draco_asteria (original) (raw)

Fic: 'Last Gasps Come Later', Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Astoria Greengrass (Malfoy), R

Purple Cat


May 28th, 2013

Title: Last Gasps Come Later
Author: purplefluffycat
Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy/Astoria Greengrass (Malfoy), Pansy Parkinson/Astoria Greengrass (implied), Pansy Parkinson/OFC (mentioned).
Rating: R
Warnings: Voyeurism, of sorts.
Word Count: About 1850

Summary/Description: Years have passed, and a somewhat-older Draco and Pansy meet for drinks in a secluded members club, as is their habit. The world has moved on, but they cannot help but look back to those times at Hogwarts.

Author's Notes: This story was written for daily_deviant's 'back to school' and 'traditional domestic roles' themes. I hope you like my take on these characters, here.

( Last Gasps Come LaterCollapse )

HP Prisoner Fest 2013!

Bellatrix Lestrange


March 12th, 2013

hp_prisonerfest hp_prisonerfest hp_prisonerfest

hp_prisonerfest an anonymous exchange fest for authors and artists to write/draw about HP characters in a prisoner style situation. So it could be Draco Malfoy taking Hermione Granger hostage in the cellars of Malfoy Manor, Sirius Black keeping Dolores Umbridge locked up his office, or you could be even more creative and have people locked away in their minds.

Sign-Ups are now open for our fourth round! :D

Het, slash, femmeslash and gen are all welcome, and sign-ups are open until the 25th March.

Rules & Timeline // Sign-Up!

Come fly the flag for Draco/Astoria! Hope to see you there :)

Fic Rec


September 12th, 2012

Title: A Mostly Accurate Account of a Union

Pen Name: Literary Portals

Characters/Pairing: Draco/Astoria

**Word Count:**1657

Rating: T/PG13

Genre: Romance/Humour

Summary: Draco tells Scorpius the very biased account of how he met and married Astoria. In which Draco is a drama queen, Astoria likes to play with his head, and Scorpius is more adorable then his lineage would suggest was possible.

The Deflower Draco Fest

HP: Deflower Draco vertigo!


May 18th, 2012

At least one fic last year featured Draco/Asteria, and we'd love to see more this round! You needn't intend on writing/creating art in order to submit prompts. :)

The Deflower Draco Fest is for het, slash, threesome, and moresome fanworks that prominently feature the virginity (and de-virginizing) of Draco Malfoy. Claim a prompt or work from your own idea!

Prompting: May 24-May 30
Claiming: June 1-June 6
Works Due: Aug 24
Posting Begins: Aug 27

Draco/Asteria stories from smutty_claus and elsewhere


December 29th, 2011

While smutty_claus is winding down for this round, I thought I'd take this chance to recommend the Draco/Asteria stories that have been posted so far.

+ Long Overdue NC-17 | Warnings: None, Kingsley/Narcissa | 3,500 words It helps that Astoria's hand is on his knee and that she squeezes him every time his mother and Shacklebolt share a secret, lovelorn look or laugh at an inside joke, but he begins to question her allegiance when she laughs at Shacklebolt's anecdotes and asks him about his career.

+ Old Long Since | NC-17 | Warnings: Breathplay, Dub-Con, Infidelity, Scorpius/Rose | 15,000 words "Do you ever regret it?" he asked, smoke curling in front of him as he spoke. His eyes weren't on the woman next to him but on the happy couples inside as they laughed and danced under the garlands and fairy lights.

And this one isn't from smutty_claus but it was posted this year, albeit not on livejournal, and I think it deserves more attention.

+ And The World Turns Round Author: realmer06 | PG-13 | 23,114 words I had known I was to marry Draco Malfoy as long as I'd known my own name. My parents had made it clear to me from a very young age that I was extremely fortunate that the Malfoys had even agreed to the arrangement in the first place (the Greengrass family being noted for old blood and an old manor home and not much else), and I therefore needed to be appropriately grateful and do nothing that might jeopardize my parents' connection to such a powerful family. I did my best to be the dutiful daughter, but the more time I spent in Draco Malfoy's presence, the less I liked him. And I spent quite a lot of my childhood in his presence.

Read, enjoy, comment! Here's to more Draco/Asteria goodness in 2012!

fic: another apple to cut into pieces

planet terror//it's go-go not cry-cry


December 10th, 2011

author: fscottfitzteddy
title: another apple to cut into pieces
characters/pairing: asteria malfoy-centric, slight draco/asteria
rating: pg
warnings: depression, some graphic imagery
word count: 2,320
summary: no one asked asteria if she wanted the malfoy heir
notes: not very happy at all


FIC: House of Heretics (Draco/Astoria, R)

why do i adore you


October 4th, 2011

Title: House of Heretics
Pairing: Draco/Astoria, mentions of Cormac/Astoria, Viktor/Pansy, also hints at various Slytherin ships
Word Count: <38,000
Rating/Warnings: R, mentions of infidelity and crime
Betas: acidpop25 kept an eye out for flow and phrasing and grrarrg0908 battled my italics valiantly and came out triumphant. Any mistakes are due to my post-beta meddling.
Summary: Seven years have passed since Voldemort's defeat and Draco Malfoy is making do with the lot he's been given--distrusted by the most of the ministry, shunned by the House that he betrayed. When a ministry official goes missing, Draco is given the chance to help restore the Malfoys' place in society. But is Astoria standing in his way or is she just what he needs to be exonerated?
Notes: For Slytherins, the loves of my life. Narcissa probably wouldn't be here if not for Helen McCrory's performance in Deathly Hallows. The characters are JKR's, but Foxglove Bakery is Caroline's. Hope you enjoy reading! Written for het_bigbang. Also posted on the HBB site here and AO3 here.

( i. he left us quite downhearted )

fic: 'til the water runs clear

planet terror//it's go-go not cry-cry


September 24th, 2011

title: ‘til the water runs clear
author: fscottfitzteddy
characters/pairing: scorpius malfy, draco malfoy/asteria malfoy, lucius malfoy/narcissa malfoy
rating: pg
summary: “The letter comes while your mother and father are teaching you to fly.”
notes: for tabitha666’s FABULOUS prompt When Scorpius gets his Hogwarts letter, his parents and grandparents sit him down to explain about the war. They tell him people will probably not be kind to him and asks him whether he wants to go or not.
