DracoxHermione's Journal (original) (raw)

lost draco/hermione pregnancy fic [18 Feb 2017|12:49am]
Yeah draco and hermione end up sleeping together after she catches Ron with Lavender. And then they start meeting up for sex. But then she starts losing weight but having pregnancy symtoms. And then Draco tells her of the family curse or whatever that if a Malfoy has sex with a virgin she'll end up pregnant
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New Fic! Follow-up to Baby Days 2! [05 Jan 2017|09:13pm]
In this story, we will be revisiting the young Malfoy family, whom we left after the birth of baby Kieran at the end of Baby Days 2: The Turning of the Wheel. Each visit will be a snapshot of a particular moment in their lives. In this first installment, we find them two years later. Kieran has just turned two and big sister Rory will be four in three months.This segment and all future snapshots in their Family Album are part of the series including A Writer of Fictions, Second Chapter, Baby Days, and **Baby Days 2: The Turning of the Wheel.**At H&V:http://dramione.org/viewstory.php?sid=3149At AO3:http://archiveofourown.org/works/9217595/chapters/20906075
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Words vs Feelings [25 Aug 2015|10:26am]
Title: Words vs FeelingsAuthor: browneyedmamiFandom: Harry PotterCharacters/Pairings: Draco/Hermione, mention of Ron/HermioneSummary: What Draco says isn't always what he means.Link: HERE
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New round-robin fic [27 Sep 2014|12:25pm]
A group of us were recently having a light-hearted discussion via email about the recent Scottish vote for independence. We were wondering how the split would affect the wizarding world, particularly in terms of its governance. Well of course, Hermione had to be involved in the discussion, and where Hermione goes, Draco always turns up sooner or later. Finally, after several of us had them shagging on the new Minister for Magic's desk, we decided to actually write the story, round-robin style, and see just what else our favorite couple would do. Eilonwy, Captainraychill, and UnseenLibrarian jumped headfirst into the writing pool and here is the result. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it!Note: The story will be posted shortly under the nom de plume “CaptainEilonwyUnseen” at H&V.Find it here as well:http://archiveofourown.org/works/2363579http://grangerenchanted.com/enchant/viewstory.php?sid=5332&chapter=1http://malfoymanor.grangerenchanted.com/themanor/viewstory.php?sid=531&chapter=1https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10719288/1/Hex-Before-Sex
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HP Fanfic Fan Poll Awards [17 Jun 2014|04:37pm]
Voting for the HP Fanfic Fan Poll Awards on LJ is currently underway, with fics in several main categories. I am very pleased and honored that three of my fics have been nominated in the Dramione section. However, there is an ongoing problem with the link posted for "Unfenced Fire" in the Best Het Smut category (it's also nominated under Best Romance). The current link takes readers to a completely different story. I haven't been successful in getting hold of the mods to fix the mistake. So, for the record, here is the correct link for "Unfenced Fire," for anyone who is interested in checking it out:at AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/760500at H&V: http://dramione.org/viewstory.php?sid=2193(All my fics are also posted at AO3, in case there is a problem accessing them at H&V.)There are lots of great fics this round in every category, and I urge everyone to go and read and then vote for your favorites! Happy readinghttp://hpfanficfanpoll.livejournal.com/
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D/Hr Advent 2013! [06 Dec 2013|05:43pm]
December 06, 2013, 17:33Hey, everybody! This holiday season's D/Hr Advent Calendar is underway! The stories are fantastic. Check it out!I've got a fic entered (it's today's offering!). Because of the fest's word limit constraints, I ended up having to post the final scene of the fic as a separate ficlet. Find both parts of the story here:The Thing About Biscuits http://archiveofourown.org/works/1057811The Thing About Biscuits: Conclusion http://archiveofourown.org/works/1069446D/Hr Advent has invited twenty-four authors and artists to create a short Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger one-shot or work of fanart. Starting on December 1st, one work will be revealed each day through December 24th.
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Fourth round of the Dramione Remix! [09 Sep 2013|01:45am]
The day is finally here! Round Four of the Dramione Remix fest is poised to begin today! It promises to be a great fest loaded with amazing fics, so check it out! I've got one entered, and I'm very excited to share it with everybody.
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old but new community [06 Jun 2013|10:56am]
I've had this community awhile now but I overhauled it and opened it for members 18 and older to join.If your interested come over to hgharem and check it out, it's a Hermione centric fanfiction reccing community
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Hate You, Hate Me - Chapter 13 [27 Feb 2013|02:51pm]
[ **mood** | hungry ] Hate You, Hate Me - Chapter 13Novel - Subject: Harry Potter - Rating: T - Category: Angst/RomanceLoss and Resolve: I hate you, Hermione. I hate how you ended up being pregnant with Potter's child. I hate how you had a miscarriage when you found out about Potter. I hate how when you cried in my arms that night, I cried too.Read HerePrevious ChaptersMaster Story Links
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