Always Tired? 11 Reasons Why ... (original) (raw)

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Why Am I Always Tired? 11 Reasons (Plus Natural Remedies for Each)

March 7, 2023

Always tired - Dr. Axe

Do you ask yourself, “Why am I so tired, and why am I always tired?” Do you feel like no matter how much sleep you get, you’re still tired all the time?

Getting a good night’s sleep is important for having plenty of energy, but there’s more to the story than just sleeping well. If you’re always struggling to keep your energy up, things like your diet, hormonal balance, exercise routine, amount of mental stressors in your life and genetics are all relevant factors to consider.

All of these influence your hormone levels in one way or another, and many can make it difficult to sleep at night and deal with everyday sources of stress, leaving you exhausted. You can also feel tired after eating, and believe it or not, oversleeping can lead to fatigue as well.

Luckily, there are plenty of lifestyle tweaks that you can put into play in order to fight fatigue and reclaim your energy. If you are tired all the time, it is important to make sleep — high-quality sleep — a priority.

If you are reaching that eight-hour threshold and still feeling exhausted, your low energy level may be an indicator of an underlying problem. Let’s find out why you’re always tired.


1. Thyroid Disease

Twenty million Americans suffer from thyroid disease, and 60 percent of these people are unaware of it, according to the American Thyroid Association. Thyroid disease is especially a threat for women and older adults.

Thyroid disease can cause a wide variety of symptoms, including:

A thyroid disorder can show up in many different forms because the thyroid gland is considered a “master gland,” one that secretes hormones that in one way or another impact almost every bodily function. For example, the thyroid gland is responsible for regulating body temperature, heart rate, production of protein, and also helps control your metabolic rate and energy levels.

Thyroid Disease Causes:

How are thyroid disorders caused? There are believed to be four main contributing causes of thyroid disease, which may be the reason you feel like you’re always tired:

Natural Remedies for Thyroid Disease:

A thyroid disease may cause you to feel sluggish. Here are some of the ways you can help recover:

2. Adrenal Fatigue or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Adrenal fatigue is believed to affect most adults worldwide at one point or another and is caused by a hormonal imbalance, similar to a how thyroid disease develops. Your adrenal glands are extremely important endocrine glands that release more than 50 different hormones, including the energy-regulating hormones cortisol and adrenaline.

Chronic fatigue syndrome causes similar symptoms to adrenal fatigue and is believed to affect up to 2.5 million people in the U.S. each year. Women are four times as likely to have chronic fatigue syndrome, especially those in their 40s or 50s, which is the age group that’s most impacted.

Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and adrenal fatigue syndrome are similar and include:

These key hormones increase and decrease according to the amount of stress put on your body. As a result, high stress levels and adrenal fatigue symptoms are closely tied — it’s also why feeling frantic, busy and high-strung equates to you feeling like you’re always tired!

Adrenal Fatigue Causes:

When you’re under a high amount of stress due to emotional, physical and mental circumstances — which is common in almost all adults in our busy modern society — your adrenalscan suffer, and fatigue can set in. There are many potential causes of adrenal fatigue that make you feel completely wiped out, and theyinclude:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Causes:

People with chronic fatigue syndrome usually have specific, measurable abnormalities that include:


Natural Remedies for Adrenal and Chronic Fatigue:

In order to regain your energy, what can you do to solve adrenal fatigue or chronic fatigue for good?

3. Sedentary Lifestyle

In today’s busy, always on work environments, it is common for many people to develop a sedentary lifestyle.

Sitting all day is very hard on your body and often causes soreness, pain in your neck, stiffness, back pain and chronic headaches — plus such an unenergetic lifestyle causes fatigue, making you feel like you’re always tired!

Your body was made to move, so when it doesn’t get regular activities, you can experience mood issues, sluggishness, tiredness and weight gain.

What Causes a Sedentary Lifestyle:

Regular exercise can help balance hormones, improve insulin resistance and help you get better sleep, all of which are important for fighting a lack of energy. Exercise does wonders for the body by releasing endorphins, boosting your stamina and lifting your mood. (Of course, it can also add more muscle tone to your body while burning unhealthy fat.)

One of the biggest perks of being more active? It helps many people regulate hormonal patterns that allows them to sleep better at night.

According to the Department of Exercise Science at the University of South Carolina, there is a uniquely potent effect of exercise on sleep. The researchers of a 2005 study concluded that “no other stimulus elicits greater depletion of energy stores, tissue breakdown, or elevation of body temperature, respectively. Exercise offers a potentially attractive alternative or adjuvant treatment for insomnia … Exercise could be a healthy, safe, inexpensive, and simple means of improving sleep.”

Even when you’re feeling tired, if you think that skipping your normal exercise routine is going to positively impact your energy, you might want to think again about blowing off the gym or that run you planned. Exercise can actually help wake you up! After all, the daytime was meant for us to be active and outdoors for at least 30 minutes a day … rather than chained to your desk or slaving away in the kitchen.

While it might feel difficult to get started when you’re always tired, long-term exercise will result in better hormonal balance and prolonged energy as you get more used to it.

One study conducted by the University of Georgia, for example, found that when adults who were initially sedentary began exercising lightly over the course of six weeks — just three days a week for about 20 minutes — they had more energy overall compared to when they first began.

How to Get Moving:

4. Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental disorders and energy zappers in the U.S., with an estimated 21 million adults ages 18 or older having at least one major depressive episode per year.

Depression Causes:

Depression is believed to be caused by such variables as:

Natural Remedies for Depression:

Two of the biggest and most difficult symptoms to deal with regarding depression are lack of energy and low motivation. Luckily, changes in your dietcan really help alleviate depression. This is because foods can significantly affect mood via the actions of neurotransmitters in our brains.

Follow an anti-depression diet to start boosting your ability to produce “feel-good hormones”:

5. Poor-Quality Sleep (Not Enough or Not Consistent)

Most adults need between seven to nine hours of sleep consistently, each and every night, to feel their best, according to the National Sleep Foundation.

Poor Sleep Causes:

There is such a range of reasons why we may not sleep long enough or well — and many more reasons than what’s listed here. However, it is important if you want long-term wellness for you and your family to actively pursue healthy sleeping habits.

Sleep deprivation studies repeatedly show a negative impact on mood, cognitive performance, and motor function,” state researchers from the Department of Neurology at Emory University School of Medicine.

While it’s no surprise that you need to sleep in order to avoid feeling like you’re always tired, you may be surprised to hear how just a small amount of sleep deprivation over time can really add up and harm your health and mood.

A sleep clinic study done by the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine found that chronic restriction of sleep periods (sleeping between four to six hours per night over a 14-day period) resulted in significant cumulative deficits in cognitive performance on all tasks.

The study concluded that “chronic restriction of sleep to six hours or less per night produced cognitive performance deficits equivalent to up to two nights of total sleep deprivation. It appears that even relatively moderate sleep restriction can seriously impair waking neuro-behavioral functions in healthy adults.”

It’s also worth finding out whether or not you suffer from sleep apnea, which is a disorder that causes poor sleep quality due to uncontrollable pauses in breathing, taking shallow breaths during sleep and suddenly waking up startled. During the night, someone with sleep apnea might repeatedly stop breathing up to 30 times every hour, often for very brief moments of time and without the person being aware of it at all.

In fact, a scary finding is that many people with sleep apnea think that they actually get good sleep!

To confirm whether or not you have sleep apnea, a sleep study test called the polysomnogram will need to be performed.

Meanwhile, you will know by now whether or not you suffer from narcolepsy, a chronic neurological disorder that makes it difficult for the brain to control sleep-wake cycles. This disorder adversely affects quality of life, as symptoms include extreme drowsiness and falling asleep unwillingly during an activity like work or school.

Natural Ways to Get to Sleep Fast:

6. Anemia

Anemia is a condition where a person has a lower than normal level of red blood cells. Anemia is related to a low supply of oxygen reaching cells and tissues throughout the body.

Anemia symptoms include:

In extreme cases:

Causes of Anemia:

Natural Remedies for Anemia:

Anemia symptoms can be greatly reduced by improving your diet and including plenty of foods that are rich in iron, vitamin B12 and folate. These include:

7. Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome is a condition in which your digestive tract becomes damaged and small holes begin to develop in your gut lining. Small particles that normally can’t pass through your gut wall begin seeping through into your bloodstream.

When someone has leaky gut syndrome, some of the things that can pass through the gut lining include proteins like gluten, bad bacteria and undigested foods particles.

Symptoms of leaky gut syndrome include:

Leaky Gut Syndrome Causes:

When it comes to your energy levels, leaky gut is problematic because it can result in a nutrient malabsorption that cuts short your body’s working supply of essential vitamins and minerals.

For example, B vitamins are crucial for energy production because they are responsible for turning the basic compounds found in the foods you eat — like glucose, amino acids and fatty acids — into useable “fuel” for the body. Iron and zinc levels (nutrients important for circulating oxygen throughout the body) may also become low due to leaky gut.

Natural Remedies for Leaky Gut Syndrome:

To effectively solve leaky gut syndrome, you need to adjust your diet and certain lifestyle factors, too:

8. Dehydration

Dehydration occurs when there is an excessive loss of body fluids, especially of water and electrolytes — or not enough water taken in. When you start to feel thirsty, you body is already dehydrated.

Causes of Dehydration:

The most common cause of dehydration is simply not drinking enough water or substituting water intake with only soda or juice. This is a critical mistake, as not only does that spike your blood sugar, but also your cells cannot get enough water to function properly!

The major electrolytes in the body — sodium, potassium, chloride and bicarbonate — are ion compounds that literally help your body have energy via the force of electricity that keeps your organs and cells functioning. Some parts of the body that are more “electrically wired” and require a high amount of electrolytes and water include the brain, heart, nervous system and muscles.

Dehydration affects the actual viscosity (thickness) of your blood and the amount that your heart must beat every minute, as it tries to get oxygen to all your cells.

When you’re dehydrated, your heart sends oxygen and nutrients to your brain, muscles and organs at a slower pace. As a consequence, you begin to feel:

According to researchers from the University of Barcelona’s School of Psychology, “being dehydrated by just 2 percent impairs performance in tasks that require attention, psychomotor and immediate memory skills.”

Natural Remedies for and Prevention of Dehydration:

Drink more water throughout the day, increase your intake of vegetables and fruits, and make sure you’re getting plenty of electrolytes in the form of whole foods (and electrolyte drinks). When it comes to fruits and vegetables, some of the best options to obtain electrolytes and to stay hydrated include:

To calculate the amount of water you need to drink daily to avoid dehydration, take your weight in pounds, and divide that number in half. In other words, if you weighs 160 pounds, you need to drink roughly 80 ounces per day — roughly 10 eight-ounce glasses of water — to stay fully hydrated.

This is only the amount of water if you do not exercise or do anything strenuous! If you work out or if you are active, then you ideally need to drink at least an extra eight ounces for every 30 minutes of exercise.

9. Emotional Stress

Can tiredness be psychological? Well, emotional stress can take a huge toll on your energy levels, especially when stress progresses to the point of an anxiety disorder or a sleep-related problem.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S. The ADAA states, “Anxiety disorders are highly treatable, yet only 36.9% of those suffering receive treatment.”

Emotional Stress and/or Psychological Causes:

Anxiety disorders are caused by a complex set of risk factors, including:

Natural Remedies for Emotional Stress:

To combat emotional stress, you’ll want to focus on adjusting your diet (more on that below) and also:

10. Blood Sugar Imbalance

Most people have blood sugar imbalances that can be easily fixed, but they aren’t even aware that this is a major contributing factor to their health problems and lack of energy. Chances are if you’re always tired, your blood sugar has something to do with it.

Over time, imbalances in blood sugar can lead to serious diseases like type 2 diabetes.

Symptoms of a blood sugar imbalance include:

Causes of Blood Sugar Imbalance:

Blood sugar levels become unbalanced when your diet is too high in various forms of sugar, which enter the bloodstream rapidly and can cause mood swings due to extreme elevations in blood glucose. Sugary foods, especially processed ones that contain tons of added sugar, put you on a “sugar high” followed by a “sugar crash.”

Natural Remedies for Blood Sugar Imbalances:

To get blood sugar levels back under control, you’ll need to really reduce, or even to completely eliminate, all sources of refined sugar from your diet. These include:

11. Poor Diet

You’ve probably noticed that almost all of the causes of you feeling like you’re always tired can be partially alleviated through changing your diet. That’s because your diet ultimately impacts your:

Causes of a Poor Diet Causing You To Be Tired:

One of the biggest risk factors for feeling tired all the time is being a “carboholic,” meaning someone who overeats grains, refined carbs and sugary foods. This same person also doesn’t acquire enough healthy fats, proteins, vegetables and essential nutrients that support ongoing energy.

How to Correct a Poor Diet:

Instead of hitting the dreaded 2 p.m. “post-lunch coma,” try changing your diet to incorporate more of these energy-promoting foods:

At the same time, try to limit or avoid the following …