Boric Acid: the Surprising Substance that Kills Yeast, Acne & Bugs (original) (raw)

Boric acid uses

It may sound like a dangerous chemical, but boric acid, derived from boron, is actually an antifungal remedy. How so? Well, boric acid is the key ingredient in a variety of effective and affordable home remedies for some of the most common fungal infections, including athlete’s foot and vaginal yeast infections. And that’s not all.

Do you suffer from frequent eye irritations? An eyewash made at home with boric acid as the key ingredient can be used to cleanse and fight irritations and infections of the eye. Boric acid eyewash may provide soothing relief and helps remove pollutants from the eye.

You might have heard of boric acid being used as a natural pest control as well. It’s true. People have been fighting cockroaches with boric acid for nearly a century. It’s one of the most effective cockroach control agents ever developed, and it can be used as an alternative pest control for roaches and other unwanted invaders.

That said, it’s still important to note that boric acid may present some side effects.

What Is Boric Acid?

What is boric acid? It’s a white powder derived from boron and water that has antibiotic properties against both fungal and bacterial infections. The Journal of Women’s Health has found that boric acid is a safe, alternative, economic option for women with recurrent and chronic symptoms of vaginal yeast infections when conventional treatment fails.

Boric acid (H3BO3) is a white crystalline, oxygen-bearing acid of boron, which is a component of certain minerals and volcanic waters or hot springs. It’s also known as hydrogen borate, boracic acid, orthoboric acid and acidum boricum. You can see from the boric acid formula H3BO3 that it consists of the elements boron, oxygen and hydrogen.

One of the most common and helpful boric acid uses is for nontoxic pest control. The employment of boric acid for ants and other unwanted home invaders actually goes pretty far back. In 1948, it was first registered in the U.S. as an insecticide to control cockroaches, termites, fire ants, fleas, silverfish and many other insects. In combination with its use as an insecticide, boric acid also prevents and destroys existing wet and dry rot in timbers.

It’s also added to salt in the curing of cattle hides, calfskins and sheepskins. The addition of boric acid helps control bacteria development and insects. When it comes to agriculture, boric acid can treat or prevent boron deficiencies in plants.

You can find boric acid in:

If you’re wondering where to buy boric acid, you can typically find it in grocery stores or online.

Boric Acid vs. Borax

Both boric acid and borax are commonly used for pest control. Is borax and boric acid the same thing? Although they are closely related and used in similar fashion, they are not exactly the same thing.

Boric acid is manufactured industrially from borate minerals and brines including borax. Boric acid can be created by reacting borax (sodium tetraborate decahydrate) with a strong mineral acid, such as hydrochloric acid. Centuries ago, Wilhelm Homberg first prepared boric acid from borax using mineral acids.


Boric acid has many health and household uses. Some of the top ways you can use boric acid include:

1. Yeast Infections

Can boric acid actually work as a natural and effective treatment for a vaginal yeast infection? Some experts now recommend intravaginal boric acid as a treatment option for vaginal yeast infections, including Candida infections as well as other infections that can’t be cured by antifungal yeast infection medicines.

For yeast infections, you can use boric acid in suppository form before bed for one to two weeks. The CDC reports that this regimen has clinical and mycologic (branch of biology that deals with fungi) eradication rates of approximately 70 percent. A study published in the journal Diabetes Care has even found that vaginal boric acid suppositories were more effective against candida symptoms in diabetic women than an oral azole medication.

2. Roach Killer

Cockroaches can infest homes and restaurants. Not only are they unsightly and repulsive, but cockroaches can pose serious health risks to humans when they find their way indoors.

Cockroaches pick up germs on the spines of their legs as they crawl through decaying matter, which may be transferred to humans through food contamination, which can lead to illnesses such as E. coli and salmonella. In addition, there is a link between cockroaches and a greater occurrence of asthma and allergy attacks as their droppings, saliva and skin sheddings contain potent allergens known to trigger allergic reactions and exacerbate asthma symptoms, especially in children.

Thankfully, boric acid is very effective when it comes to getting rid of cockroaches. These creepy crawlers succumb to boric acid simply by crawling over treated areas. The tiny particles of powder adhere to a cockroach’s body and the roach ingests the powder as it preens it from its legs and antennae. The greasy outer covering of the insect’s body also absorb some of the boric acid. All species of cockroaches are susceptible to boric acid as long as you apply the powder in the areas where the roaches live.

People also use boric acid to kill ants, fleas, termites, silverfish, beetles, wood borers and other parasites.

3. Eyewash

When it’s heavily diluted with water, boric acid can be used to create an easy and effective eyewash. Whether it’s a minor irritation or the more serious and contagious eye infection, a boric acid eye wash solution can help eye problems by treating any bacterial infection and soothing inflamed eyes. That includes relief of pink eye symptoms.

In case you’re doubting the use of boric acid in your eyes, even well-established eye washes list boric acid as one of the main ingredients. To relieve symptoms of eye irritations and infections, a homemade boric acid eyewash can easily be made carefully at home.

4. Acne

Some people recommend boric acid for use in home acne treatments. It also appears as an ingredient in some topical products that treat acne and other skin issues.

Is boric acid safe for skin? Boric acid is naturally antibacterial, and since there is a link between some forms of acne and bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes), it can help kill the bacteria causing breakouts. However, boric acid is not a foolproof acne remedy and can significantly irritate the skin. Many countries have actually outlawed its use in cosmetics. It also gets a very high (negative) score of 7 out of 10 for health concerns by the Environmental Working Group.

5. Athlete’s Foot

Boric acid power can also treat fungal infections, such as athlete’s foot and toenail fungus. Just a few sprinkles of the boric acid powder in your socks or stockings can help clear mild infections and ease the itching associated with athlete’s foot. An added bonus: It can also neutralize the foot odor from athlete’s foot, providing relief for stinky feet.

Why is boric acid effective at treating athlete’s foot? The acid changes the pH of your skin and helps remove dead skin that feeds the fungus. Boric acid is a seriously potent fungicide, and it often clears up athlete’s foot in cases where antifungal creams have failed.

6. Household Cleaner

You can use boric acid around the house as a cleanser, deodorizer, stain remover, disinfectant and mold killer. You can add boric acid to your next load of laundry for more stain-fighting power. You can also use it to clean the toilet bowl with very minimal effort required — simply put it in and wait 30 minutes.

Boric acid uses - Dr. Axe

How to Use

1. For recurring yeast infections

For yeast infections, you can make your own boric acid suppositories by filling size zero gelatin capsules with boric acid. This equals approximately 600 milligrams of boric acid. The standard yeast infection treatment is to insert one boric acid–filled capsule filled with 300 to 600 milligrams in the vagina at bedtime for 14 continuous days.

The standard yeast infection treatment is typically done for two weeks, and then to help prevent the infection from coming back you can use a 300 milligram capsule for five days each month beginning the first day of the menstrual cycle for at least six months. After six months you should stop using the boric acid and if another infection develops, see your doctor.

2. To make a boric acid eyewash

You should use pharmaceutical grade boric acid powder. First, sterilize an eye cup or eyedropper. Next, mix 1/8 of a teaspoon of boric acid into one cup of cooled, sterilized water, making sure the acid dissolves completely.

If using an eye cup, fill the cup and lower your eye onto it. Blink and roll your eye around several times. If using an eyedropper, squeeze the rubber bulb on the top of the dropper. Then dip the open end into the eyewash. Tip your head back and squeeze the bulb to release the fluid. Repeat several times. Repeat up to three times per day. Always make sure to sterilize your tools each time.

3. For athlete’s foot

Mix boric acid and rubbing alcohol in the following ratio: two teaspoons boric acid to one cup of rubbing alcohol or water. Apply to feet with cotton swabs. You can also put the dry powder into the ends of socks or stockings to treat or prevent athlete’s foot.

4. To kill cockroaches and other unwanted pests

The key to success with boric acid is proper application. Kitchens and bathrooms are the most common areas to find cockroaches, although any area of a home may become infested if the infestation is bad enough. Cockroaches specifically prefer to live in cracks, crevices and secluded areas close to food, moisture and warmth.

For best results, the powder should be applied in a very thin layer barely visible to the naked eye around the area you think the cockroaches are originating from in your home. Key areas for treatment include under and behind the refrigerator, stove and dishwasher; into the opening where plumbing pipes enter walls; and into cracks along edges and corners inside cabinets and pantries.

You want to keep children and pets away from the areas where you apply the acid. Although boric acid is safer than chemical pesticides, it’s still toxic to pets and children, especially if ingested.

5. To remove stains and odor from clothing

Simply add half a cup of boric acid to your regular laundry load. You can also put half a cup of the acid into your toilet bowl and let it sit for 30 minutes. Not only does the boric acid remove stains, but it also removes unpleasant odor.

Side Effects and Precautions

Is boric acid safe for humans? As long as you use it correctly and safely, it can be safe. Never use boric acid internally by mouth, on open wounds, or on children. Swallowing boric acid can be fatal. If swallowed, seek emergency medical attention.

For this reason, always keep boric acid out of the reach of children. The infant death rate from boric acid poisonings is high. However, poisoning is considerably rarer than in the past because the substance is no longer used as a disinfectant in nurseries.

When boric acid is used in capsules as a vaginal suppository, skin irritation can sometimes occur. Boric acid should not be used in any way if you are pregnant.

Don’t use boric acid eyewash while wearing contact lenses, and wait at least 15 minutes after using boric acid eyewash before putting your contact lenses in. Don’t use a boric acid eyewash if you have open wounds in or near the eyes. You should get medical help right away if you have any such wounds. Of course, you should also see a doctor if you experience any eye pain, changes in vision, continued redness or irritation of the eye after using a boric acid eyewash.

Never apply boric acid onto countertops or other exposed surfaces, especially those used to prepare food. If boric acid gets on your skin, remove it by washing the area thoroughly. If pure boric acid comes in contact with your eyes, wash them out with cool water for 15 minutes. If you accidentally swallow boric acid, seek medical attention immediately.

Final Thoughts

What is boric acid used to treat? When used properly and safely, boric acid can serve as an effective treatment for: