
(--) a neighborhood committee membership
(--) a beach house or a vacation house/cabin
(--) wealthy family members
(18) two or more family cars
(19) a walk-in closet or pantry
(--) a yard
(--) a hammock
(--) a personal trainer
(--) good credit
(--) expensive jewelry
(--) a designer bag that required being on a waiting list to get
(--) at least $100 cash in your possession right now
(--) more than two credit cards bearing your name (not counting gas cards or debit cards)
(--) a stock portfolio
(20) a passport (it's expiring this year actually)
(--) a horse
(--) a trust fund (either for you or created by you)
(21) private medical insurance
(--) a college degree, and no outstanding student loans

Do you:
(--) shop for non-needed items for yourself (like clothes, jewelry, electronics) at least once a week (>_>)
(--) do your regular grocery shopping at high-end or specialty stores
(--) pay someone else to clean your house, do dishes, or launder your clothes (not counting dry-cleaning)
(--) go on weekend mini-vacations
(--) send dinners back with every flaw
(22) wear perfume or cologne (not body spray)
(--) regularly get your hair styled or nails done in a salon
(--) have a job but don't need the money OR
(--) stay at home with little financial sacrifice
(--) pay someone else to cook your meals
(--) pay someone else to watch your children or walk your dogs
(--) regularly pay someone else to drive you taxis
(--) expect a gift after you fight with your partner

Are you:
(--) an only child
(--) married/partnered to a wealthy person
(--) baffled/surprised when you don't get your way

Have you:
(23) been on a cruise
(24) traveled out of the country
(25) met a celebrity
(26) been to the Caribbean
(27) been to Europe
(28) been to Hawaii
(29) been to New York
(--) eaten at the space needle in Seattle
(--) been to the Mall of America
(30) been on the Eiffel tower in Paris
(--) been on the Statue of Liberty in New York
(31) moved more than three times because you wanted to
(32) dined with local political figures
(33) been to both the Atlantic coast and the Pacific coast

Did you:
(--) go to another country for your honeymoon
(--) hire a professional photographer for your wedding or party
(--) take riding or swimming lessons as a child
(--) attend private school
(--) have a Sweet 16 birthday party thrown for you

Total: 33

I'm more spoiled than Seragon!

(no subject)


February 7th, 2006

Today is the day...

I hope she can see my baby girl..I hope she can see my wife..and my life. I have done my best.

I miss you DiDi

(no subject)


January 12th, 2006

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't search around and look for the coolest book you can find. Do what's actually next to you.

By Navy Guidelines the last phase is the removal of dead bodies.

(no subject)


January 12th, 2006

Click here.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
( See dra7400's results.Collapse )

Now that's pretty fucking funny....


January 5th, 2006

You are "Heroes"!

You've been through a tough break-up and would like
nothing better than to have that person back at
least for one day. Or you're just in a funk and
feeling very sad.

What David Bowie Song Are You?

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